Posted 07 March 2014 - 11:50 PM
Rise from the dead.
Found this from a Google search, looking for a halo bashing...
Theirs a bit of a lack of evidence being used...
Lets brake it down a bit
I would rank them as such
Star Trek
Star Wars
Star Trek
Heres a more detailed rankings, and some explanations
FTL speeds
Starwars: Starwars ships can cross their own Galaxy in days to months depending on where your traveling I.e. on the well traveled super highways or trail blazing off less well traveled paths. Said galaxy is roughly the size of our own.
Star Trek: the Techmanuals (not necessarily cannon IIRC but where used when writing the show, so I'll use them) indicate that it will take them years to cross their own galaxy, indeed Voyager has them at a cruising speed of around 1,000 light years per year, this speed is mentioned in a early DS9 episode as well, though short term more local speeds they can go quite a bit faster, though not necessarily faster than Wars speeds (though "off roading" for wars can be slower at times than trek). So while Wars is faster over all their average speeds can be a bit situational.
Both Halo and Battletech have the slowest FTL speeds, Though post War UNSC is notably faster than battletech perhaps on par with a typical speed Trek, on the other hand UNSC speeds during the war has some indications of under 1,000 light years per year is a typical speed, which is notably slower than battletechs 1,500 to 3,000 light years (3,000 Ly ironically is roughly Warp 9.6 in trek).
Starwars has the largest territory, controlling the better part of a galaxy, all the other factions only control a tiny fraction of one. Starwars has more worlds than the next one on the list by more than a factor of 100, and that faction has roughly an equal number of worlds as the other two put together (said faction happens to be battletech).
Military capacity
Star wars has the largest navy, The Empire supposedly has tens of thousands of Stardestroyers, with larger numbers of smaller ships...
Trek the Federation only has a few thousand ships, upwards of 10,000 by some calculations IIRC.
Halo the UNSC had at most around 1,000 capital ships AFAIK
Battletech well depending on the time frame, ranges from a few thousand capital ships to only a hand full of capital ships, augmented by numbers of smaller ships (combat dropships).
Sub light speed mobility
Agility wise I would give this to Star Trek
Acceleration wise, theirs some evidence for 1,000+ G acceleration rates for Wars but that's possibly pushing it a bit, I would say Trek and Wars are roughly equal. Battletech is the loser here, average rates of 1G to at best 12Gs on some fighters, is significantly slower than wars and trek. Halo is a bit harder to pin down, post war it's faster (but not as fast as the others), during the war the UNSC is more comparable to B-techs rates... on the all it's roughly comparable to battletech.
Fire power
Ah probably the most controversial argument to deal with
Per some Starwars books Starwars wins down right hard, though theirs not much support for said figures in the rest of the universe, though you can find some here and their. Even with out said figures Star wars is I would say roughly on par with Trek in terms of firepower. Both can find comparable feats in their works (that being in the double to triple digit megaton range).
As for Halo and Battletech, well Halo is a bit of an odd duck, like star wars it has some off the wall numbers that have little support with the rest of the series, but regardless Halo capital weapons can get a respectable mid kiloton to low megaton range fairly easily.
Battletech on the other hand is sadly the loser in all of this getting at best low level kilotons for it's capital weapons.
Military Industry:
Starwars has multiple worlds that are ringed by orbital ship yards, none of the other factions have close to that level of ship production.
Due to it's vastly better FTL speeds, much larger military and not to say controlled territory, Starwars will be at best difficult to beat.
But how do they match up on the ground?
Battletech dose surprisingly well here. It's only real competitor is Star wars, though Star trek can be a problem if they use their cards right. Though to be fair i'm not as well versed with the other series than I am with battletech.
First off Halo
While Halo seems like it can do well, on examination it seems the UNSC could have difficulty's dealing with a real life modern military. The Scorpion Tank has a gun we stopped using on front line tanks more than 50 years ago, and is massively bigger than any real world tank. Their Basic Assault rifle cartridge is supposedly the real life 7.62 NATO (seriously? In 500 years they did not invent something better?)... And one can go on...
Star Trek
Well they do not have much in the way of ground equipment, most of the time they send guys down in Pajamas with dustbusters often with the ships command staff... Though Said dustbuster can be an effective tool if used right, though Teloporters are probably their biggest ace up their sleeve (though often down due to various techno babble), though if available portable shields are also a boon. However for the most part they seem to be used as light infantry and info on heavier weapons is lacking.
Star Wars:
Star wars has a fairly fleshed out military force, with a wide range of capability's, it's infantry are equipped with a wide range of weapons ranging from small arms, squad automatic weapons and anti armor weapons (until recently Halo did not even have a true squad automatic weapon). While it's Walkers are the best known it dose have a range of Highly capable Tanks, though it dose have a few head scratchers. Over all Starwars ground wise should be capable of giving battletech a run for it's money, though it's possible that it could be stronger.
The verse I am most familiar with
The biggest issue for battletech, is in raw numbers, batteltech militarys are smaller than one would expect, most worlds seem to have under 30 regiments, and that's being a bit optimistic.
At the lest if their is one area that battletech dose well is with it's battle armored troops, and post 3067 era battletech has legions of them.
Lets compare the iconic Elemental Suit to the other Iconic powered suited trooper here Halos Spartans (Starwars has the Darktroopers and the Zero G Stormtroopers though, and thoughs can be scary in their own right).
MJOLNIR: ~450 kg
Elemental: 1,000 kg
Power Plant
MJOLNIR: Micro Fusion reactor
Elemental: High capacity Battery (24 hour combat use duration)
Ground Mobility
MJOLNIR: 40+ kph
Elemental: ~11kph ground, 90m Jump capability
Life Support
MJOLNIR: Supposedly 90 minutes
Elemental: 12 hours
MJOLNIR: AFAIK, Helmet HUD, Motion Tracking, IR, Radio and a optional AI
Elemental: HUD, IR, Radar, Night Vision, Radio, and possibly a few others
Armor protection
MJOLNIR: unknown mass, Titanium alloy, most models incorporate a shield generator, highly resilient to most infantry and light vehicle weapons
Elemental: 250kg of B-tech Standard armor (super hard steel alloy & boron nitride composite), resilient to small arms and most vehicle grade weapons, capable of withstanding a burst of 100mm shells (AC-10), a pair of standard Medium lasers or a Particle Projection Cannon hit.
MJOLNIR: None, armored gloves allow it to use any regular infantry weapons, commonly an assault rifle
Elemental: Built in detachable missile launcher with four Short Range missiles, a configurable arm mounted weapons station allows for a wide range of weapons to be installed for a range of missions, common weapons are a rotary 13mm MG (1,500 rounds), a small laser cannon, a flame thrower and so on, these weapons are comparable to their vehicular based counter parts. Lastly an arm mounted anti personnel weapons mount allows for a wide range of infantry weapons for light dutys.
And to say little of the other battletech units