Get reported enough, and they probably will. I probably would not mind to be honest. Did you at least take the time to tell everyone you were a premade? If you are not all the same faction it is literally impossible to tell.
I admit, not being able to tell who is a premade when dropping is problematic. Turning the match into 11v12, plus all the time it takes to find and kill said commander probably is not the option.
To swing more directly onto topic though, I have no problem with accidental teamkilling. We've all accidently clipped the crit rear CT light buzzing around or walked in a friendly line of fire once or twice. If you haven't, you probably will eventually.
Those that do it on purpose though really do skew games in a terrible fashion. Identifying and stopping a teamkiller takes time, armor and in the worst cases, ammo. It literally removes a lance from play while they 'get it together' so to speak. Even in the best cases, it will skew it to 10 v 12, which are not good odds. Those are the sort of things I hope people keep in mind when they see intentional teamkilling, or even 'legging' as someone mentioned. It is well worth a report.
A game on Alpine recently comes to mind. There was a bit more chatter than usual before the match start, a few jokes here and there. The match starts and besides the occasional scout call the only conversation is between one specific lance. They end up strolling late into the battle, probably damaged, down two lance members (The TKer and their friend). It was close enough that I wonder if we would have lost if we had only been fighting the enemy team. The final icing on the cake was that we could not just 'let it go' because as people died before they left they needed to be either reminded of the name or be told the story again outright.
I suppose it is a good sign that people were asking though.
the most rediculous 'friendly fire' incident I've seen is a couple of Liao players opening up on me (Steiner) just because of their RPed grudge. At least wait for the CW...
Edited by Egomane, 21 June 2014 - 02:30 AM.
quote removed, responding to rule violating content