D04S02B04, on 24 October 2013 - 01:54 PM, said:
Classifying people as "newbs" and "noobs"... Claiming that other points of view/opinions/topics are stupid, while claiming your owns to be "THE REEL STAFF"...
Aint you a lil hypocratic, selfish, self-confident guy

So you're saying that I'm a noob then?
Got about 3000-something-ish games and I do see reason in why people are "whining" against the poptarting?
Most of the time I am doing very good(again - to be humble and not say friggin Amazing) - top 3 damage(ordinary top 2 or at 1st spot) and kills, with the most score and team contribution and etc. etc. etc. - whoever played with me knows better than that - I hate to speak of such way of myself...
So you're claiming that I'm a noob then right?
Cause I realize that on words everything is candy and butterflies - poptarts are brainless players that just sit somewhere, waiting to close the distance/do something strategic without trying to counter-meassure it?
Or you're saying that I can *KNOW* that there are 3 jump-snipers 500m away from me so I don't go in that direction? I really want you to lend me your crystal ball.
And I play both in pre-mades and solo - with and without the spotting/reporting/etc.
Also - as the other fellow forum mates noted - you're saying that I must build variety of different configurations just to counter THAT SINGLE foe out there? To change my entire playstyle just cause there *COULD* be one single re***ded easy-mode seeker on the battlefield? And you call that "skill"?
You take yourself too seriously mate, really...
Not everyone in the world is "whining" without reason you know?
And yes - poptarting is stupid and a bit unfair. Tried it myself.
And I'm quite happy that most of the poptarts don't have that precise aiming, cause then the "whining" was going to rain over the whole forum.
"The precision from poptarting is not that great blah blah blah" - for you maybe. I can hit a target on the move 800+m away with dual PPCs from the air. I can exploit the popr map design(it's not poor by iteself - the cover it provides against something 30m in the air is poor.) and, literally, terorize the other players while they can't retaliate properly for that 1 second I'm in the air, without even a nick of fear from taking serious harm myself.
I just chose to not do so.
And with that knowledge a good poptart is the greatest treat on the battlefield for me.
Not to mention the HGNs - they INTENTIONALLY don't put any back armor - I trust you that you can figure out why

Yep. They are THAT bold - the good ones anyways.
And all their sniper weapons are located on the same side of their mech(unlike the Victor).
What else can I say - you're really short-sighted and bold if you really are THAT certain in all the things you said.
But 'tis cool - ordinary those are the two reasons I get a kill in this game

I hope I see you on the battlefield.