Joshytclegg, on 19 November 2013 - 11:32 AM, said:
Okay, I really hate to be 'that guy' but I am kind of put off by the Shadow Hawk being the mech of the month. Of course the Shadow Hawk needs to be released to everyone, and yes it should happen this month, because we got the locust last month.
However, I raise a bit of issue with the fact that, if this trend continues, people who bought the Phoenix package, are going to have a very bland time until February-ish time, even longer if you bought the Saber reinforcement pack. Now don't get me wrong, I love my phoenix mechs (though finding builds I like is a pain in the rear end), however I would also like to see new mechs each month as usual. You have to understand that if they just release Phoenix mechs month after month, that no new work is going into game content for them, since the assets for these mechs already exist. Heck players may get bored of it, even if they do not have the Phoenix package, since these mechs are pretty darn prolific as it is right now.
I feel that, if they do nothing but release the Phoenix mechs for the next few months they may end up harming the community and causing a lot of boredom for the players. Release the Phoenix mechs, sure. Do so each month and give access to them for the wider community, but do not cease production of new mechs. We shouldn't have to endure through months of no new content in the community simply because we bought the Phoenix Package, that is not what we wanted when we bought it.
I hope by the end of November that we will see a brand new mech, or at least before the release of the Saber Reinforcements next month.
They did mention there might be a month where they release 2 mechs a month (one phoenix, one new), but that could mean the hero mechs they've been releasing.
They are doing some skin fixing of the older mechs that need it too, and that takes some dev time, and they are supposedly working on Clan mechs (so maybe when the clans finally come out, they can release 8-12 mechs at once). At some point, new IS mechs were going to dry out, as it's hard to bring a lot new to the table given how hardpoints work, though it would be nice to get at least one more 30-40 ton non-chicken walker, a 95 ton mech, maybe a chicken walker assault, another light (could be the non-chicken walker mentioned earlier), another 40-45 ton medium (again, could be the non-chicken walker), and at least 1 more 70-75 ton heavy. Yes, I realise that's a fairly large list, but when phoenix is over, we'll have 0 95 tonners, and more than one of a particular tonnage only in the 35 (2), 50 (2), 55(4!), 60 (2), 65(3), 80(2) and 85(2) ton range. What's good for aiming folks towards the middle, and I'm fine with there only being 1 mech in the extremes ( 30 and below, and 90 and above), but there should be at least 2 for most models in between, and it's annoying in the 35-40 ton range all 3 are chicken walkers. But, if it doesn't happen because of clans, I guess I won't complain.
CapperDeluxe, on 19 November 2013 - 11:37 AM, said:
I think you fail to understand they're still working on new mechs and are continuing to put out one new mech EVERY month, they even hinted at another light mech that hasn't been announced yet. I'm hoping for the Panther personally.
The only hint about a light mech I've heard outside of the Flee is the next light hero comes in spring of 2014, so either no jenner hero in January, or that's considered spring in Canada (or whoever said that was wrong).