Khobai, on 26 October 2013 - 04:00 PM, said:
Scouting is not shooting stuff. scouting is finding the enemy mechs and their compositions. Currently an assault mech can do that just as well as a light mech just by going into 3PV and periscoping over a hill. There is no dedicated scout mech or a dedicated scout role in MWO.
To be fair, it'd be terrible game design to have someone play a role where all they do for entire games is scout.
Playing a role doesn't mean that you have to play that role for an entire game. Lights scout better than Assaults because they are able to flee danger easily and they can check every route on a map much easier than an Assault can.
Lights don't (and shouldn't) spend the entire game scouting. When the positions of the entire enemy team are known, then they would become useless.
You can argue about how useful scouting is to the game and all, but under good game designs lights shouldn't be relegated to scouting the entire game.
And you can't 3PV in the 12-man queue, where scouting is actually important (or at least more important, depending on who you ask).
Lights should have part of their role be combat-oriented, just not in the same way as the other weight classes. What you call that (scout, armed recon, whatever) doesn't matter.
Edited by Krivvan, 26 October 2013 - 04:45 PM.