Blurry, on 20 November 2013 - 02:58 AM, said:
Fixing the ui will enable them to sell things better and faster so for them it is content - they need to learn what players see as content not what they see as content.
I can see where this misconception is coming from, and it is an apparent, prevalent opinion here in the forums, but...
Whilst, yes, an overhaul of the UI will allow for faster and better sales (bundle delivery without having to bounce the servers for account injection, for example) this is not the main reason they are doing it.
On the face of it, yes, the UI overhaul is of benefit to the devs more than the player-base, but that is an over-simplified perception of the situation.
At the moment, the UI is made up of a monolithic mess of frankencode, as a lot of the code that is doing the work is in the UI itself, not abstracted out into separate modular layers of code that talk to each other.
To do it right, the UI should be a very light code layer responsible for one thing and one thing only, displaying the information. The work should be done in lower layers of abstracted, modular code. Code to handle things like CW, Planets, Maps, Inventory, Friends lists, Chat, News delivery, "Shops", Clan/Faction/Merc-Corps membership, Load-out modification, etc should each be separate code modules that talk to each other and to the UI (display-only) layer. This will allow any future patches to be standalone, meaning smaller downloads for updates (after the initial behemoth of code re-organisation on release of the new UI) and less chances of new content releases to one thing damaging something else. In other words, this project benefits us just as much, maybe even more so, than the devs.
As things are now, adding things like CW to the current UI will make a bad situation worse. UI1.5 is a mess of frankencode, adding to which will make the code-base even more un-maintainable, slow and buggy. As such, until the UI overhaul is completed, the new content you (and of course, all of us) are waiting for just ain't going to be possible.
Doing this will also mean that the code for each module (programming module, not cockpit module) can then be written in the most efficient language for that particular task, rather than all having to be done in ActionScript or whatever language it's currently cobbled-together with. This will likely result in an out-of-game UI that does things like change between screens faster, loads your list of mechs faster, allows you to sort your mechs easier, loads faster initially, and puts less of a load on your system (how many times have I seen people on the forums complain that their machines are under far more load in the MechLab than they feel is reasonable?!?).
In simple terms, it's some of those on the forums that "don't get it", not the devs, but I'm guessing that this is largely down to a misunderstanding of what UI2.0 is all about. The devs know what people want, but delivering it without a complete overhaul of the underlying code that is currently bodged into the UI with chewing-gum and duct tape hacks is simply neither possible, nor advisable. Should the UI have been written the new way in the first place? Of course it should. Did the devs make a mistake by coding it in a monolithic fashion originally? Yes. Have they admitted their mistake and put effort into correcting it? Damned right, they have, and such an admission, whilst giving us forumites ammunition to bash them, was a rare and brave thing to do. They could, instead, have decided to simply work on UI2.0 in the office without even mentioning the reasons why and released it when it's done, but decided that being honest with the player-base was a better option.
Sure, they could have handled the communication about it a little better, but they know that there are enough of us out here that understand the process involved (maybe not the nuts and bolts, but at least the broad strokes) to keep the game alive until its ready. Even if they did communicate better on this matter, there will still be plenty of forumites who will misquote, misrepresent and generally troll about it, so they're better off maintaining the level of communication they are doing and concentrate on getting the job done (which is, after all, what we're paying them for with the content they are selling to us). They could, just as easily, have either not communicated anything about it at all, or have done an even worse job of communicating about it.
And as for them doing this to increase the grind, if properly planned for, this change will REDUCE the grind. Even more so now that we have advance notice it is coming and can plan for it in advance. Also note the bit in the OP about how the current situation isn't being changed because they decided they could do it better, it's because it was never meant to be doing it this way in the first place (and, if I'm reading it right, neither they, nor anyone here in the forums, had noticed until they were re-writing that part of the MechLab code as part of the UI2.0 project).
- UI2.0 is a necessary priority without which nothing new can ever safely come to this game.
- Is it taking a long time? Yes, but only because it's a mammoth task and too important to screw up again.
- Is it just for sales? No, although they freely admit (again, something that they don't have to do) that it will make their lives easier.
- Are there other teams working on new content like CW in parallel so that its display and work code modules can be "plugged into" UI2.0 once it's in place? Yes.
- Would they be able to jury-rig CW or other new content onto UI1.5 without making an even more horrific mess of the code? Not a chance.
- Is complaining about UI2.0 on the forums going to make it any faster / better a process? If you think it is, you're that special kind of stupid that the devs are constantly accused of being.
Edited by Galil Nain, 20 November 2013 - 05:05 AM.