Carcass23, on 29 January 2014 - 08:16 AM, said:
Giving out any information about the enemy team is cheating, coaching on basic concepts that give no intel is not cheating.
Giving information on the enemy is exactly what the pilot you're spectating would be doing, if this game had full in-game voice comms like most other team games I see. So all dead people are doing is being voice comm substitutes.
Outing an AFK's location is bad. I have seen several people guard base by playing AFK.
Outing a DC is ok *if* it won't affect the outcome. (I have seen one case where it did matter. Conquest, down to 1v1. The player for the team winning on Resources DCs. One of his teammates globals the location. If the last living player had listened, the DC would've been killed. The last player did not listen, however, so the winning team wound up with 1 DC and the rest Dead.)