R Razor, on 13 November 2013 - 06:39 AM, said:
I don't play competetive 12 man drops genius, but I know enough people that do to know what they see and run in them. I'm not on a high horse, in fact I have exactly 2 mechs that has more than 1 AC on them..........that doesn't change the fact that to be competetive in that environment you will be forced to run an AC build thanks to the current meta. I realize you might have a hard time comprehending what I'm saying but I honestly can't see any way to "dumb it down" any more than I already have.
As the poster above me stated, 40 vs 20 damage in the same time frame from what are supposed to be simularly balanced weapons. Chew on that for a bit and get back to me.
So you don't even play them yet you know what will and won't work in them? I can't be the only one who sees the irony in this...... lol
it also doesn't change the fact that you don't have to play in 12mans to be competitive. There's not some secret game inside of 12man drops. There's nothing you get extra for playing in a 12man. So why would a player HAVE to play with 12mans to play the game or participate in CW?