Marack Drock, on 06 October 2014 - 01:46 PM, said:
If we destroy all Super Natural stuff in the series. We are left with some the Empire as the most powerful super nation/faction. BUT
Here is again my equation based on ALL the movies. You watch them for yourself and you will see the biggest flaw in sense ever.
Ewoks>Empire<>Rebel Alliance>Jedi>Abeloth>Universe
So this means in terms of English:
Ewoks are better than Empire (Star Wars 6), Rebel are equal to or less than Empire (Star War 4 and 5), Jedi are worse than Empire (Star Wars 3, it only took 7 to kill a High Council Member... that is pitiful), Jedi defeated Abeloth (therefore they are greater), and Abeloth was able to manipulate the galaxy (therefore super being and based in the books of Star Wars and we also have Anakin defeated the Ones in the Animated Series which is Canon).
So this means that Ewoks are greater than the Galaxy because of the Math of them being better than the Empire, which is better than the Jedi, which were better than Abeloth, which was able to control Black Holes and stuff. We also have Star Wars 6, Luke Skywalker (a later Jedi Master and apprentice of Yoda) being captured by Ewoks. So.... Ewoks are the gods of Star Wars.... George Lucas's brain allowed Ewoks to be better than the universe.
Kailmaster do the math please. Just watch the Canon movies and that is all you need to see that the only threat there is to BattleTech are Ewoks.
Edit- Also Stormtroopers are so bad a shot they 30 or 40 couldn't hit Han Solo in AN OPEN ROOM! HAN KILLED 2 OF THEM AND NEVER GOT HIT! BY 30! They are the equivalent of the A-Team.
BT wins because their only threat are Ewoks.
My Arguments Are purely Star Wars vs BT right now. Star Trek wins hands down just because of the Klingons and Cardassians.
woah actually i think about ewokes rpelacign those furries

thats how it would look like xD