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Uac5 Overpowered? Are You Kidding Me

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#141 Livewyr


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Posted 12 September 2013 - 11:51 PM

cdrolly, are you afraid of having to pick your weapon of choice instead of the decision being made for us all?

#142 Drollzy


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Posted 13 September 2013 - 03:29 AM

View PostLivewyr, on 12 September 2013 - 11:51 PM, said:

cdrolly, are you afraid of having to pick your weapon of choice instead of the decision being made for us all?

Mate im killing more than dying and winning more than i am losing so happy there... But not happy with the QQ's in everygame... why give PGI $110 extra dollars if the game is going down a road i dont like... its called consumerism,,, its my right too... I could get a starfarer in star citizen with that money to compliment my Constellation.

#143 Drollzy


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Posted 13 September 2013 - 03:42 AM

View Postcdrolly, on 13 September 2013 - 03:29 AM, said:

No its not about that princess its about the QQing...

Mate im killing more than dying and winning more than i am losing so happy there... But not happy with the QQ's in everygame... why give PGI $110 extra dollars if the game is going down a road i dont like... its called consumerism,,, its my right too... I could get a starfarer in star citizen with that money to compliment my Constellation.

#144 Livewyr


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Posted 13 September 2013 - 04:26 AM

could you repost that (again) with an answer that makes sense and is tied to the UAC5, "princess?"

#145 Voivode


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Posted 13 September 2013 - 07:22 AM

If a single weapon is deciding how the majority of matches play out...then it's imbalanced. I want people to be able to run a wide variety of builds and weapons and (barring them being completely inept) perform ok in a match. Telling everyone to adjust (i.e. just run a flavor of the month build) makes for a very stale and unexciting game.

#146 Kin3ticX


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Posted 13 September 2013 - 09:25 AM

View Postcdrolly, on 12 September 2013 - 10:44 PM, said:

Suddenly every idiots a ***** expert.... Sick of all you QQ crying because you got killed... Thats all it sounds like it dosen't matter what weapon was used if you die by it more than twice ina a row you cry NERF!!! Harden up you bunch of panzies... If you die gues what a new game starts get over it and adjust you gameplay. PGI you started this downward spiral by listening to all the QQ's and are losing your hardcore supporters... I am so close to demanding a refund for my overlord and saber pack! Dont you touch the UAC5 and stop the over the top Nerfs or you have lost access to my wallet.

Angry ***

More likely you fell victim to the 10% jam rate reduction blunder by PGI.

So, im nothing but QQ if i think a weapon with 9 DPS is not something worth voicing?

Edited by Kin3ticX, 13 September 2013 - 09:29 AM.

#147 Bacl


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Posted 13 September 2013 - 09:52 AM

The UAC5 are not OP, they are actually pretty good now with the 15% chance of jamming. The main problem about these are the lack of competition, the other canons specialy the AC20 and AC2 got dragged in the mud by the nerfs and dont get me started with the energy weapons with ghost heat/ weapon linkage. The only reason we see so many UAC5 in games is the lack of alternatives, energy wise to match ( or trying) the dps on 2 UAC5's you either need 4 large lasers, 4 PPc's or 8 mediums lasers... This is the great outline i dont want to go in the deep maths but its just to help you visualise and get an idea, If you want the full UAC5 Math i suggest you check Amaris the Usurper's post here : http://mwomercs.com/...amage-analysis/

Anyhow we all know what happens if we group these. So no UAC5 is not OP its the rest that got nerfed too much, BUt PGI in its infinite wisdom will buff the rest? NO! it will nerf the UAC5 since its the easiest way to do it.

#148 The Boz


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Posted 13 September 2013 - 02:42 PM

So, it's not the UAC5 that is better than every other gun, it's every other gun that is worse than the UAC5?


#149 R Razor


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Posted 13 September 2013 - 06:02 PM

The UAC's are not OP however allowing the use of Macros to eliminate jamming has caused them to lose the only true balancing factor that PGI limited them with..........that is the only issue with UAC's.

Until people with a lack of true skill are prevented from utilizing Macros they will never be balanced as intended.

#150 The Boz


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Posted 13 September 2013 - 06:13 PM

View PostR Razor, on 13 September 2013 - 06:02 PM, said:

The UAC's are not OP however allowing the use of Macros to eliminate jamming has caused them to lose the only true balancing factor that PGI limited them with..........that is the only issue with UAC's.

Until people with a lack of true skill are prevented from utilizing Macros they will never be balanced as intended.

You must have missed the whole "highest DPS even without the macro" thing.

#151 Warge


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Posted 13 September 2013 - 06:17 PM

View PostMadCat02, on 11 September 2013 - 03:42 PM, said:

Not to mentions that UAC5 isn't ideal weapon to defend vs light mechs .

Not ideal but succesful. When Light Mech starts circling around my 3*UAC5 3*ML Ilya - it's dead Mech. :D

#152 Viral Matrix


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Posted 13 September 2013 - 07:38 PM

There will always be a weapon that kills your mech. All weapons do damage to your mech.

Its the current UAC/5 implementation that irks me. Theres no way to avoid jamming. The UAC/5 fires as fast as an AC/2, and at times even faster. They really need to inject some choice/skill into this weapon. Right now, you just smash the button down until you jam(or you carry multiple UAC/5 and never care if one jams), continue on firing with your other weapons until the jam clears and its back to facerollin.

If i could make a change, id give the UAC/5 a standard fire rate equal to the AC/5. So if you just hold the button down, it works like an AC/5, without the possibility of jamming. But while its reloading, you could rapidly mash the fire key, to up the fire rate, all the way up to what its at now, or half-second, but now youd have the possibility jamming. Id put the jam chance at the original 25%.

Perhaps, if you mash it too fast like every .25 seconds, it could increase the Jam chance. Wouldnt be bad to have a sliding jam chance. So if you try to shoot every .25 seconds the jam chance is like 75% but at .75 seconds its 20% and at 1 second 15%, etc.

This would give the UAC/5 at least some reliability, but with the option and choice to increase your damage. I doubt that without macros, you could achieve the same AC/2-like rate of fire we have now. Granted macro users could then dial in whatever jam rate they felt comfortable with. But macro users arent the majority, i think.

Edited by Viral Matrix, 13 September 2013 - 07:39 PM.

#153 ShortBusBully


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Posted 13 September 2013 - 08:27 PM

View PostViral Matrix, on 13 September 2013 - 07:38 PM, said:

There will always be a weapon that kills your mech. All weapons do damage to your mech.

Its the current UAC/5 implementation that irks me. Theres no way to avoid jamming. The UAC/5 fires as fast as an AC/2, and at times even faster. They really need to inject some choice/skill into this weapon. Right now, you just smash the button down until you jam(or you carry multiple UAC/5 and never care if one jams), continue on firing with your other weapons until the jam clears and its back to facerollin.

If i could make a change, id give the UAC/5 a standard fire rate equal to the AC/5. So if you just hold the button down, it works like an AC/5, without the possibility of jamming. But while its reloading, you could rapidly mash the fire key, to up the fire rate, all the way up to what its at now, or half-second, but now youd have the possibility jamming. Id put the jam chance at the original 25%.

Perhaps, if you mash it too fast like every .25 seconds, it could increase the Jam chance. Wouldnt be bad to have a sliding jam chance. So if you try to shoot every .25 seconds the jam chance is like 75% but at .75 seconds its 20% and at 1 second 15%, etc.

This would give the UAC/5 at least some reliability, but with the option and choice to increase your damage. I doubt that without macros, you could achieve the same AC/2-like rate of fire we have now. Granted macro users could then dial in whatever jam rate they felt comfortable with. But macro users arent the majority, i think.

Neither are whiners except on the forums

#154 General Taskeen


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Posted 13 September 2013 - 09:15 PM

View PostRoyalewithcheese, on 12 September 2013 - 06:55 PM, said:

Here's the nerf: https://twitter.com/...246199259566080

My take is that it's unnecessary, but not the worst balance decision ever. Looking forward to what they do to remove dicerolls from the equation entirely, myself.

Lol, if that's the case. The Devs are truly clueless.

Enjoy your 80 damage alpha UAC/20's PGI.

Let's give a clap for keeping rolling virtual dice in the game, sigh. Yo Devs, TT damage values do not work for UAC's in real time. Please do an actual re-implementation of UAC mechanics.

Edited by General Taskeen, 13 September 2013 - 09:20 PM.

#155 Solahma


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Posted 14 September 2013 - 12:11 AM


Edited by Solahma, 14 September 2013 - 12:14 AM.

#156 TOGSolid


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Posted 14 September 2013 - 12:34 AM

View PostThe Boz, on 13 September 2013 - 06:13 PM, said:

You must have missed the whole "highest DPS even without the macro" thing.

Of course they did. Because reality isn't lining up with their personal fantasy land they've made up for themselves. All these posts from people claiming the UAC is fine and everyone else is a whiner is due to them all imagining themselves to be skilled players that know everything there is to know about the game. However, the actual facts don't match what they desperately want to believe so they instead choose to ignore the facts.

It's the tactic used whenever a current, blatantly in need of balancing meta is getting called out because these players don't want their crutch kicked out from under them. The same arguments were used when the obviously broken SRM splatcats were running around and with the PPC/Gauss {Scrap}. Then the problem gets fixed and they declare the game to be dead and that all the noobs are ruining the game. Lather, rinse, repeat.

Edited by TOGSolid, 14 September 2013 - 09:56 AM.

#157 Alex Gorsky


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Posted 14 September 2013 - 06:57 AM

Can be to make mechanics UAC like autocannons in MW3. Let them cooldown smaller than autocannons, but they shoot at burst mode, and the main objective will be to hit target all rounds (damage=5/rounds).

#158 Hythos


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Posted 14 September 2013 - 07:52 AM

It's probably be best for the game if they were to disable double-shots and make them singles until they work out their modifications.
Else, other weapons will be effected/balanced against it now, in what is clearly an unintnded state.

Also, the "risk vs reward" argument is invalid, as it does not support the "NO risk" factor when using 2/3's of the prime argument: IE, use of 2xUAC's without XL's. Usage of a pair still out DPS's something that should be more fearsome, like an AC/20 or 2xLarge Pulse LASERs... Heck, even 5-6xMedium LASERs, where they absolutely are not.

#159 R Razor


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Posted 14 September 2013 - 04:23 PM

View PostThe Boz, on 13 September 2013 - 06:13 PM, said:

You must have missed the whole "highest DPS even without the macro" thing.

And you must have missed "that's the way PGI designed them and they've always been powerful weapons in the game whether it be TT or computer" because if you hadn't you wouldn't ********* such nonsense from your orifice.

Take Macros away and button pushers don't do the same damage, bottom line.

#160 TOGSolid


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Posted 14 September 2013 - 08:30 PM

View PostR Razor, on 14 September 2013 - 04:23 PM, said:

And you must have missed "that's the way PGI designed them and they've always been powerful weapons in the game whether it be TT or computer" because if you hadn't you wouldn't ********* such nonsense from your orifice.

Take Macros away and button pushers don't do the same damage, bottom line.

You do realize UACs currently have no risk to them because their double fire mode, with jams taken into account, does more DPS than single fire meaning it's totally safe to just lean on the trigger, right?

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