Mudhutwarrior, on 16 November 2013 - 05:20 AM, said:
Like everyone knows all that. Been said ten thousand times. The issue is casuals, pugs and new players should have teamspeak too.
You all say its a team game except it isnt. Its a 4 man or 8 man game and the rest are in the dark or stuck with keyboard. A team game means all 12 have the same channel in voice. Really is it that hard to understand? Been voip in game since 1999. Is this a throwback to table top? An old farts excuse to make up for poor reaction times against 12 year olds?
Just defies all known logic.
Last time I checked TEAMSPEAK was a free client download and most channels are free to use. You might have to answer 4 questions on a request to join forum the very first time you go but that is nothing (This is so some groups out there cannot Flood/Crash/JAM the TS Server by having 1000 of their friends all log in at the same time during CW battles)
I do understand your issue but if you were to go to any of the larger servers (500+ user size)servers and ask for a SOLO DROP ONLY section with maybe 10 channels under it so you and whomever you end up with during your random drop could have a place to go for that match, those servers would happily do it. It's how we do Marik Monday Madness. 50-80 players, all solo, no teams, all in the same mode, maybe doing a challenge by all trying the same trial mech for a drop. Once the game launches we simply call out the channel during the start up, people tab out, change channel, and come back into the game, when the match ends we all go back to the main channel. Best part is that you DON"T HAVE TO JOIN THE FACTION TO DO THIS. but if even the though of a faction server is to much then go to NGNG or the Comstar Server and get it done there, no problem.
You could even go and do it yourself (why you haven't by now escapes me unless you; a. Didn't think of it (here's your chance) b. to lazy, or c. are just trolling and railing against the "Evil Premade empire") Just remeber if you go and set it up yourself, you have to manage the server, you have to advertise the server and you have to put up with people like yourself who, without even going and checking it out for themselves will just try to tear you down because you are doing something that they are either jealous of or hate simply because they haven't tried it and doing so would force them out of their comfot zone.
TeamSpeak 3 is out there, is a free client download and opens the door to a whole new player experience. Refusing to try it and then raning about it is not only childish, it's also hurtful, spitefull, game damaging, and most likely something that would shame some peoples grandmothers if the Grandmothers knew how some people were being haters.