Lrm Flooding, The New Fotm
Posted 27 November 2013 - 10:05 AM
Posted 27 November 2013 - 11:27 AM
Cimarb, on 26 November 2013 - 01:54 PM, said:
Do you have any actual facts about where each missile system places damage? If so, please share. If not, I call your bluff. With the law of averages and wider spread, LRM20s are much, much more likely to have a higher amount of damage to CTs than LRM5s do, per launcher.
Lastly, if you have a higher percent hit rate with LRM20s (I'm assuming you are basing this off of your own statistics, since I don't know what else it would be based upon), then that probably means you are much more liberal with your trigger when using the smaller launchers, which makes perfect sense. Lots of people use the 5-packs as warning shots and fire suppression, where 20-packs are much more expensive in ammo per salvo, so you will tend to hold your shots longer before committing them.
I only have empirical evidence.
Go to the training grounds and fire LRM/5s at a mech then fire LRM/20s at a mech.
Your starting and ending LRM ammo before/after the mech is alive/destroyed will be different, on average. If each swarm had the same chance of hitting a location, then there should be roughly the same number of LRMs needed to destroy a mech.
The only differences between the LRM/5 and LRM/20 should be the stats related to the launcher itself, not how well the LRMs actually deal damage to the target.
LRM/5 will have used MUCH less ammo, on average, to destroy a target than the LRM/20.
Edited by Zyllos, 27 November 2013 - 11:33 AM.
Posted 27 November 2013 - 11:31 AM
Posted 27 November 2013 - 11:38 AM
Ngamok, on 27 November 2013 - 11:31 AM, said:
Yes, I do agree, 100%.
But different LRM launcher sizes should have differences between overall DPS, weight and critical slot efficiency, and ability to clear AMS, not the amount of ammo needed to kill a target.
On average, regardless of LRM launcher size, X number of LRMs is needed to kill this target. What modifies time to kill should be on the randomly selected hit locations, ability to bypass AMS, overall DPS, and enemy movement factors.
Posted 27 November 2013 - 11:41 AM

Posted 27 November 2013 - 11:45 AM
Ngamok, on 27 November 2013 - 11:31 AM, said:
If LRM5s are chain fired vs one AMS - 1 or so per launch will get though after the 1st one. While the 1st one will be wiped out, when chain fired the 2nd launch of LRMs will be within AMS range before the 1st is entirely blown away. Though if they were moving away from you, the extra time to target would keep even the occasional missile from hitting. (the inverse is also true)
Posted 27 November 2013 - 11:46 AM
Zyllos, on 27 November 2013 - 11:22 AM, said:
This doesn't change any mechanics...
All it does is scale the time of engagements.
What does that have to do with you saying we use TT armor? We don't, we use twice the armor able to be plopped on to a mech. It's not the same as TT
Posted 27 November 2013 - 11:51 AM
Zyllos, on 27 November 2013 - 11:27 AM, said:
I only have empirical evidence.
Go to the training grounds and fire LRM/5s at a mech then fire LRM/20s at a mech.
Your starting and ending LRM ammo before/after the mech is alive/destroyed will be different, on average. If each swarm had the same chance of hitting a location, then there should be roughly the same number of LRMs needed to destroy a mech.
The only differences between the LRM/5 and LRM/20 should be the stats related to the launcher itself, not how well the LRMs actually deal damage to the target.
LRM/5 will have used MUCH less LRMs, on average, to destroy a target than the LRM/20.
While you are correct, you are also not using a good example to base it on.
Training grounds is against a stationary target. That means your weapon will hit exactly where you want it to hit, for as long as you want it to hit. LRM5s have a smaller base spread than a larger launcher, so it will hit a smaller area. That does not mean it will kill faster - in fact it is likely the opposite - but that it will use less ammo because you have less "splash" in the other areas you are targeting because of the spread difference. Training grounds ARE a great way to test the benefit of TAG, Narc and Artemis, though, because the less damage you get to extraneous components, the smaller the spread was. That is hard to judge in real time combat, because the speed and torso twisting of the enemy is going to skew the spread appearance.
The same can be said of any of the lasers. Two LL shots to the head will kill any mech, but try to kill with a headshot in actual combat where you are both moving. Quite a bit of difference.
Posted 27 November 2013 - 12:33 PM
Charons Little Helper, on 27 November 2013 - 11:45 AM, said:
If LRM5s are chain fired vs one AMS - 1 or so per launch will get though after the 1st one. While the 1st one will be wiped out, when chain fired the 2nd launch of LRMs will be within AMS range before the 1st is entirely blown away. Though if they were moving away from you, the extra time to target would keep even the occasional missile from hitting. (the inverse is also true)
Yes. I am a big chain fire advocate. I do it on all my LRM mechs that carry 3-4 launchers 10's or 15's mostly because the AMS will shoot down most or all of the first cluster but 2-4 will have hits. That is until the enemy is far enough out and has enough AMS where most of the missiles die on their way there. I don't shoot at anything over 800m because it's just a waste unless I am trying to scare them into advancing. Like I said in my example, if they are really close, most of them will hit because AMS can't react fast enough to hit them all. In my SHD since it's only 25 rockets I am shooting, I fire them all instead of chain fire and ebcause the 5's cycle faster, I tend to shoot them before the 10s are ready anyways.
If you are a brave LRM boat, you're best off at 200-400m with getting more hits. But then of course you suffer from return fire and distance closure. Trade offs.
Posted 27 November 2013 - 03:35 PM
Cimarb, on 27 November 2013 - 07:46 AM, said:
As another example, are lasers handled under a completely different system when used against lights than assaults? A laser, which does 10 damage, applies that 10 damage to a light and then 10 damage to an assault. When looked at in percentages of health, that 10 damage will be immensely more damaging to the light, who only has a small amount of armor compared to the assault. That doesn't make it a different system affecting the damage - it just means there is less armor to start out with on the light, so he percentage lost is much greater.
The post you were responding to didn't suggest it was a different system, and neither did I. But you did, in point of fact, contradict yourself. You claim there's "not less of an effect", then immediately say it's proportional. By definition proportional would mean that there is less of an effect. Not less of a percentage, but less total change. It's actually kinda what proportional means. You then go on to say it's "more pronounced." Again you're saying that there is a difference in defense of the argument that there isn't. Not technically an oxymoron, but I like the line.

The whole laser thing makes no sense, because lasers don't have a spread and no one suggested it was a different system, just a different level of effect.
And I don't know what you're seeing, but the clip I linked is 5 seconds long.....

Posted 27 November 2013 - 06:55 PM
Posted 27 November 2013 - 09:00 PM
That seems about perfect to me based on what players have objected to about LRMs, boating, and having them be support-only weapons.
A good measure is that players seem split with most comfortable with LRMs as they are. I find I am always able to just dodge LRMs unless a scout mech has me locked for LRM bombardment. Last time I was badly damaged by LRMs was several weeks ago so nowhere near the threat posed by the direct-fire weapons.
Edited by Lightfoot, 27 November 2013 - 09:08 PM.
Posted 27 November 2013 - 09:00 PM
OneEyed Jack, on 27 November 2013 - 03:35 PM, said:

The whole laser thing makes no sense, because lasers don't have a spread and no one suggested it was a different system, just a different level of effect.
And I don't know what you're seeing, but the clip I linked is 5 seconds long.....

I'm on an iPad, so maybe it kept looping - the video didn't show and I know it was playing something for several minutes, lol.
Anyways, I didn't contradict myself, but I do see how you took it that way. Artemis has the same affect on every missile launcher - it is a percent reduction in spread. That percent doesn't change regardless of what launcher it is affecting. That is the important part, as whoever I was responding to said that it used a completely different system for LRM5s. The other part of the equation is that 10% of 100 is 10, while 10% of 200 is 20; the system (10%) did not change, but it is proportional to the number it is affecting.
I don't think I said lasers spread damage, but they do damage over time, which is similar. Autocannons should be like lasers, doing damage over time, while PPCs should be like LBXs, doing spread damage.
Posted 27 November 2013 - 09:09 PM
ColonelMetus, on 06 November 2013 - 09:48 PM, said:
Spamming LRM-15s!
Enjoy! (Reduced thresholds would stop this spam by reducing the potential of the ROFLpult by half, and thusly the performance of the ROFLwalker would be cut by close to half. So would reduced firing rates, but to make up for reduced firing rates, damage for the LRMs would have to raise.)
Posted 27 November 2013 - 09:39 PM
Its a power vacuum people.
Posted 28 November 2013 - 02:15 AM
Koniving, on 27 November 2013 - 09:09 PM, said:
This is an absolutely terrible, terrible build.
You know what else would stop it? Learning to kill these things.
I am absolutely not kidding when I say I can routinely obliterate these 'mechs in a Shadow Hawk with a third the missiles routinely.
Edited by Victor Morson, 28 November 2013 - 02:16 AM.
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