Lubalin, on 20 October 2013 - 01:49 PM, said:
Exactly what i was wondering. I was in the hills on river city, he was under the bridge next to theta, by a post. 500m is a guess, but it was not point blank.
Only at sub 270 is he going to crit an Atlases SIDE TORSOs from the front. CT, even then will not breach. Hence either you were much closer than you realize/admit, and that's your own dang fault for getting ambushed (which qualifies as "working as intended" on the Jagerbomb's parts) or you were being hit by his teammates at the same time.
Either way, if you can't overcome a glass cannon with bad heat, low range and poor ammo endurance, the problem might not be on the AC40s side of the equation. The AC40 CAN be terribly effective, especially against noobs, I have my share of 5-8 kill matches in them. I also have a LOT of 0-1 kill matches where PPCs, Gauss, LRms or the bloody map (Alpine) killed me pretty dead before I could do a thing in one. And there is a reason they are not common in competitive 12 man. Actually several, most of which I touched on at the beginning of this post.
Nerfing everything you die from kinda leaves the game without weapons, ya dig?