Patch Day - November 19Th - LIVE!
Posted 19 November 2013 - 11:40 AM
@ the other stuff:
"Head hitbox reduced by 35%.
More of the shoulder regions now apply damage to L/R Side Torsos rather than Center Torso.
Pelvis split to apply damage to Left and Right Leg instead of Center Torso.
Center Torso has been reduced by approximately 15-20%."
On the other hand now I have to re-think my class setups
"Hitbox geometry aligned better to the render geometry.
Tighter corridor for Center Torso (it's smaller and sides are bigger).
Pelvis adjusted for damage disbursement to left and right leg instead of all center torso."
Hmm, on second thought, it seems like this trend could lead to lighter mechs getting legged A LOT.
Well, you take the good with the bad.
"Rewards for using Counter ECM advantageously
XP and C-Bills given for successfully countering an ECM enabled enemy 'Mech for 5 seconds.
XP and C-Bills given for countering an ECM 'Mech that then takes locked missile damage from allies."
"New Support Modules
Improved Gyros:
Reduces the amount of screen shake when being hit by enemy fire."
Now shut up so we can eventually get our DAKKA DAKKA back.
Posted 19 November 2013 - 11:41 AM
Drunk Canuck, on 19 November 2013 - 11:18 AM, said:
No, they should have just reduced screen shake all around rather then putting in a stupid module that no one wants to waste a slot on.
How about you learn to aim and hold on a target through screen shake. I can hit people while jump jetting up or falling down. Can tap people while getting bombarded as well. Remember MechWarrior games, and BattleTech in general, have always been built as a simulator more then some sort of arcade shooter. If you want no effect from being shot at or taking hits go play Call of Duty.
Posted 19 November 2013 - 11:41 AM
Burke IV, on 19 November 2013 - 10:52 AM, said:
Um, TAG already does cut though all ECM for the mech it spots.
Posted 19 November 2013 - 11:42 AM
CapperDeluxe, on 19 November 2013 - 11:37 AM, said:
I think you fail to understand they're still working on new mechs and are continuing to put out one new mech EVERY month, they even hinted at another light mech that hasn't been announced yet. I'm hoping for the Panther personally.
I am sorry if I caused some grumbling here, it is just, to me, I read "Mech of the month" and instantly worried that we may only be seeing the Shadow Hawk this month, and that it might translate across the months with only Phoenix mechs being released. I was not aware that they had previously stated that they intend to introduce a new mech every month, even with the addition of Phoenix mechs each month.
t was not a failure of understanding on my part, it was just that I did not have full knowledge on the subject, which is exactly why I posted my comment, to voice my concerns and to have them either confirmed or refuted. I do apologise if I have caused any annoyance to you or any part of the community with my concerns seeming rather baseless now.
Posted 19 November 2013 - 11:50 AM
CapperDeluxe, on 19 November 2013 - 11:37 AM, said:
I think you fail to understand they're still working on new mechs and are continuing to put out one new mech EVERY month, they even hinted at another light mech that hasn't been announced yet. I'm hoping for the Panther personally.
Aye, buying the Phoenix pack got you early access and a C-Bill bonus on a variant, but they're still considered 'new' mechs. So, if you got Phoenix, don't expect anything you haven't already seen until February.
PGI specifically discussed this time as giving them a breather to continue designing new mechs to come after January.
Posted 19 November 2013 - 11:56 AM
Sephlock, on 19 November 2013 - 11:40 AM, said:
Bigger leg hitboxes = easier to leg 'mech. It's what happened to the Raven, it'll be what happens to the Spider.
Most people seem to have learned that the easiest way to kill a light is to leg it first, and this (both increasing leg hitboxes and splitting the pelvis between left and right leg) will only serve to weaken lights already weak position as a 'mech of choice.
As a primarily light pilot, I'm not sure I'm entirely happy about this change.
I think they need to focus on fixing their hit detection before enlarging any leg hitboxes on any lights.
Edited by stjobe, 19 November 2013 - 11:57 AM.
Posted 19 November 2013 - 11:59 AM
Posted 19 November 2013 - 11:59 AM
Joshytclegg, on 19 November 2013 - 11:42 AM, said:
t was not a failure of understanding on my part, it was just that I did not have full knowledge on the subject, which is exactly why I posted my comment, to voice my concerns and to have them either confirmed or refuted. I do apologise if I have caused any annoyance to you or any part of the community with my concerns seeming rather baseless now.
sorry to burst your bubble, but when I asked directly during Ask The Devs 47 they denied they would release any additional battlemechs.
Answer from Bryan: We’ve created a nice little 3 month buffer to get ahead of our `Mech of The Month (MOTM) releases. This window was created and designed to allow us some time to experiment with Clan technologies and `Mechs. Our goal is to have the Clan starting lineup (4-6) `Mechs ready and completed for launch in the first two quarters of next year. So while we could focus on doubling up MOTM releases, we feel this time is going to be spent on Clan technologies.
Being 4 mechs ahead in Oct, minus two more mechs to be made in time for December (Wolverine, Griffon) means in theory they have time to release two more whole mechs during this timeframe- however the answer, at that time, was that they would not be releasing extra mechs and would instead spend that time to develop more mechs for future release. Such as getting a head start on Clan Mechs for Q1-Q2 2014!
Posted 19 November 2013 - 11:59 AM
Lynx7725, on 19 November 2013 - 09:57 AM, said:
I thank the PGI team in advance.
As do I! Looks ike a generally solid patch too...however......
Could you fellows kindly refrain from doing your patches in european prime time hours? By the time you get the servers back up and my stone age net connection grinds through it-I won't be able to play and will have lost the use of today's premium time.
Surely you could do it at a time where it will have minimum impact to both US and Euro users? I know it's a petty complaint, but it would be a lovely thing if you could kindly try.
Thank you.
Posted 19 November 2013 - 11:59 AM
The patch notes look good. I say "look" good, I hope they work as well as they sound, because this will be a lot of fun.
Posted 19 November 2013 - 12:01 PM
Getting really bored of having nothing to do here.
Posted 19 November 2013 - 12:01 PM
Posted 19 November 2013 - 12:02 PM
stjobe, on 19 November 2013 - 11:56 AM, said:
Most people seem to have learned that the easiest way to kill a light is to leg it first, and this (both increasing leg hitboxes and splitting the pelvis between left and right leg) will only serve to weaken lights already weak position as a 'mech of choice.
As a primarily light pilot, I'm not sure I'm entirely happy about this change.
I think they need to focus on fixing their hit detection before enlarging any leg hitboxes on any lights.
That's primarily due to the hit registration issues for fast-movers. Once that's fixed, people won't have to leg lights to kill them, they will actually be able to hit them.
Most players (excluding UNSKILLED light pilots) are looking forward to the real problem being addressed so players don't play lights as if they are in an assault brawler mech. Lights have a specific niche, fast recon and in packs: anti-assault mechs.
They were never meant to be able to take (and i really mean AVOID) damage like they can currently.
Posted 19 November 2013 - 12:04 PM
Joshytclegg, on 19 November 2013 - 11:55 AM, said:
You missed the point.
You went on your diatribe about being disappointed that no new mechs would be released in concurrence with the Phoenix mechs being released to the rest.
So in short, you purchased 4 to 6 months worth of content and received it in one lump sum, while those who didn't, have to wait. Yet you want to have more content released for you, because you've finished your candy and want more, while others haven't been able to enjoy theirs yet.
This, good sir, is what's called entitlement.
Posted 19 November 2013 - 12:04 PM
Don't you know, adjusting hitboxes means someone can't:
1) Open the weapons.xml in notepad++
2) Edit -> Search -> TYPENAMEOFGUNHERE
3) Replace # with #
4) File -> Save As
Couldn't possibly take the time to do this, with your busy hitbox schedule!
I do like the hit box changes, though. And finally getting rid of that infinite shake bug is an automatic +1.
PS: The Orion's problem wasn't it's CT but it's "all front arc" shoulder hunch so...
Edited by Victor Morson, 19 November 2013 - 12:07 PM.
Posted 19 November 2013 - 12:05 PM
stjobe, on 19 November 2013 - 11:56 AM, said:
Most people seem to have learned that the easiest way to kill a light is to leg it first, and this (both increasing leg hitboxes and splitting the pelvis between left and right leg) will only serve to weaken lights already weak position as a 'mech of choice.
As a primarily light pilot, I'm not sure I'm entirely happy about this change.
I think they need to focus on fixing their hit detection before enlarging any leg hitboxes on any lights.
The problem is, I'm not sure the same team works on that...they might, if I'm wrong I'm sorry. But PGI has always been a fan of spending resources on bandages rather than actually stitching up a mistake...
HSR is a game-wide issue they've been struggling they're continuing to make reactive changes to the game to circumvent fixing the big ones that have them stumped. If/when HSR is finally 'fixed' ... then that may be a superbad day for lights.
Posted 19 November 2013 - 12:05 PM
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