An update:
I'm not deranged, or extremely impatient, or misinformed.
This game takes a very long time to find a match for me. That's a fact.
This game takes a long time to load a map, despite being installed on a RAID 0 array of SSD. That's life.
This game was slow to start before, now there's an extra 60s timer. It's too long! That's an opinion!
Maybe this feature should be for 12 v 12 matches, where it's more important to serious players that everyone is ready and organized. These pick up group matches always have one stoner who's not paying attention, one geek chowing down on a snack, or some one in the toilet, or at best a troll who's having fun frustrating 23 other players. And speaking of trolls, something should be done about the troll who joins a game and immediately grabs 'team commander' and then moves people in and out of squads for a laugh. This has happened three times to me since I've patched. I think 'team commander's abilities ought not to extend as far as to rearrange my prearranged four player group. If I drop as a team of four, I don't want a random player to replace my squad mates with strangers! It's wasting valuable time to communicate with these individuals and put things back the way they were!
Edited by Apex Predat0r, 02 October 2013 - 05:47 AM.