I face palmed when i saw this thread title and realised the OP was going to link to Sirlin's playing to win article.
One key fact that people who quote the article often fails to realise : the article is only relevant to competitive games, played in a competitive setting like tournaments.
MWO is not a competitive game. You have a match setup that consistently pits players of different ELOs and grouped players vs randoms. This is in no way competitive, since it introduces a pure luck element to the game....you get on a team of high ELO players, you win by default. Same applies to premades with optimized loadouts vs newbies in trial mechs or with stock loadouts. You stack teams before hand with optimized loadouts like 4 AC40 jagermechs or a lance of 4 ECM light mechs....again, you win by default. The only time you can possibly lose if it you are absolutely terrible at the game or you are unlucky and get matched up against more/better premades.
Nobody would consider the world cup to be competitive if it was putting football teams like Arsenal against random people with barely any knowledge of the game. Quite the opposite....people would consider the world cup to be a complete farce and all the competitive players would leave to make their own tournament.
Since MWO is not a competitive game, playing to win does not apply to it (feel free to hop into Sirlin's chat and ask about this).
Edited by Jun Watarase, 07 December 2013 - 02:08 AM.