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No Sli/crossfire?

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#101 Lulz Kev


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Posted 10 March 2015 - 01:51 PM

This game is a sick sadistic joke.

Who would of thought one of my favorite games would get sold down the river to create this **** show.

I just went SLI myself. I was going to upgrade to a single 970 but I couldn't pass up on the deal I got for my 760.

Its laughable how horrible the game performs now. Not that it played great on a single GPU but running 20-30FPS in a brawl with two gtx 760s @ 1300mhz and my i5 @ 4.8ghz is just a sick joke.

I'm just about done with this game. It's generally inconsistent across all aspects and its finally getting to me. If they don't make leaps and bounds of progress on performance by summertime I'm putting the nail in this games coffin.

Seriously PGI, get your **** together.

#102 xWiredx


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Posted 10 March 2015 - 02:03 PM

Did you not read the SLI discontent before deciding to buy that second card? I mean, really.

#103 Fatbat


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Posted 10 March 2015 - 03:50 PM

This is all very interesting, but clearly there was a move to get SLI working in the game, with staff commenting here about driver releases and whatnot. Unfortunately that all seems to have stalled with little progress for some time now.

I'm running a P9X79 Deluxe with an i7-3820 @ 3.6GHz. I was running it with a GTX 670 on a Dell 24" 1920 x 1200 Ultrasharp and easily pushed 60-80 fps with everything maxed and Post AA (though I had to turn down particle effects because when my own mech was steaming it killed the frame rates bad).

Unfortunately the Dell died in a windstorm about a month ago and it's 7 years old and out of warranty. I picked up a cheap ASUS 23" until I could figure out what quality monitor solution I would go with. I decided on the new BenQ 32" 4k (4ms IPS display) and upgraded to a pair of GTX 980s.

The cards arrived yesterday, but the monitor didn't arrive until today, so I had some time to test them using the 23" at 1080p. With everything maxed and with no AA on it would stick around 180 fps, sometimes hitting 200. With MSAA this would drop into the 130-150 fps range. With TXAA it would drop down to around 80-100 fps.

I need to experiment with the 4K some more and will report back after I get some work done.

#104 Fatbat


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Posted 11 March 2015 - 08:36 AM

Alright, well, after some playing around with various settings last night, and participating in a few online games, I can report satisfactory results with Mechwarrior in 4K. SLI on or off makes little difference to performance, maybe a tiny bit better, but not enough to be noticeable.

I tried all graphics settings and AA methods and have settled on everything set to "very high" with no AA turned on, with V-synch on. Post AA makes almost no visual difference IMO and gives a slight performance hit.

Early results were 30-60 fps with "very high" and no AA. I dropped to everything on "high" and got closer to a solid 60 fps but it would still dip down into the 40s at times. Then I made a startling revelation. I always played on "full window" so it made it easier to switch to my second monitor for things like Teamspeak and Skype. However, when I switched to "fullscreen" I experience a full 50% frame rate improvement! This now puts me solidly into the 70-80 fps range with "very high" no AA settings and means that with V-synch on I experience an almost solid 60 fps. Occasionally in heavy action this dips into the 50s, but that's certainly tolerable. V-synch off produces more ghosting and blur. IMO the image quality is better with it on.

So there you have it. Improvements to SLI performance would be hugely appreciated, as it would most likely mean I could max out everything and use one of the highest quality AA methods and peg an unwavering 60 fps at 4K, but as it stands, the game is completely playable at very high settings with my rig.

A quick question for you guys. Some people have been posting up in game frame rate results here and in other threads with little graphs and whatnot. What program would they be using to accomplish this?

My specs:

i7 3820 @3.6GHz
ASUS P9X79 Deluxe
16gb Corsair Platinum 2400MHz DDR3 RAM
2 x EVGA SC GTX 980 (reference cooler)
Intel 730 series 480gb SSD
Corsair AX860 power supply
Xigmatek cooler and Noctua fans throughout a Corsair 550D case
BenQ BL3201PT (also known as BL3201PH) 32" 4K monitor

Edited by Fatbat, 11 March 2015 - 08:39 AM.

#105 xWiredx


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Posted 11 March 2015 - 09:33 AM

60+fps at very high with such a low CPU clock? We already know particles will kill your performance so we can definitely already tell you that your perceived performance is not actually what you're getting.

I like FRAPS since it generates CSV files automatically. Others like afterburner or other programs. Generate some numbers, drop them in a thread (preferably the 'some performance tests' thread) and we'll see what kinds of improvements can be made.

#106 lpmagic


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Posted 06 January 2016 - 03:10 PM

View PostMatthew Craig, on 18 February 2014 - 04:55 PM, said:

Just wanted to drop in to note that we haven't forgotten about SLI/Crossfire support I'm currently planning to take another look at performance here once DX11 is out and stable so post March 4th patch.

Any kind of movement on this ?????????????????

I just spent a bundle on a pretty serious crossfired gaming rig (knowing full well there were issues in MWO :( but hoping for the best :))

I have tried every work around I can and only one of them even budged the needle on my second card.......at this point i will not likely see any performance gain as with one card I can run at 180 + FPS (it does me no good with a 75Mhz monitor though so i usually leave v-synch on) but I too would like to share the wealth of the pain on both cards, not just one. Please respond in some form. I have also sent in a request via support, and I know it's not going to be a priority to help crossfire/sli gamers when the game "works" but I would like to take advantage of the second card, and not kill the daylights out of my single card....please help.....

#107 Raptorman


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Posted 06 January 2016 - 04:02 PM

You will get good scaling using the Crysis 2 profile for Crossfire. However, Shadows will kill your performance. If you're running a Crossfire Setup I'll give you the settings I'm using.

In your user.cfg file add the line "r_MultiGPU = 1"

Using MSI Afterburner, or Sapphire TRIXX disable ULPS.

Now, go to your Crossfire Preferences. Enable Crossfire, and check the box to allow Crossfire in games that do not have an associated profile.

Then, go to your MWO Profile in Radeon Settings. Settings are as follows:

Anti-Aliasing Mode = Use Application Settings
Anti-Aliasing Method = Multisampling
Morphological Filtering = On
Antisotropic Filtering Mode: Override Application Settings
Antisotropic Filtering Level: 16x
Texture Filtering Level: Quality
Surface Format Optimization: On
Wait for VSync = "Your Preference"
OpenGL Triple Buffering: On
Shader Cache: AMD Optimized
Tesselation Mode: AMD Optimized
AMD Crossfire Mode: Use AMD Pre-Defined Profile
AMD Crossfire Profile: Crysis2.exe
Frame Pacing: On
Frame Target Control: Disabled

Now for in game settings.
Resolution your choice, all other options your choice. The key to making this work with minimal stuttering and no fps drops are to turn Shadows to LOW. If you do not turn shadows to low Crossfire will cause serious fps drops in maps such as Forest Colony when you're near water.
My personal settings for Crossfire are all settings on Ultra except Shadows on LOW, Anti-Aliasing FXAA, and I am running at 4k resolution and averaging 75 fps.

Using Radeon Crimson 15.12 I have also had success with no texture flashing using AFR Friendly and AFR Compatible Profiles.

My system is as follows:
Windows 10 64-bit
Intel Core i7 975EE @ 3.8GHz
EVGA X58 SLI Motherboard
Radeon R9 390X Crossifre setup

Hope this helps all struggling with Crossfire setups. Remember - SHADOWS ON LOW.

Edited by Raptorman, 06 January 2016 - 04:28 PM.

#108 lpmagic


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Posted 09 January 2016 - 01:43 PM

holy schnikies!!!!!!!!!

I had to uninstall and reinstall crimson, it did not show crossfire as an option, stupid shiisa anyway, then I input your settings, but had to substitute crysis 3 because crysis 2 is no longer in the list. I now get the crossfire notice when I play!!!!! woot, the mechs in the mech bay flicker like crazy, but the game is buttery smooth now, well, it was before but only on the one 290x not both, I have vsynch on since my monitor is only 1080p and 60Hz (will be fixing that soon as I can). Thanks for the help, with cry 3 as my default I don't get any dips in fps near water on the maps you mentioned, so you migth want to give that a go, the mech lab thing is kinda sucky, but whatever.

Thanks for your help!

system specs
I7 4790K
MSI Gaming 5 mobo
2 x 290x crossfire
16GB DDR 2133 Avexir core series ram
Dual open water loops (one loop for gpu's one for cpu) All EK nickel, hard acrylic tubing.
Crucial mx100 512GB SSD
Toshiba 2TB 7200 spinner
Thermaltake Core X9 case

Edited by lpmagic, 09 January 2016 - 01:45 PM.

#109 Edward Radenovic-Espinueva


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Posted 31 January 2016 - 07:54 PM

View Postlpmagic, on 09 January 2016 - 01:43 PM, said:

holy schnikies!!!!!!!!!

I had to uninstall and reinstall crimson, it did not show crossfire as an option, stupid shiisa anyway, then I input your settings, but had to substitute crysis 3 because crysis 2 is no longer in the list. I now get the crossfire notice when I play!!!!! woot, the mechs in the mech bay flicker like crazy, but the game is buttery smooth now, well, it was before but only on the one 290x not both, I have vsynch on since my monitor is only 1080p and 60Hz (will be fixing that soon as I can). Thanks for the help, with cry 3 as my default I don't get any dips in fps near water on the maps you mentioned, so you migth want to give that a go, the mech lab thing is kinda sucky, but whatever.

Thanks for your help!

system specs
I7 4790K
MSI Gaming 5 mobo
2 x 290x crossfire
16GB DDR 2133 Avexir core series ram
Dual open water loops (one loop for gpu's one for cpu) All EK nickel, hard acrylic tubing.
Crucial mx100 512GB SSD
Toshiba 2TB 7200 spinner
Thermaltake Core X9 case

Wait so you couldn't get Crossfire working for you in MWO so you just uninstalled then reinstalled the latest Crimson Edition? I'm asking cause I can't get Crossfire to work on this game. On other games it works without a hitch. It worked without a hitch before but I guess after the Hotfix update it started not crossfiring.

Edited by Edward Radenovic-Espinueva, 31 January 2016 - 07:55 PM.

#110 Raptorman


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Posted 01 February 2016 - 10:18 AM

Crimson 16.1 does not have the "Force crossfire in applications that have no associated profile." So, Crossfire will not work. You will have to use 15.12 or earlier.

#111 mxmxmx


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Posted 02 February 2016 - 12:50 AM

Hello colleagues
Please help me
I have ati amd 4870 x2 2gb (2 GPU)
Id like to set it to crossfire... how I can make it.... to write in user.cfg the multgpu=1 ???
Driver version may be direct x ? I have direct 9,win 8.0 64
Please help me

Edited by mxmxmx, 02 February 2016 - 12:54 AM.

#112 Raptorman


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Posted 02 February 2016 - 07:21 AM

Follow my steps listed earlier on this page to use Crossfire. I have only tested with Radeon 300 series so your results may vary.

#113 mxmxmx


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Posted 02 February 2016 - 11:55 PM

ok , result ? more fps ???

#114 Raptorman


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Posted 03 February 2016 - 11:41 AM

Again, if you read my previous post results are covered. I experienced a 20fps average gain using Crossfire as to not.

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