MicroVent, on 03 November 2013 - 01:07 PM, said:
^^ This. So much this. ^^ When this happens = is much full of win. A prime example I remember well was on Caustic-pug lance side of the crater, roughly diamond formation, calm, patient and focused. We killed a good 8/12. And not a word in txt.
Instantly felt like we had each others back. Match was full of unspoken cues. I get games like this fairly often. I don't play the same game at all that others do by what some posts are saying.
We happened to get accusations of premade on this one if iirc, & were refuted with a

. If you want to win at all you have a duty to team mates. As we all know KDR != W/L . What is your goal I guess.
Yeah it's awesome when you can read peoples intentions. It really depends on the time of day though. American evening the games tend to be much better.
Burke IV, on 03 November 2013 - 12:49 PM, said:
Because you are not actually mixing with the people you are playing with you are taking an attitude that is unacceptable. Imagine it was a team sport (you choose) and not an online game. Would you really be going on like this? It is your inexperience in team play online gaming that is making you say this stuff, in times gone by people would have tryed to educate you to a point and if you couldnt learn you would have simply been excluded.
Why dont you just try to join in? Its really good fun with a sensible commader. The quality of this game in general would go up massively if PGI was to implement more commander tools to promote team work.
Exactly. Just because you're playing with 11 anonymous people from the internet doesn't mean you shouldn't play as a team.
MortVent, on 03 November 2013 - 11:57 AM, said:
YOU are playing to win, others are playing to have fun.
They have just as much right to play that way, regardless of what YOU think they should do.
If someone wants to make joke builds and run around in them, that's just fine. If someone wants to be ultra hard core and min/max everything that is fine too.
YOU want a good team, that works together. Then drop as a 12man, but don't expect 11 random people to do what YOU want them to do in a game (aka a leisure activity, not something everyone takes super serious)
Remember it's not about YOU getting what you want in a PUG, YOU get what YOU want in premades.
Deal with the reality, people play for various reasons and in various ways. All are just fine, if you can't handle that, make friends and drop with 11 of them... that way all of YOU get what YOU want in a team.
I'm not playing to win. I'm playing to have fun. If I was playing to win I'd be dropping with a lance or company.
If I was going by your reasoning what would stop someone from dropping an artillery strike on their own drop zone? Say he likes to play as a team killer. Say he finds it much more convenient, he doesn't have to find people to shoot and the rage can be amusing. You can't tell him he can't play that way.
Well obviously this isn't the right way to play and I assume you'll agree. That already suggests that the game has certain innate rules that everybody is expected to play along with.
The game is a team game and not just in the sense that you there are 11 other guys on your side that won't shoot you. It's a team game in the sense that you are very much reliant on your team mates. To do anything you need each other for mutual support. As a result this the game is much more fun when your team mates play it like that. This will remain the case until we get FFA Solaris.
As I said before, I'm not talking about following a commander, I'm not talking about following a grand strategy. I'm talking about the very basics of the game. So why exactly is it unreasonable to expect people to cooperate in a game of which the very basis is cooperation? Answer me that.