BLOOD WOLF, on 16 February 2014 - 11:00 PM, said:
IS there a clan council at the moment? i think this question was asked not to long ago, if not it should be up to the Ilkhan to determine the difficulty and if not then the clan khans.
There is always a Clan Council, what varies is how many sit upon it. The Il Khan does not rule like a king, he is more of a General of generals. He has wide powers but not absolute rule. Even Nicholas had to gain the councils sanction for the annihilation of Clan Wolverine (which was not as close a vote as some would think if you link together the alliances)
Wolverine was tight with Mongoose and Widowmaker who all had reasons to hate Nicholas or his vision, Burrock and Blood Spirit were pretty much inward looking and by culture were probably unreceptive to Nicholas's growing control, thats 10 right there. Snow Ravens would have been against Wolverine no matter what but Sea Fox hated Snow Ravens, so they probably supported Wolverine. If McEvedy swung a couple more "isolationist" type Clans like Cloud Cobra or Nova Cat its getting near even.
No wonder Nicholas wanted to make an example of them
But Mcevedy got goaded into insulting the clans and that killed off several of the Khan alliances and started the terminal slope to oblivion.