With the next game mode "Skirmish" on the horizon what are you thoughts or Concerns?
I thought it was interesting how he said "deathmatch and team deathmatch". This seems to indicate that we'll be getting some sort of FFA or 1v1 matches along with the regular team deathmatch.
I do have plenty of concerns that I hope are addressed if this comes out prior to CW.
1. Would an FFA or 1v1 count toward your Elo? Or would they just be for fun?
2. What sort of mechanisms will you have in place that prevents stalemates?
3. What sort of mechanisms will you have in place that prevents the last guy from running around for 10 minutes to punish the "cheese builds", or whatever?
4. What will happen to Assault mode?
5. Will Skirmish devolve into an assault/heavy sniper snoozefest? I can see it turning into a 1-dimensional game-mode where you just deathball from a super defensible ridge and out-wait your opponent.
Edited by Jman5, 08 October 2013 - 02:09 PM.