It means there is a hit confirmation on what ever you shot at right ?
It also goes red when you hit a dead mech.
Am I wrong ?
See the video below:
1 min 32 secs - I take a snap shot at the QuickDraw.
It should be a miss and I am hitting the terrain infront of him.
Why does the crosshair turn red briefly ?? This is my main question.
1 min 39 secs - Can see Quickdraw is at 88%.
1 min 46 secs - AC40ed the Quickdraw in the CT. Crosshair turns Red.
1 min 49 secs - Quickdraw at 84%. My calculation state that 4% is max 16.08 damage. The damage must have been caused by the ally medium lasers and not my AC40.
This is a reminder and slap to the face for people who think only lights and spiders have hit reg problems.
5 min 33 secs - LOL miss.. Can't believe I shot AC40 between a Jenner legs.
Edited by ShinVector, 10 October 2013 - 01:35 AM.