I would not post critical rants about this on any other venue. I thinkits internal here on the forum where any gripes should be met. Trying to scarlett letter PGI is not going to help this game and frankly I have a desire for it to suceed.
On the other hand all the status quo white nights and the forum mods deleting posts and threads have brought many to feel they have no voice. Never mind it being heard. I have spent money here along with most posters and I should be able to tell it like it is. Those who are constant defenders with no allowance for criticism have forced this to leave the venue.
I have watched this since I started playing and its been a constant drumbeat getting louder each month. The fact PGI has let this go on without either adressing it or rushing to introduce fixes has contrubuted to it. If they said sorry, were far behind but heres what were doing months ago most would say " okay we understand" . Instead they acted like we the customers were ignorant and the problem. No bussienss survives like that for long. I have to think whomever calls the shots has an ego ten miles wide. Its an institional problem, not the devs or the players. Its the management. The fish rots from the head. Remmeber that.

Patch And Launch Day - Sept 17Th!
Started by InnerSphereNews, Sep 17 2013 08:43 AM
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