my hottest mech (AWS9M) runs at
0.97 in game. idk what % on mechlab. but my entire mechlab has similar efficiencies, just a couple of points higher usually (two with 1.01), but i have a high heat efficient alpha machine though
it really is a meaningless number the cooling efficiency in practical terms, because i don't use the ER ppcs up close - i only shoot them at range. so that's only the heat of 2 erppc + 1 ppc.
and then for brawling i use 2 medpulse + 1 medlas + 1 srm4. which would be another efficiency.
so my efficiency would ACTUALLY be better graph/mapped by averaging out the heat scale of 2medpulse+1medlas+1srm4
WITH 2erppc+1ppc - for which the whole alpha on both groups summed is
0.97 cooling
(same with my AWS8T > graph averages of 1ERLL + 3LPL
with 1medlas + SRM4+SRM6 for a sum alpha of 1.01 )
which brings me to an interesting point, whenever i recommend this 0.97 heat efficient build to somebody, they tell me it's too hot, probably because they are shooting all the guns like crazy without discipline for when they come into brawling range
oh btw, if you were wondering i don't use LRM on any of my builds, my direct fire builds are just THAT hot.
what i do is i always do as if i was boating LRM - but i "boat" long ranged weapons instead, and then just use green lasers for close quarter; OR i do a reversal of the typical missile boat - i put some long range ppc or large pulse and a ton of srm for close defense - with the same hardpoints some people use for tons of LRM + 2 green laser (ugh), it's the same principle really in all cases, but i just hate using LRMs
Edited by Mazzyplz, 11 February 2014 - 10:56 AM.