The main change we discussed was for the antenna. The BattleMaster traditionally has 2 antenna, and it just doesn't quite feel the same without the second. My brother and I both agreed that this was the most important change, and if only one of these changes could be implemented, we would prefer it be this one.
BattleMaster Auxit (copied from my brother's post, two down from mine)
After that, we discussed possible changes to the cockpit. However, having seen the recent image of the Battlemaster that was posted on twitter, the cockpit already looks plenty represented - yet the second antennae was still missing. As such, I have kept the request for the second antennae, but have archived the rest of the original post below:
Any thoughts?
(Also check out my brother's post two down from mine.)
Edited by Tvae, 08 October 2013 - 11:38 AM.