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Noobs - Learn To Play And Stop Complaining

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#81 Wrathful-Khan


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Posted 05 December 2013 - 11:36 AM

I've played about 1000 matches, and I can say in my experience the difference between a good a pilot and a bad one is ability to read the play. A good pilot knows what his mech can/can't do, gets involved in favourable situations and avoids unfavourable ones.

Being in the right place at the right time can really tip a battle.

Also, any combination of enemy mechs in any deployment can be defeated by using good teamwork and intelligence.

I dont win every time I play. But when I do it's because we worked together.

Edited by Indiandream, 05 December 2013 - 11:37 AM.

#82 Wrathful-Khan


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Posted 05 December 2013 - 07:52 PM

Mate, my overall accuracy with a large laser is 87% so I think it's safe to say there is no way you get a "head shot" even 80% of the time. The cockpit hitbox on most mechs is tiny. Trying to hit that on a moving target, at a decent range is close to impossible. Everybody who plays the game know you're talking poop.

The fastest way to take enemies down is for the whole team to focus fire at the core of enemy mechs one by one.

As for your statement about every man for himself: I've had matches where i've done 800 damage and got 5 kills and we still lost. You come across a very young mechwarrior.

Edited by Indiandream, 05 December 2013 - 07:56 PM.

#83 Thorqemada


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Posted 05 December 2013 - 09:22 PM

P2W is a game when you can buy a permanent Poweradvantage with RMT only.
In MWO you may buy a Leveltime-Advantage which may count as temporary Poweradvantage but any C-Bill Player will catch up over time and negate the Leveladvantage (Mech-Skilltree) eventually.

Conclusion: MWO is not P2W!

#84 SniperCon


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Posted 06 December 2013 - 12:04 PM

View PostMarack Drock, on 06 December 2013 - 11:12 AM, said:

I do all the work ...
I have never played team play ...
I am a lone Wolf for a reason ...
Team play doesn't help me most of the time ...
everyone dies ...
I still die ...
My matches end up being: I am the only one left ...
and we lose
... but my experiences have told me to go solo.

I think maybe you're doing something wrong.

#85 Shredhead


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Posted 06 December 2013 - 01:45 PM

View PostMarack Drock, on 06 December 2013 - 11:12 AM, said:

I have more experience than you do by 3 months almost. I play matches where my team is bogus I do all the work and I win. I have never played team play because I know there is a 70% chance my team are not going to play teamplay. I am a lone Wolf for a reason. Team play doesn't help me most of the time. Whenever I go out in a match and follow along with the team I end up being the only person out there after a few seconds and everyone dies as I am up against an atlas and stalker in my Hunchback. I may end up scoring quite a bit I still die because my team decided to run away and get blown up in the middle of Crimson Straight's river. Teamplay only factors when you have a team that practices it, which lets face it: half the time it won't happen (if you have my luck). My matches end up being: I am the only one left or team play is not involved and we lose because of Team killers, heat suicide, and 4 catapults. Were I come from solo play is the best play. It may be different for you but my experiences have told me to go solo.

How's Pubbie life in steering wheel underhive?

#86 Wrathful-Khan


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Posted 06 December 2013 - 09:36 PM

Yes, team play is so worthless that not one single military in the world bothers drilling it into the skulls of their troops. It's known since Sun Tzu that the best way to win in battle is to send in Rambo and watch in awe as he single handed wipes the opposition off the field.

#87 GalaxyBluestar


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Posted 07 December 2013 - 12:30 AM

i think we've found a new forum warrior in the OP. does nothing but "educate" us all. and on behalf of the forum we show gratitude

Posted Image


#88 Jun Watarase


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Posted 07 December 2013 - 02:06 AM

I face palmed when i saw this thread title and realised the OP was going to link to Sirlin's playing to win article.

One key fact that people who quote the article often fails to realise : the article is only relevant to competitive games, played in a competitive setting like tournaments.

MWO is not a competitive game. You have a match setup that consistently pits players of different ELOs and grouped players vs randoms. This is in no way competitive, since it introduces a pure luck element to the game....you get on a team of high ELO players, you win by default. Same applies to premades with optimized loadouts vs newbies in trial mechs or with stock loadouts. You stack teams before hand with optimized loadouts like 4 AC40 jagermechs or a lance of 4 ECM light mechs....again, you win by default. The only time you can possibly lose if it you are absolutely terrible at the game or you are unlucky and get matched up against more/better premades.

Nobody would consider the world cup to be competitive if it was putting football teams like Arsenal against random people with barely any knowledge of the game. Quite the opposite....people would consider the world cup to be a complete farce and all the competitive players would leave to make their own tournament.

Since MWO is not a competitive game, playing to win does not apply to it (feel free to hop into Sirlin's chat and ask about this).

Edited by Jun Watarase, 07 December 2013 - 02:08 AM.

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