well for starters i didnt say to remove the spider from the game untill its fix so please dont put word in my mouth. second you say you and peef are the only ones trying to collect data as evidance......well where is it???
so fare in this tread the only things ive seen come from either you or peef are insults and threats. i made a post yesterday apologizing thinking that i some how offended you...i retract my apology. and if you think the ability to throw out a bunch of insults some how places you in a higher intelligence bracket then you are a bigger tw!t then first presumed! pull your head in fool!
Immaturity- Denial often is expressed through immature behavior, which can leave a person incapable of dealing with life's responsibilities.
It would seem obvious that I did not see it then, wouldn't it? Much as apparently you haven't seen anything from Peef & I but insults. Let's see 2 vids so far, canon related data on LM's & Spider, explinations in regards to ping, network latency & jitter and how they impact gameplay and how this ties into HSR. Detail into hitboxes vs HSR/'netcode' in regards to what is reported as taking place, and questions posed directly to you in regards to these...
Nor, did I state
i didnt say to remove the spider from the game untill its fix so please dont put word in my mouth. second you say you and peef are the only ones trying to collect data as evidance......well where is it???
IF you read what I said it was...
Where as it has been your 'camps' claim that the spider itself should be 'addressed' or removed from play because of 'hitbox issues' (get that last word, implication being multiple) when data, and pgi's own statement that the leading cause seems to be the HSR. To that end it has been Peef & I, and our 'camp' who have been trying to collect the information and data for more accurate assessment, to that end asking and cajoling people to collect videos and provide relevant information rather than merely troll the forums and post the tripe as the second quote above.
that 2nd quote being
i agree with you %100. but there are certain people in this post that will state that your a s#!t player you have no idea what your talking about then try to show how superior thay are in comparison to every one else that post on the forums and plays the game.
. That word 'camp' denotes sides...not individuals...
what a d!ck head... seriously.
Enjoy easy mode while you can princess... Cos it will get fixed. I wish my ELO was so low that I could come across you in a match. Alas I will have to wait for you to get skillz and judging by defense of easy mode that will be a long wait.
Or perhaps it's your stupid arse that needs to come up to myne. I'm the '{Richard Cameron}' for telling someone to report people for playing a mech if their going to state it's exploitable? I'm not the moron attacking people in game chat for playing any particular mech. I'm not the genius running around talking about 'easymode' either... I'm one of the guys actually trying to help figure out something to try to lead to a better game and create understanding about what is taking place rather than putting on a blindfold and throwing darts at a wall to find the 'problem'. If that's being a '{Richard Cameron}', I've got no problem with it...I know that I am at least trying to be productive as opposed to playing the part of the screaming 2 yr old in the grocery store.
p.s. Cdrolly there would be the genius who made the comment
PGI should remove the mech from game until its fixed. Spiders are easy mode anybody with half a brain can see this both when shooting at them and piloting them. Anybody who claims they are not broken is a half wit.
p.p..s. If you want to be sure i see something, you obviously know how to look at my profile, try clicking that button that says 'send message'.
Edited by Mehlan, 25 September 2013 - 03:59 AM.