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Noobs - Learn To Play And Stop Complaining

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#41 Jon Gotham


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Posted 31 October 2013 - 06:01 AM

View PostMarack Drock, on 25 October 2013 - 08:58 PM, said:

... .... ....

You need to calm down mate, seriously.
You are also not reading and understanding what the guy writes. You are interpreting what he says into your own version then going off on one.
People play MWO to have fun. Fun should be the main goal.
However, any form of sport like entertainment tends to have rules and tactics and if there are people involved deliberately not trying or learning how to do that activity well then they are actively spoiling other people's entertainment for their own personal enjoyment.
Imagine you were playing 5 a side football, you like it and want to have a good match. However one of your team simply refuses to pass the ball because he likes to dribble and try to get the whole way up the pitch-your team gets hammered because of this, do you think you would have fun?
This happens in MWO on a match by match basis.

YOU have to remember, this game is not just about YOUR FUN you have 11 other REAL HUMAN beings on your team, you have some level of commitment and responsibility to them too.

Edited by kamiko kross, 31 October 2013 - 06:01 AM.

#42 Jon Gotham


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Posted 31 October 2013 - 07:08 AM

View PostMarack Drock, on 31 October 2013 - 06:57 AM, said:

I don't have any responsability. If they die its not my fault. If they go off on there own and die then it is cause they decided to do that. I don't have to have any commitment to them cause they are people and no matter how much commitment I have to them they will still make their own decisions and go off on their own.

You just illustrated my point and his. You took extreme offense to a disproportionate level and yet somehow, still don't see the crux of it and I don't think I'm capable of getting you to understand what he meant or indeed I mean.
That first sentence is the problem with so many people. YES YOU DO. Wether you want to acknowledge it or not, when you press launch you have a commitment to your team and the other human beings you drop with. If they die, it can very well be YOUR FAULT.
This is an immutable FACT.
Me, Myself and I is what is screwing the play experience.
If you deliberately behave in a selfish manner, disrespecting me and disregarding me for your own enjoyment because you are are all that matters-then of course I will take a dim view on you and not have anything nice to say. What do you think the world will be like if everyone in it thinks the way you do? I owe nothing, it's their fault not mine etc
You should be thinking We, US and ME last.

Edited by kamiko kross, 31 October 2013 - 07:09 AM.

#43 SmithMPBT


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Posted 31 October 2013 - 07:30 AM

Your Pay2Win statements crazy. Actually having to PLAY the game to earn money to upgrade your gear? Unheard of in anygame! Maybe PGI can start a program that takes away mechs from dedicated players and gives them to the entitled. That would make things "more fair".

Edited by SmithMPBT, 31 October 2013 - 07:37 AM.

#44 Werewolf486 ScorpS


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Posted 31 October 2013 - 07:38 AM

View PostSmithMPBT, on 31 October 2013 - 07:30 AM, said:

Your Pay2Win statements crazy.

True considering how the Hero mechs are, but I'd say it's more like the game is NOT Free to Play. If forces you to spend money on it once you fill your mechbays, so in reality it's not a F2P.

#45 SmithMPBT


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Posted 31 October 2013 - 07:40 AM

I wouldn't considered them forced to buy mech bays. If you want more than 4 mechs at a time, or are unwilling to sell mechs to get different ones, then you spend $1.50.

#46 Viral Matrix


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Posted 31 October 2013 - 08:09 AM

I cant comment on every subject in this thread, but i would like to respond to some.

*I definately think this is a Pay 2 Advance game. If you dont invest in mechbays, at the very least, you can still get good at the game, but your GXP income is lower. You dont really get to try many variants or playstyles like the OP said. Id never buy non-hero mechs for MC tho. Fortunately, i found the Stalker early on, and was and still am happy with that chassis. Maybe buying a non-hero mech makes sense if you cant find a good chassis as a workhorse, but mechbays are cheaper and have more utility than a single non-hero mech.

*I am generally rude to people who dont know what they are doing in my PUG matches. Why? Because some creative rage in chat usually gets some attention. Straight up information gets ignored sometimes, while a good/mean putdown can cause ppl to actually think about what u typed. At least thats my reasoning, besides its just a 10 min game, and i dont fill the screen with text. All in all i dont think rudeness is such a bad tradeoff, if it gets someone to think about whether their play is really intelligent.

Ive had ppl tell me off if i do something dumb. I almost lost a very close 12-11 game when i went towards our cap instead of helping my teammate outcap the last enemy. I thought what i was doing was right, but the vitriol made me stop and think, i turned around, got on the enemy cap and we won.

*Reading your back and forth on WW2, and im just really hoping CW is something like that. Where production is important. Multiple, important battlefronts. Having one nation attack anothers production to affect their target's ability to carry on a war on another front, seems like it would be possible with what we know about CW.

One thing that bothers me about the Star Map ideas ive seen. It seems like the core worlds are rather static, meaning your House/Clan/Merc Unit cant get wiped out, annhilated, conquered fully. This was a very real fear in WW2, and something that probly wont make it into CW. I understand why for gameplay reasons, invincible core worlds makes sense. Hopefully, the effects of broken logistics and production facilities will be severe enough that people will feel fear at the prospect of getting over ran.

#47 MortVent


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Posted 31 October 2013 - 08:07 PM

To the super hardcore : get over yourself

It's a game, people play to have fun.

Neither side is more viable or important, so if you can't have fun with them enjoying rolfstompeh mechs. That's your problem, get a team together and drop together. Problem solved, if ya pug you accept that not everyone is going to give a care about your fun or even competing seriously

#48 Voidcrafter


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Posted 01 November 2013 - 03:52 AM

View PostD04S02B04, on 24 October 2013 - 01:54 PM, said:


Classifying people as "newbs" and "noobs"... Claiming that other points of view/opinions/topics are stupid, while claiming your owns to be "THE REEL STAFF"...
Aint you a lil hypocratic, selfish, self-confident guy :huh:
So you're saying that I'm a noob then?
Got about 3000-something-ish games and I do see reason in why people are "whining" against the poptarting?
Most of the time I am doing very good(again - to be humble and not say friggin Amazing) - top 3 damage(ordinary top 2 or at 1st spot) and kills, with the most score and team contribution and etc. etc. etc. - whoever played with me knows better than that - I hate to speak of such way of myself...
So you're claiming that I'm a noob then right?
Cause I realize that on words everything is candy and butterflies - poptarts are brainless players that just sit somewhere, waiting to close the distance/do something strategic without trying to counter-meassure it?
Or you're saying that I can *KNOW* that there are 3 jump-snipers 500m away from me so I don't go in that direction? I really want you to lend me your crystal ball.
And I play both in pre-mades and solo - with and without the spotting/reporting/etc.
Also - as the other fellow forum mates noted - you're saying that I must build variety of different configurations just to counter THAT SINGLE foe out there? To change my entire playstyle just cause there *COULD* be one single re***ded easy-mode seeker on the battlefield? And you call that "skill"?
You take yourself too seriously mate, really...
Not everyone in the world is "whining" without reason you know?
And yes - poptarting is stupid and a bit unfair. Tried it myself.
And I'm quite happy that most of the poptarts don't have that precise aiming, cause then the "whining" was going to rain over the whole forum.
"The precision from poptarting is not that great blah blah blah" - for you maybe. I can hit a target on the move 800+m away with dual PPCs from the air. I can exploit the popr map design(it's not poor by iteself - the cover it provides against something 30m in the air is poor.) and, literally, terorize the other players while they can't retaliate properly for that 1 second I'm in the air, without even a nick of fear from taking serious harm myself.
I just chose to not do so.
And with that knowledge a good poptart is the greatest treat on the battlefield for me.
Not to mention the HGNs - they INTENTIONALLY don't put any back armor - I trust you that you can figure out why B)
Yep. They are THAT bold - the good ones anyways.
And all their sniper weapons are located on the same side of their mech(unlike the Victor).
What else can I say - you're really short-sighted and bold if you really are THAT certain in all the things you said.
But 'tis cool - ordinary those are the two reasons I get a kill in this game :ph34r:
I hope I see you on the battlefield.

#49 Jon Gotham


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Posted 01 November 2013 - 08:28 AM

View PostViral Matrix, on 31 October 2013 - 08:09 AM, said:

One thing that bothers me about the Star Map ideas ive seen. It seems like the core worlds are rather static, meaning your House/Clan/Merc Unit cant get wiped out, annhilated, conquered fully. This was a very real fear in WW2, and something that probly wont make it into CW. I understand why for gameplay reasons, invincible core worlds makes sense. Hopefully, the effects of broken logistics and production facilities will be severe enough that people will feel fear at the prospect of getting over ran.

Sorry to go off topic, but it is a good idea to have these core worlds but it won't stop a Faction's complete death....imagine:
Very few play at start for Faction A. they get beaten down at start and are pushed back to their core world. New players see this and elect to not join "losing side" Faction A is then left with ever dwindling player reserves and will most likely never recover.....what happens then?
I would love to know how the poor Devs would answer that one!

#50 Kazly


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Posted 01 November 2013 - 08:52 AM

View Postkamiko kross, on 01 November 2013 - 08:28 AM, said:

Sorry to go off topic, but it is a good idea to have these core worlds but it won't stop a Faction's complete death....imagine:
Very few play at start for Faction A. they get beaten down at start and are pushed back to their core world. New players see this and elect to not join "losing side" Faction A is then left with ever dwindling player reserves and will most likely never recover.....what happens then?
I would love to know how the poor Devs would answer that one!

That's also prime time for some folks that like to play the underdog :huh:

#51 WarHippy


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Posted 01 November 2013 - 10:59 AM

Hmm, not sure how I feel about being quoted in the OP where he is proclaiming the game is pay2win(I do not agree that it is). That post I made was in regards to the time/income ratio we are getting after the introduction of 12v12.

#52 Masterrix


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Posted 01 November 2013 - 11:36 AM

View PostD04S02B04, on 24 October 2013 - 01:54 PM, said:

MWO is Pay To Win
First of all, MWO is pay to win. There are many people out there who will contest this notion with antiquated arguments. I'll however, present very different reasons why MWO is pay to win. Assuming you're a good player, who is willing to learn, observe and experiment, you're often a mature player as well. This means we have other things to deal with in life like: cooking, doing the laundry, having a job or career, further studies etc. This leaves you with barely 2 hours a weekday, maybe 16 hours per gaming stretch on weekend (8 hrs a day) and that's assuming you don't have a life outside of MWO (read -> MWO is my 2nd job).

A Mech is non-competitive without Double Heat Sinks and sometimes an XL engine. Mechs can cost anywhere between 2 million - 10 million cbills and after fitting out with DHS and some weapons, they would run at 4 million - 12 million cbills + additional costs as you continually tweak and customise (EndoSteel + Artemis). Mechlab is theoretical performance, you need actual ingame evidence.

If you hit 150k cbills per match like a pro, an average match takes 10-15mins (incl. of search time, ready up time, play time, load out time), that means you can only earn 600k - 900k cbills per hour. With your limited time of 26 hrs per week (assuming you're playing MWO exclusively), you can grind up 15.6 million - 23.4 million cbills, enough to buy and customise 2-3 mech variants, earn your elite bonuses and call it a day. That's the best case scenario.

Statistics first...

If you're the average player you're earning only 565k cbills per hour. I use 10 million cbills as the approximate mark for full customisations (Light Mechs need XL, Endosteel, DHS and maybe even Ferrofibrous, Med Mechs just DHS and Endosteel, maybe XL and Heavy/Assault Mechs mostly just DHS but endosteel/XL situationally).

That's almost 18 hours of WORK there. Welcome to your 2nd job.

Personally, I think this will be the main reason why MWO will not last. This generation of modern gamers do not understand the trials of insanely difficult platformers.

This comic sums it up perfectly. Go find out about Dark Souls if you want to know what is... difficulty. Just imagine that Dark Souls is actually easy once you mastered it. The old platformers, even when mastered, are still extremely difficult to play.

before u try to teach other players how to "win"

you should first learn what "Pay to Win" really means

#53 Werewolf486 ScorpS


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Posted 01 November 2013 - 12:07 PM

View PostSmithMPBT, on 31 October 2013 - 07:40 AM, said:

I wouldn't considered them forced to buy mech bays. If you want more than 4 mechs at a time, or are unwilling to sell mechs to get different ones, then you spend $1.50.

Nobody forces you too, but face it, you have to eventually buy mechbays to continue to play the game effectively.To sell and re-buy mechs repeatedly and only have 4 mechbays is just really bad economics and thinkingSo again I say MWO is not a Free 2 Play, it's a free to start muhaha, you have to spend money to get more out of it game.

#54 Mighty Spike


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Posted 01 November 2013 - 12:10 PM

Hmmm,Member since 14.September 2013....oh wait second account? if not heres something constructive for your thread
Posted Image
another expert tells us his thoughts.....and opens another useless thread

Edited by Mighty Spike, 01 November 2013 - 12:13 PM.

#55 L Y N X


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Posted 01 November 2013 - 12:56 PM


You went to a lot of effort to make such an elaborate troll post. In case you are not trolling, I'll just say you are entitled to your opinion, it does not make you right, but it IS your opinion. I disagree with you, doesn't make me wrong, it is simply my opinion.

#56 Hauser


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Posted 02 November 2013 - 05:37 AM

View PostMarack Drock, on 01 November 2013 - 05:04 PM, said:

We do not have any responsibility to any people on any game. Our only "Real" responsibility is to have fun which is why the game was made.

********. The very nature of the game gives you a responsibility to your team mates.

#57 MortVent


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Posted 02 November 2013 - 06:51 AM

View PostHauser, on 02 November 2013 - 05:37 AM, said:

********. The very nature of the game gives you a responsibility to your team mates.

Not really, when it's okay for team mates to scream at you for doing what is tactically sound. When it's okay for team mates to cripple your mech because you ask for folks to not just run into the center of mordor but instead flank with enough sent to peek in and keep them thinking ya coming up the ramps and clogging the entrance.

To drop into a pug is to accept joining a everyman for himself mess, drop with a team if you want responsibility from your team mates. Expecting random folks to care about anything but shooting the red team with pew pew and dakka dakka is foolish in a GAME

Win/lose they are going to have fun, maybe more so when you or other hardcore rage about them not doing what you want them to (hint - if ya don't drop in a group, taking lance or company command means you're in charge of three things. Me, myself, and I. You are not in charge of them )

#58 Burke IV


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Posted 02 November 2013 - 07:58 AM

View PostD04S02B04, on 26 October 2013 - 10:37 PM, said:

Please do not bring up WW II. You know less about WW II and the politics surrounding it. Moreover TheNose is very likely to be German because of his substitution of "und" for "and". He will know more about his country and the impacts than you do.

It was the Russians who won world war 2 not the combined common wealth forces (yes that is UK, ANZAC, CA, USA & commonwealth forces). Anyone who has researched into the deployment of military forces, the orders of battle etc knows that.

You know nothing about actual military strategy nor have you served as an officer or a non-commissioned officer, let alone a private.

Im sorry but i cant resist :D

im not a historian so if you are pls correct me, but didnt first mud and then snow win WWII? Big H was told not to start on stalin. they were allied, but he didnt listen went charging over there and found all his tanks bogged down in mud like they had never seen before and then the hardest russian winter in years rolled in. Stalin was said to have had a nervous breakdown when he was told the germans were invading.

Edited by Burke IV, 02 November 2013 - 07:59 AM.

#59 Nehkrosis


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Posted 02 November 2013 - 08:19 AM

meh. meh to most of this thread.

Not P2W. i win all the time, and im poor as sin.
also, i play all ****** day, and rake in the cbills.

further more, anyone can simply be mangled by anyone else, unless the person is running a mech with 4 tags, and a narc.

"X hard-counters Y" isnt really true either. sure you have things like "this light will **** you off considerably in your atlas" but its not a hard counter.

and any mechwarrior worth his....actuator?...will know that any mech is a viable threat and target.

#60 Jon Gotham


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Posted 02 November 2013 - 11:08 AM

View PostKazly, on 01 November 2013 - 08:52 AM, said:

That's also prime time for some folks that like to play the underdog :D

Oh I agree but it's a real danger:(

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