Cry In Fear Mechwarriors.
Posted 20 September 2013 - 09:30 AM
Posted 20 September 2013 - 09:34 AM
Posted 20 September 2013 - 09:34 AM
Interceptor12, on 20 September 2013 - 09:30 AM, said:
Clan tech really wasn't THAT OP in MW4... hopefully they'll go the road of "Trade-offs for both so nothing becomes really cheesy" rather than PGI's normal MO of "Slap s**t together and watch it fail, then patch the symptoms and add BS mechanics that also fail and suck without really doing anything useful".
Posted 20 September 2013 - 09:42 AM
Alek Ituin, on 20 September 2013 - 09:34 AM, said:
Clan tech really wasn't THAT OP in MW4... hopefully they'll go the road of "Trade-offs for both so nothing becomes really cheesy" rather than PGI's normal MO of "Slap s**t together and watch it fail, then patch the symptoms and add BS mechanics that also fail and suck without really doing anything useful".
yeah a lot of things are halfassed in this game. but i think they will put some thought into the clans. (hopefully).
they said they would not make clan tech OP. so we'll see what that means, and how it pans out
Posted 20 September 2013 - 09:45 AM
Jin Ma, on 20 September 2013 - 09:42 AM, said:
yeah a lot of things are halfassed in this game. but i think they will put some thought into the clans. (hopefully).
they said they would not make clan tech OP. so we'll see what that means, and how it pans out
What I really enjoyed was that while Clan tech generally had weight, space, and damage advantages, IS equipment generally created less heat and fired faster.
So you had reasons to bring both Clan and IS tech, and it wasn't a cheese fest of "ONLY CLEN TEK FOR TEH MEKZ" like Clan fans apparently think it should be.
This is just my opinion on it though, others may feel differently.
Edited by Alek Ituin, 20 September 2013 - 09:46 AM.
Posted 20 September 2013 - 10:00 AM
Interceptor12, on 20 September 2013 - 09:30 AM, said:
I wouldn't worry to much. With Ghost Heat that thing will explode the first time you fire. You would have a better chance of living on the surface of the sun than trying to use that.
Posted 20 September 2013 - 10:04 AM
WarHippy, on 20 September 2013 - 10:00 AM, said:
I've been running a dual AC/20 jager in the current meta for the past four days. With DHS (which the IIC will have), an alpha puts me at 35% heat.
Ghost heat won't be a problem.
Posted 20 September 2013 - 10:10 AM
Alek Ituin, on 20 September 2013 - 09:45 AM, said:
I personally assume that the Hunchback IIC is going to launch with dual Ultra AC-10's.
If you don't nerf the weight and space advantages of clan tech, it's not nerfed.
Posted 20 September 2013 - 10:12 AM
TheBossHammer, on 20 September 2013 - 10:04 AM, said:
Ghost heat won't be a problem.
That IIc is using Ultra AC/20's. It will be a problem.
Edited by WarHippy, 20 September 2013 - 10:13 AM.
Posted 20 September 2013 - 10:20 AM
WarHippy, on 20 September 2013 - 10:12 AM, said:
No it's not, before the fix to the Uac/5 any mech carrying 2x of those was dealing the equivalent to 4x Ac 20 (in the same time period)
The Ilya with 3x Uac/5 was dealing the equivalent 6x Ac 20 dmg so the hunchbakc IIC won't be bringing any kind of unseen raw dmg.
Also consider the XL engine plus Endo in stock loadout and as much you'll get 1-2 spare tons to max armor so the IIC would be a kill or die mech asap it walks in the battlefield ( or LUrm feast anyway )
Posted 20 September 2013 - 10:37 AM
Lord Perversor, on 20 September 2013 - 10:20 AM, said:
The Ilya with 3x Uac/5 was dealing the equivalent 6x Ac 20 dmg so the hunchbakc IIC won't be bringing any kind of unseen raw dmg.
Also consider the XL engine plus Endo in stock loadout and as much you'll get 1-2 spare tons to max armor so the IIC would be a kill or die mech asap it walks in the battlefield ( or LUrm feast anyway )
Yeah, you need to reread the conversation that was going on. I wasn't talking about damage at all. I was talking about ghost heat and the nightmare that will cause when trying to use this mech.
Edited by WarHippy, 20 September 2013 - 10:42 AM.
Posted 20 September 2013 - 10:49 AM
WarHippy, on 20 September 2013 - 10:37 AM, said:
Not sure with 4secs of reload an skilled player can put up the 4x shots without incur in the heat penalty or barely being affected by it.
I'm way more worried about the nova ( after witnessing how devastating a HBK-4P with 7 meds can be) a good pilot should be able to fire all the weaponry twice in the same time as the IIC ( without being hit by ghost heat) and thats 41 points of dmg per 6ermlas at 350 range??
A whooping 164 dmg and that thing should be running at 95kph and maxed armor when elited and stock config.
Posted 20 September 2013 - 10:50 AM
WarHippy, on 20 September 2013 - 10:12 AM, said:
The heat is the same, as long as you don't double tap you'll be fine. If you do double tap, whatever you are shooting at will be dead before you break your full heat, so who cares?
If two shots puts you at 35%, then 4 will be 70%. That means on your 6th shot you'll overheat. Aside from an Atlas, there's nothing in the game that can take 6 AC/20 shots (120 damage!!!!!!! IN 6 SECONDS!!!!!!), and as part of a team, that's just dirty.
Edited by TheBossHammer, 20 September 2013 - 10:54 AM.
Posted 20 September 2013 - 11:02 AM
TheBossHammer, on 20 September 2013 - 10:50 AM, said:
Well I care I guess. I don't want mechs or weapons to be handicapped because of a silly game mechanic. The heat on this is going to be monstrous if you try to use it the way it is meant to be used. Similar problem with the Nova Lord Perversor mentioned. In fact Clan mechs in general are going to struggle in a lot of ways because of ghost heat and the future changes the devs have in store for them. Depending on what changes the devs implement to bring them closer in line with the Inner Sphere equipment we could see some systemically broken Clan mechs.
Posted 20 September 2013 - 11:14 AM
WarHippy, on 20 September 2013 - 11:02 AM, said:
Ghost heat will punish lazy Alphaers not the builds per se.
Fire group 1 2x Ac 20
Fire group 2 both Ac 20 on chain fire
Hit 1 then release heat it's at 35% , wait untile recharge bar it's at mid hit Fire group 2.
The double tap trigger firing the 3rd and 4th shoots outside the penalty time and before recharge ends.
Now you are rdy for 2nd round and the heat dissipation will allow to fire 3 to 4 Alphas without overheat.
Posted 20 September 2013 - 11:16 AM
WarHippy, on 20 September 2013 - 11:02 AM, said:
I never said I liked Ghost heat. I'm just pointing out that the Dual UAC20 setup is fine, and actually is going to be bloody terrifying when it comes out. Considering it weighs two tons less than the AC20, puts out double the shots and has the exact same stats otherwise, it's still going to be a terror in a metagame like the one we have. PPC's and ERLL's are in the same boat, since the added range and damage on Clan beam weapons will override the problems that Ghost Heat causes.
Quite frankly, if Clan Mechs are going to be in 12v12 games, then they need some kind of a nerf anyway. This is the loadout on a Timberwolf:
Primary Configuration
- 2 x ER Large Lasers
- 2 x ER Medium Lasers
- 1 x Medium Pulse Laser
- 2 x LRM-20s
- 2 x Machine Guns
Edited by TheBossHammer, 20 September 2013 - 11:17 AM.
Posted 20 September 2013 - 12:11 PM
[color=#000000]Alt. Config. D - This configuration mounts a pair of ER PPCs as its primary weapons. These are supported by four Streak SRM-6 launchers with two in the left torso and two in the right torso. One Streak SRM-6 on both torsos is rear mounted. A single ER Small Laser
48 points just from the Streaks SRM 6 then add 2 Clan Erppc for 30 points total points of damage is 78 point....
Edited by Bullseye69, 20 September 2013 - 12:12 PM.
Posted 20 September 2013 - 12:20 PM
At the rate things are going it will be at least another 75 years until clan mechs are put into this game.
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