Shar Wolf, on 20 November 2013 - 12:00 PM, said:
I could honestly care less about Polls - I to well remember the arguments the goons made about their polls - and have not seen much improvement in what polls I have looked into.
I don't want to completely re-hash this argument from ealier in the thread, but I do think that there is useful information to be gathered from forum polls. If you care to read my thoughts on this, the discussion started around this post, and my concluding defense of the forum polls ends with this post.
However, as you noted, this isn't so important because ...
... we all can agree on a different better implementation of 3PV.
As long as you can't see in 3PV what you wouldn't have LoS to in 1PV, then all of the concerns raised by the anti-3PV crowd are addressed.
Additionally, with this restriction, you can grant the player more freedom with the 3PV camera. This would make 3PV better for aesthetics (i.e. you could allow players to 3PV to any angle of their mech to take screen shots) and for newbies (i.e. you could give them back the minimap and give the a higher camera angle).
I think its important to emphasize solutions that we can all agree on, and this one would solve everything without removing 3PV.
By that I am not declaring them incompetent, just working outside their field of expertise.
Not only are they climbing the same hill Vampire: the Masquerade: Bloodlines was - they are not a group of technical programmers. (I think that was the term for what they need to help with programming things like HSR.... if not replace Technical Programmer with whatever the appropriate term would be
I freaking loved VTM:B. Despite all of its technical flaws, it really was an excellent early example of the action RPG genera. I'd love to see a sequel done by the same people behind DX:HR (or for that matter, just make a sequel to DX:HR!).
I find myself hoping and (in all honesty) praying every day that they manage to hire some people who are competent technical programmers (more than one most likely) because that is (near as I can tell anyways
I don't know enough to say anything about their programming skills. IMO, MWO's strong points are its art. The mechs look excellent. The maps look great (IMO). The weapons look and sound great. Mech animation, movement and feel is almost perfect.
IMO, PGI's weakness is in its design department. In addition to 3PV, this is evident in things like the new player experience (grind/trial mechs), mech scaling issues, and weapon balance. This is especially true with weapon balance where, we start out with CBT damage/heat values, but then scramble all of the recycle times. Then, instead of iterrative tweaks to the weapons stats tables, we get long delays and weird undocumented mechanics like Ghost Heat and GR Charge. Alof of these design issues were obvious to people from MW4/MWLL, and many players posted well reasoned and thought out solutions. Unfortunately, they were all (all!) ignored.
This is why I don't actually have alot of hope for a fix to 3PV. However, if we can stay focused on what we agree on (i.e. LoS based rendering for 3PV), maybe we can get a change for the best.