Randalf Yorgen, on 04 October 2013 - 07:13 AM, said:
A couple of things OP, First, great post, very clear and easy to follow and I only want to bring up two issues. The first little issue, and it is small but I think worth mentioning. In TT you could "Call Shots" on Stationary and Immobile Targets with a +4 Modifier so your "You get to chose where your shots hit every time you roll a double" was already in TT to some degree. Like I said it was a small point but one I felt should be mentioned.
Thank you. That's interesting. I didn't know about that rule, and i haven't played TT for around 30 years.
Was that only for completely stationary targets? In MWO an Atlas moving at around 50kph might as well be stationary
Secondly, When you describe what Mediums are supposed to do you are a little off the mark. Yes they mainly kill lights but they don't leave the main body to do this. They generally sweep back and forth between where the missile boats have set up and where the Assaults are rallying to deal with any enemy lights that try to pop in there and cause havock. The Hunchback SP and P are very good for this specific roll. Both can be loaded up with SPL and a bigger engine and so that they can easily smack the legs off any light or small medium (yes ciccada, I'm looking at you) that is foolish enough to come close. If Mediums want to add more to the battle the Hunchback J can take 2X LRM10 and a mix of 3X SPL and 2X SL. The Centurian AL can also have some very effective builds that can counter lights, 2X LL (Arm) 2X ML (CT) and two missiles (LRM 5's or SRM 4's with Artimus). The real difference between TT and MWO is that you can't sit back and plan where each shot is going, you have to work it on the fly and this usually leads to a loss of Unit Cohesion which allows one team to pick off the other team one by one. The fact that they increased the Armour did give the lights a slightly bigger boost but it's the ability to think and fight on your feet that gives them the offencive advantage, the counter is which is for the enemy to stick together so that the lights run into a wall of fire and are driven off or killed outright.
Well with the small size of most of the MWO maps i don't really consider it possible to leave the main body, but then i'm starting to think i have a different idea of scale than many other players. To me the weapon ranges in MWO are very short and this together with the small maps means that the game is basically made for brawling (which considering the scale of the mechs i would call fighting at under 500m)
If they hadn't doubled the Armour they would have had to increase the recharge/recycle times of all the weapons to a minimum of double what they are now to a Maximum of 10 seconds. Imagine a SPL that takes 4 seconds between shots or a PPC that takes 8 to recharge or a Gauss that takes a full 10 seconds to reload and recharge. That would make for a very different game than what is being played now.
I would actually love that

Having to consider when to fire certain weapons instead of just spamming them as it is now. It would make the game more tactical imo.
They have also said that inthe future that they will bring Collisions back into the game (maybe they will maybe they won't, not holding my breath) but if they do then lights will really be in a pickle ad it would be quite interesting to see how things adapt to that. I was beta testing when Collisions were first brought in and lights were getting hip checked everywhere and knocked to the ground, 4 seconds to get back on your feet and start moving again is the longest and most painful 4 seconds you will ever endure while playing any game.
Unfortunately i tend not to believe anything PGI say anymore. When it's in the game i'll believe it. Otherwise it's just what was their "position at the time".
I remember knockdowns though. Always thought it was weird that even assaults were so easily knocked down. I did like that it took a while to get back up though. It made me more careful about being aware of my surroundings when piloting a light mech...or any mech actually.
Anyways, that's about it. Great post OP. What do we do with it now?
I don't expect to do anything with it

I just got tired of trying to explain why the slower the mech the worse off it was with the transfer from TT to MWO because the faster the mech the more it stayed true to the random hit location rules of TT.
I did expect certain players to come screaming into the thread though, as it could be interpreted of as a "nerf lights, i can't hit them" post, and i wasn't disappointed

I don't want to nerf lights. Why would i when i play a light and when/if the clans come i'll be getting more lights (depending on what mechs are released) like the Kit Fox?