Bishop Steiner, on 31 October 2013 - 09:33 AM, said:
have to do something to differentiate them, and tbh, the original mechs are gonna have the biggest discrepancies. I mean, the bloody Cat only getting 6 hardpoints to begin with compared to the swiss army knives we have today, is just annoying as heck. And we know that you can't get away with ECM, JJs is cutting it close, and if you give too divergent of hardpoints, people will cry, so what its there to do?
Why does it have to be near universal though? It's a bland cop out, "We can't think of other ways to differentiate them, so let's just give them bigger stock engines." How about some of them getting the same engine size stock, but getting one of the following:
Twist angle or speed.
Arm articulation.
Lower it's climbing class by 1.
Improved Accel/Deccel
Hardened Gyro (less impulse)
An extra module slot
And so on.
It's not that some are faster that bugs me, just that they seem to use it as the primary differentiating factor (save for the speed capped TDK and speed gimped X-5) where the have plenty of other quirk parameters to play with.
Besides, the primary reason for buying them *should* be tangible reward bonuses in a chassis that a given player enjoys playing - not their combat stats. "Man I sure do love Hunchies... Ooooh, a Hunchie with Hero bonuses, that will come in handy!"
Edited by Bagheera, 31 October 2013 - 09:44 AM.