Alek Ituin, on 08 October 2013 - 09:12 PM, said:
Gods help us if the SHD is that tough, it has WAYYYYYY better hardpoint locations than the Cent, and its zombie potential will most likely be incredible just off of that fact alone.
Que? I love the Shadow Hawk as much as the next guy, but what are you talking about? It's got a missile rack in it's head, which means at best you've got like an SRM4 as your zombie weapon, which means that you're dependent on ammo which will have to be stored in the CT.
If that takes a hit, or more likely, you run out, you might be a zombie, but you sure as well aren't going to be fighting back much. If it had an energy hard point(s) in the CT or (as I did in TT) in the head, then yes, it could quite well be a terrific zombie. As it is, not so much.
Edit: looking around a bit more the 2D2 looks to have a Streak launcher mounted in the CT, in addition to the one in the head, so you could possibly run a pair of SRM4s off of a single ton of ammo if you move the jump jet to one of the side torsos. The 5M is the same load out as the 2H, only it carries bigger & better weaponry.
Again, without the lasers in the head or CT I'm not sure how effective a zombie the Shadow Hawk can be.
Edited by ShadowbaneX, 08 October 2013 - 09:47 PM.