Marack Drock, on 26 October 2013 - 11:53 AM, said:
I play less than an hour a day. Yet I can score kills on mechs 20 tons bigger than me and I never by Coolant. Also the monetization of those items makes it more realistic. The original MW games after every level you get coolant for that mech no price no nothing. In the real world you'd pay big bucks.
Spider (35 ton mech) can kill an Atlas (100 ton).
Centurion (50 ton mech) can kill an Atlas (100 ton)
Your point being?
Marack Drock, on 26 October 2013 - 11:53 AM, said:
Skill always has a factor in all games. With 2D top games it is strategy. When it is 3D FPS it is observation, decision, and the ability to use the terrain and your weapons wisely. MWO it is heat guaging while attacking (no need for coolant if you have smarts enough to watch the heat), terrain, and knowledge. Information is ammunition. If you know thenemy you know how to win.
I did admit in some cases yes it is P2W. And to some degree it is true all around. But skill always factors in. Paying to get stuff won't help you hit the enemy. Yes if you can hit them it does factor in but really how is a hero mech (aside from the C-bill bonus) any different from a mech you made? If get a Highlander and modify it to the same specifications as its Hero Heavy Metal counterpart, how are they different? Same armor, same weapons, same everything. Difference C-bill, and paint job.
To some degree MWO isn't competative but if that is the case wasn't MW4 Mercs and MW2 Mercs the same way. Buy the biggest badest stuff and boom you win. So why hate MWO for being like every other merc MW game? and D04. You basicly said you must become addicted to get good. remember WELCOME TO YOUR SECOND JOB!!! That was kinda saying get adicted or you'll suck.
Learn comprehension. Read what Fuerchtegott has said and I've said nothing about addiction. I was simply calculating the time it would take to get those things. You can sum up your hours via the stats page and the amount of time spent will be the same at approximately 90% confidence interval.
Marack Drock, on 26 October 2013 - 11:53 AM, said:
Plus the coolant flush is entirely fair. Paying 40,000 C-bills for coolant is nice. And if you bought it all it means is that you were smart enough to have backup equipment. Coolant is not unfair and is not in anyway the cause of P2W. All it means is. If you buy it you have sense.
TheNose to address the MWO is not competative. Well if it wasn't no MW game was. It is exactly the same except this time there are people who think to play against. Not stupid AI which is easily overpowered cause they can't customize a mech. Sure MWO is still primitive grind game right now but give it time.
If P2W is real then no MW game was not P2W or get the biggest stuff to win. Just get a big Atlas or Daishi with a bunch of lasers and coolant and win!
Well its not like that anymore. How does coolant help you when you have a Spider going 109 KPH attacking you Atlas which can't even turn at a third that rate? Not much. I've seen Spiders eat assault mechs alive with their lasers cause they are so fast you can hit them. But if you have a keen eye and an amount of skill you can still kill them.
1. I think we're all discussing the MC version of the coolant flush.
2. TheNose and Fuerchtegott are talking about competitiveness in a very different fashion which... most competitive players understand...
3. Regarding Atlas/Daishi, that's also part of the reason why it isn't competitive. No tonnage limitations.
4. I think we all acknowledge that a spider coupled with HSR has pretty wonky hit registration. Also, 109KPH Spider is easy to hit. It is the ones going at 150KPH that stretches the HSR...
Marack Drock, on 26 October 2013 - 11:53 AM, said:
Look at WWII. Germany had jet airplanes (First nation in the world to have them) and advanced weaponry. The U.S. was in reality 15 years behind them in technology yet we still won. We did cause we knew their tactics and their numbers. Numbers are for intimidation. Skill is for winning. Who wins a wrestler or a Black Belt Karate Pro. My bet Karate. Big and hulky dosn't insure you win otherwise I'd be talking German or Japanese.
Please do not bring up WW II. You know less about WW II and the politics surrounding it. Moreover TheNose is very likely to be German because of his substitution of "und" for "and". He will know more about his country and the impacts than you do.
It was the Russians who won world war 2 not the combined common wealth forces (yes that is UK, ANZAC, CA, USA & commonwealth forces). Anyone who has researched into the deployment of military forces, the orders of battle etc knows that.
You know nothing about actual military strategy nor have you served as an officer or a non-commissioned officer, let alone a private.
English is not the only language in the world and American English is certainly not the de facto English that is taught in Europe or in Asia.