Wolfways, on 04 October 2013 - 09:51 AM, said:
It's my opinion.
And yes i've heard that assaults are dominating matches and are, in varying degrees, "the most common class" to "the only class worth bringing to a fight". In my matches heavies are the most dominant class by far i'd say, followed by lights, assaults, then mediums.
Actually there's a thread somewhere around here where people are totaling up mechs in their matches and seeing that heavies are actually the most popular. I believe Bryan even said in an interview that Cataphracts are the most popular mechs.
How exactly do you judge the skill needed to pilot a class of mech? Even if you ignore that mechs within a class perform differently there are situations that affect different classes in different ways.
If a pilot does little damage but manages to avoid taking much damage and goes on to win the match by capping is the player a skilled pilot? After all, he used tactics and a knowledge of the battlefield to avoid damage to get a win.
If i'm sitting in a concealed position in my RVN-3L lighting up enemy with TAG for my teams LRM's am i a good pilot? Or do you only consider damage and kills as an indicator of skill? If that's the case then i guess i'm a bad heavy pilot as many times i've left heavily damaged mechs for others to finish off while i go looking for other enemy, but then i don't care about my KDR.
DDC and other atlas's are very popular and those who can pilot them, have stated many times that hitting lights (excluding spiders) is quite easy for them.
Slow turning rate has not been an issue since the skill unlocks have been buffed a long time ago... fact.
You have just proven my point that Ac's have no issue in hitting lights (exclude spider) since it has been proven that heavies are used the most.
Now since AC's have little issue with ammo, heat and hit detection that they are dominating the field.
JJ sniping is still a massive issue and has not been fixed at all.
You list is nearly correct, its Heavies, Assaults, lights, Mediums and Lights are only higher since capping is an option.
I do not care for KDR, I do judge weight class on how much you have to sweat in order to be effective on the field.
This is where Heavies and Assaults are easy, but they are meant to be slow, meant to have torso twisting issues which they do not.
You OP is wrong and not facts, it is your opinion which many people, from Assaults, Heavies and Light pilots has disagreed with your findings.
Yes TT armor got double across the board, but starting off there was already a difference in armor.
Actually doing it the way your suggesting puts the original calculations even more out of whack.
If a light caps the base, it doesn't involve skill at all.
What it mean is the enemy team was lacking the skill/know how to defend their base.
If a light is using ecm and a tag with out any issue then the skill falls to the enemy team not the pilot it self.
These thing involve little skill and little thought to do and lost on why it would be discussed.
I use lights because I can fill the gaps by going from one end to another, I can setup enemy front lines or even get attention to help reduce the enemy ability to focus fire.
Its not easy win, it doesn't work all the time and normally it takes 1 ac20 or 2x PPC to put me in my place.
Once again, skill unlocks are the worse thing to balancing this game and have completely made it very one sided.
Lag shield and ability to cap a base has been the only thing keeping lights alive.
HSR atm and the length of time to cap base has really changed this.