Okay, I picked up a Golden Boy. Wow, I have to say this mech is a hard one to figure out. It seems identical to the 18, except in top speed. However, the GB is much harder to make effective, unlike the 18 or 19. Hard to believe a little speed makes that much of a difference. I think I went 7 or 8 matches before I even got a kill. It will be an interesting challenge to see if I can figure out a play style that allows the GB to be effective. Right now, I'm far too aggressive in it.
I'm currently running an XL290, 3 MPLs, and 5 SRM4s.
I switched my build to one someone posted earlier:
2 MLs
5 streaks (Adv target decay, 360 target retention)
Much more reliable build, provided you don't Leroy Jenkins it too much. SRMs just flat out don't work on this mech, which is quite counterintuitive unfortunately. They're too hot and they require you to face your enemy too much. Streaks work so much better because you can fire without actually facing your enemy. Also, the LL gives you the ability to fight at range a bit, which is helpful for a slow mech like the GB.
Anyway, I'm really enjoying the Kintaros. They are supremely effective light killers, which quite frankly gives me wood because I really, really, really hate lights. I'm enjoying them so much more than my Blackjacks.
Edited by NRP, 05 October 2013 - 01:00 PM.