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#1 dal10


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Posted 23 November 2013 - 12:21 AM

At the earliest this RP will be starting December 14th. That is the end of exam week and will be the earliest time i will have to run it.

First off, I REALLY need to think of a better title, suggestions are welcome.

also a bit of a disclaimer. If this is a bit rambly i apologize, i am trying to keep it simple, i just think about way too many things.

This will be my first attempt at starting my own RP. So this will be a learning experience for all of us.

Overall player size will be 5-12. if for some reason this gets less than 5 i may have to go discover the meaning of life or something, which is really freaking boring.

Overall there is no experience requirements for trying to get in this one. So anyone from a first time RPer to someone like rogue can get in. I will still be reviewing character bios for not breaking the universe however.

First off lets get a few ground rules out of the way.

No schizophrenics and/or bipolar characters. they cause issues...

There will be a section of this RP where limited god-modding will be allowed, I will explain the reasoning as we get there, but it is most of the way through the first story arc. this will be told to you immediately ahead of time. Still anything involving other playing characters must have said character's controller's permission.

company composition

no 2/3 mechs

no experimental equipment, advanced rules is fine a design using TT rules is required unless you are using a stock mech.

can be Clan or IS, omni or non-omni don't matter. Omni can change load outs between fights.

1 assault mech allowed, first come first serve, will not be me. no assault mech works as well.

Prefer faction specific designs to generic ones. That being said, if you want to play a mech of a particular faction and a character of another faction it is fine, you just have some explaining to do.

Home brew designs are welcome, but you actually have to fluff it out, and that includes saying who makes each of your weapons.

Can do a point of elementals, or even a VTOL or vehicle if you want. However VTOL and Vehicles will miss the first encounter. this would work if someone couldn't start immediately anyway.

No protomechs just because I hate them.

No aerospace due to the fact it kind of does not fit with the overall plot very well.

non-augmented infantry are also disallowed for the same reason.

Elementals would be kinda cool, could talk about how all 5 are in one drop pod and they burst out of the pod once it is in the normal atmosphere and they basically synchro skydive as they start to jet to slow down.

Character background can be anyone who is not a Wobbie, a wolverine, a home clan, or an extinct faction (jags/Waco ranger/gray death legion member for example).

you can even invent a group to originate from if you want as long as it doesn't break canon. I will look at this closely however and may or may not allow it.

Now for the all important story part. it takes place out in the periphery at this point on the map below in the year 3095 of the Early Republic/post Banned word era.

Posted Image


November 2nd 3095
Nameless star Spinward AFFS space
Bridge of the Stone's Fury 12:01

David McKinnon, Paladin of the Sphere, stood on the bridge Stone's Fury, the flagship of the Republic black water navy, breathing the cool air that coiled around him. The largest fleet assembled since the fires of war had created the republic had been put out 15 years ago was at his finger tips. The blakist's back had been broken with the loss of Terra. But they survived still. A large remnant of the organization was naught but a single jump away. 7 warships and numerous jumpships from 4 nations had been assembled to wipe out this remnant, hopefully the last remnant. The inner sphere had cowered from them for far too long. It was time to be free.

"Captain, can i get an open channel to the rest of the fleet?"

"Yes, Sir McKinnon."

"Warriors of the Inner Sphere. Today is a day like any other for most of the sphere. its people laugh, love, fight, cry, eat, sleep and even breathe in peace. This peace was given to them by the blood of millions. 15 years ago we crushed the blakist threat. The threat that could have ended all of that for them permanently. 15 years ago some of you fought with warriors, proud warriors, who gave their lives in sacrifice for this peace. Their sacrifice ended 13 years of genocidal warfare that ended up uniting nations under one banner to oppose it. A union of the entirety of the sphere, the greatest combat force ever seen since General Aleksandr Kerensky assembled the Star League Defense Force to take back the Terran Hegemony from the usurper Amaris. This great army rose up and smashed those who slaughtered the people of the sphere wholesale.

Today, Today we honor that union. Just one jump away, a world still controlled by the Word of Blake sits. It was an old Amaris outpost, set up before he murdered the Cameron's. The Word and the Usurper... Just how much difference is there. Both stole Terra, Both oppressed countless worlds. Both ordered countless tragedies. Both paid for their crimes. But for the Word at least, this task was left unfinished. Today, we finish the fight. Today, we make the Word go the way of Amaris."

"Captain, prepare the jump."

With that, Operation Final Truth was reaching its day of reckoning.


We, the players are part of Operation Final Truth, a coaltion set up between the nations of the Republic of the Sphere, The capellan confederation, the draconis combine, and the raven alliance. Mostly because they were the only ones with warships that weren't destroyed or guarding their capital. opposing the task force is the 44th shadow division off of new avalon as well as bits and pieces of other divisions that limped in. because the ji_had had a lot of loose ends. plus various other blakist forces.

Space forces

WoB Warships

2 Quixote frigate
3 congress frigate
3 pinto (found on site) corvette
1 Texas battleship

Coalition warships

Flagship RSS Stone's Fury formerly the star-sword and electa - Cameron Class
Conqueror class Carrier - CSR Conqueror carrier
Feng Huang Class CCS Elias Jung - cruiser
Kyushu Class DCS Haruna - corvette
Aegis Class CSR Lord Death - heavy cruiser
Tatsumaki class DCS The Lair of Mighty Wyrms - destroyer
Impavido Class CCS Xizang - destroyer
4 arondights
2 overlord a3

22 drop ships among warships, 6 occupied by Pocket warships 16 drop ships
additional jump ships and various drop ships

No coalition ships will be destroyed as to not break canon. Also we will not be participating in any warship combat.

Ground forces


44th shadow division with elements of other destroyed shadow divisions-

2 regiments of mechs 2 trinaries of BA troops
2 wings of fighters

Additional forces
3 regiments blakist second line forces.

2 battlemech 1 vehicle regiment

5-6 regiments of infantry and support weapons.

3 planetary defense centers (AKA main bases) think an extremely large castle Brian, aka a small city in size. each can hold about 3 regiments of troops, all are understaffed.

Numerous smaller satellite bases and outposts

3 rattlers

Blakist leader is Shadow Precentor Avitue

Coalition forces

Gamma Galaxy - Clan snow raven 3 clusters 105 mechs 25 protomechs 75 elementals 10 omnifighters

Ryuken-San minus armor and infantry 108 mechs

Warrior Houses Hiritsu and Dai Dai Chi 108 mechs 2 batts infantry no dai dai chi aerospace

Stone's Pride 108 mechs 48 vehicles 1 batt infantry

Stone's Lament 160 mechs 48 vehicles 1 batt infantry

3 additional infantry regiments, one from each non clan coalition state. 4 2/3 regiments infantry total.

2 regiments mercs including the Black Widow Battalion, a batt of the light horse, a batt of highlanders.

Rest of the mercs consists of company and lance sized units and even individual warriors duct taped together into another regiment. They are cannon fodder, but they are outfitted with better tech by the factions so they can be effective cannon fodder. this is what we are.

5 regiments vs 9ish regiments, one of which is a clan galaxy

Coalition leader is Paladin David McKinnon


Our characters will be on their own at the start. if you want to collaborate as a duo just ask and i would probably let you. at the start their will be a small meet and greet section to get characters 'introduced'. and by small, i mean we will be there until everyone gets a post in and then we will get going.

generic character sheet courtesy of Thom and where ever he got it from.

Call sign:
Date of Birth/Age:
Current Mech: (If Any)
House Affiliation: (If Any)
Military History: (How long you've been a MechWarrior for instance)
Physical Description:
Open Background: (This is the readily available stuff. The stuff most people could look up about your character. Things like place of birth, schooling, etc.)
Deep Background: (This is where you put the skeletons you don't mind the other players knowing about, but the CHARACTER'S should not know unless they found out during the game.)

And here is my character.

Name: Melissa Averine
Callsign: Wraith
Role: Company Commander
Gender: Female
Date of Birth: December 3rd 3072 23 years old
Planet of Birth: Krin

Appearance: Of modest stature and height, Melissa is frankly rather average looking. She is primarily russian in origin, but her chinese grandmother is inherent in her slightly darker than normal skin and the more Asiatic shape of her eyes, though they are still far more round than someone of a purely Asian descent. She is built compact, but not burly. Several years of working as a merc have left her with a six pack and enough muscle to give most guys pause, though she mostly keeps it covered up by wearing long sleeved shirts outside of her cockpit. Despite the excess muscle, she still manages to sport a larger than average bust, though not so large that it impairs movement.

Attire: You can normally find Melissa in a mechanic's jumpsuit. She tends to wear it over her mechwarrior's vest and undergarments as she is used to operating in less than professional units. In the cockpit of her mech she tends to wear just a pair of brief shorts with her vest to help deal with the heat that is present in all mechs.

Height: 5' 5”
Weight: 120
Hair Color: dark brown
Hair Style: cut just under shoulder length, extremely straight, not really styled. Just a normal everyday hair cut. May be put up in a bun when she needs it out of the way.
Eye Color: Blue

Background: Born to Andre and Staci Averine on the planet Krin in December 3072, Melissa had a good and simple life. Her father came from a business family that had left the Capellan Confederation during the fourth succession war and had defected to the Taurian Concordat. He eventually made a name for himself as a gun for hire out in the periphery before taking over his father's former company when his half brother asked for his help after nearly running the business into the ground. Once the concordat had allied with the Confederation Andre moved back to his homeland. He also intelligently sold off his shares of the business once he realized the Taurian government was having problems. He set up more manufacturing centers on the planet Krin, making luxury items for nobles across the Confederation as well as staple items for less wealthy families. However his lack of political connections would repeatedly thwart his plans to expand his business. He wed the daughter of financially struggling family with large numbers of political contacts in order to help out both him and the family. Despite being half his age, she bore 6 children for him, the oldest being Melissa.

Melissa was always stricken with a bit of wanderlust, always slipping away from her caretakers and wandering places she shouldn't. This reached its peak when she was 18 and discovered that her parents were trying to arrange a marriage for her with the son of the planetary governor. She stole her father's ancient Charger battlemech and ran away from home. She started life as a merc, a soldier for hire. She bounced around from small time unit to small time unit before ending up in a battalion sized outfit Charle's Cavaliers. She rose to be a LT in the third company when the unit was hired by the DCMS to engage in one of the various raids that were being thrown around between the DCMS and Sandoval backed merc units. The unit was wiped out, leaving Melissa as the only remaining officer and overall commander of the unit. They had been sacrificed to allow a Galedon regular unit who had left its own flank open escape. Since they had successfully completed their contract they were still paid. Melissa used some of the money to buy out the rest of the remaining warrior's contracts and disbanded it, not wanting to remember all the friends she had lost. However the unit had owed debts to several people. She deposited rest of the money in a Capellan bank where the creditors couldn't touch it and fled the system on the first contract she could find using a salvaged Gallowglas mech from her previous mssion.

Deep Bio: She resents her parents for attempting to control her life. However she didn't know the whole story. The arranged marriage was the governor's idea, and her parents had rejected it. As a result particularly her mother has been very distraught over the whole deal.


Force comp

Melissa Averine - Wraith - GAL-1GLSA Gallowglas - heavy
Adam - n/a - MoonHammer - medium
Daud Hourglass - Hourglass - Salamander BA - medium BA


edits: realized the other side having 4 times the infantry our side did was a bad idea. made forces more even. (because overwhelming force is boring)

Edited by dal10, 26 November 2013 - 07:46 AM.

#2 Thom Frankfurt


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Posted 23 November 2013 - 01:21 AM

View Postdal10, on 23 November 2013 - 12:21 AM, said:

generic character sheet courtesy of Thom and where ever he got it from.
*Thumbs up* :P It'd be great if you had the Woobies hiding out in the old Rim World worlds.

That being said, I'm interested just for the fact of how ignorant I am of this timeline. I think it'd be a learning experience for both of us...

Edited by Thom Frankfurt, 23 November 2013 - 01:24 AM.

#3 kevin roshak


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Posted 24 November 2013 - 04:23 AM

Name: Star Commander Adam

Call sign: N/A

Date of Birth/Age: March 27, 3073 (22)

Current Mech: Moonhammer (See spoiler/link; see bishop steiner drawing for what it looks like)

House Affiliation: Clan Snow Raven

Military History: After gaining the rank of Star Commander when graduating from his sibko, Adam served with the Gamma Galaxy's 100th Ravens Battle Cluster. Served against pirates and small raids from other clans before being deployed against the Blakists in Operation Final Truth.

Physical Description: 5'9" 182lbs, large broken nose. Bald with large black beard.

Open Background: Limited combat experience. Very distrusting like most Snow Ravens. Trueborn

Deep Background: Before angering the saKhan, Adam was on the short list to become Bloodnamed. This is part of the reason Adams unit was assinged on this mission, so he knows it is a lost cause to fight here, leaving him reluctant, contrary to normal Clan belief that dying in battle is honorable. Adam agrees it might be honorable, but doesn't want to die now.

Snow Ravens are very secretive and distrusting of those outside their bloodname when it comes to politics, and Adams unit was assigned to help in the training of the IS mechwarriors at the Columbia Academy of Ground Warfare. There he befriended the commander of the post, and while was not formally accused, the Khan believed him to 'spreading lies about the Khan, his bloodname and the decisions he had made in recent years.'


One of Clan Snow Ravens newest designs, the Moonhammer is a fire support medium mech, with some scouting abilities. Produced in their new IS holdings at Mountain Wolf BattleMechs, which was retooled in 3089 to produce the new Moonhammer mechs.

Edited by kevin roshak, 26 November 2013 - 02:36 AM.

#4 dal10


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Posted 24 November 2013 - 06:28 AM

fair enough bio, but a thing you have to think about. why is your character in the merc group, not the raven galaxy? this would basically mean he is exiled from the touman.

other than that, just try and expand his open background a bit, maybe how a star commander managed to anger a khan.

Edited by dal10, 24 November 2013 - 07:53 AM.

#5 Thom Frankfurt


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Posted 24 November 2013 - 07:50 AM

Nice looking mech there, Kevin. It kind of reminds me of the Stormcrow C, just with a smaller mechgrade shotty and ERMeds instead of pulses.

#6 kevin roshak


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Posted 24 November 2013 - 10:45 AM

Yeah i was kinda confused on what side the PC are going to be on, the coalition, the blakist forces or other.
i had just envisioned meeting up with everyone else, while still being in the clan galaxy. maybe being bidded away but having enough of the clan BS to go in, Snow Raven has been mixing with IS for about 10 years now.

#7 Sparks Murphey


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Posted 25 November 2013 - 03:33 AM

Working on a point of Clan Jade Falcon-come-mercenary Salamander battle armour.

#8 dal10


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Posted 25 November 2013 - 08:12 PM

tried to send you a pm sparks but your message box may be full.

#9 Thom Frankfurt


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Posted 25 November 2013 - 11:24 PM

Playing around with mech ideas... Worked out a bio pretty much all day at work, well when I was working anyways.

#10 kevin roshak


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Posted 25 November 2013 - 11:37 PM

LMAO Thom thats great

#11 Sparks Murphey


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Posted 25 November 2013 - 11:40 PM

View PostThom Frankfurt, on 25 November 2013 - 11:24 PM, said:

Playing around with mech ideas... Worked out a bio pretty much all day at work, well when I was working anyways.

Are they going to be the child of Thom Frankfurt and Li-Hua Taishu? Will their skin be permanently green?

Edit: Also, dal, my inbox should be slightly less full now, try again.

Edited by Sparks Murphey, 25 November 2013 - 11:44 PM.

#12 Thom Frankfurt


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Posted 26 November 2013 - 12:02 AM

View PostSparks Murphey, on 25 November 2013 - 11:40 PM, said:

Are they going to be the child of Thom Frankfurt and Li-Hua Taishu? Will their skin be permanently green?

Edit: Also, dal, my inbox should be slightly less full now, try again.

Actually I was thinking of Old Man Thom. He lives at least till 3113, when he may or may no due to cannonry? cannonicy? (what's the right word?) defeat his oldest sworn enemy who'll remain unnamed at this time. Don't want to spoil any surprises.

Still wondering about what mech to bring. I was thinking of a BJ-0 'Super Swampthing,' the Marauder, 'Widow's Bounty' or something else. Men Shen, Ti Ts'ang, Or maybe an assault. Speaking of assault's is anyone interested in playing one?

But there's also all these neat toys that are available and Dal's willing to let us use.
CERPPC + PPC capacitor + targeting computer + Weapon affinity = Holy S**t that's just wrong Mister!

Edited by Thom Frankfurt, 26 November 2013 - 02:38 AM.

#13 Sparks Murphey


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Posted 26 November 2013 - 12:22 AM

Here's what I got so far:

Name: Daud Hourglass

Call sign: Hourglass

Date of Birth/Age: 3rd November 3055

Current Mech: Salamander Battle Armour, Laser Variant

House Affiliation: Mercenary, ties to the Lyran Alliance

Military History: The product of the trueborn pairing of Jade Falcon Star Commander Mi-Hi Icaza and the Fire Mandrill Star Colonel Trevor Mick, Daud's Elemental sibko was never looked upon fondly by the Falconers who trained them. Trevor Mick's genetic legacy had been won in combat by the Falcons, and though they were determined to use their prize, the Mandrill influence was deemed “too fractious” an element for there to be a second pairing.

After passing his Trial of Position and being appointed a Point Commander, Daud's first posting was a raid on the Lyran world of Great X in 3071. He somewhat vocally disagreed with his commander about the utility of the raid, given the aggression from the Hell's Horses and the relative quiet from the Lyrans. He spent the first day on world in a gradually escalating shouting, ending with him turning off comms during a patrol and deserting, along with his sibbrother and pointmate Arthur. The two warriors encountered a Lyran deserter called John Gascombe, fought their way through the warzone to the dropport, and left for Outreach.

Daud and his nascent squad found that there were many people in the Inner Sphere willing to hire an ex-Elemental, but that they were also used to being able to manipulate such people based on Clan behaviour. Daud and Art quickly learned to use terms like “ain't” and “y'all”, to spit and swagger, and generally behave like the cut-throat mercenaries they were competing with. Coming from the 8-foot tall slab of meat that was the Elemental phenotype, this put more than a few people ill at ease. In 3075, they granted each other “bloodnames”, partly as a promise that they would do legendary things with or without the Clans' approval, and partly because it made business in the Sphere easier if you had a last name to give to people.

By 3082, the squad had grown to a platoon, Blackcollar Enforcement, though still based on the 5 by 5 pattern of the Clans. They acquired several replacement suits of Salamander armour from Clan Wolf in '83, and later that year were reunited with their sibsister Susan, who had finally had enough of Jade Falcon politics to leave and seek them out. By 3095, though, the original members are all feeling their age. They aren't as young as they used to be. In something of a midlife crisis, Daud has pulled together most of the older members of the platoon, along with “Tiny” Tahn, their self-appointed lorekeeper, to take a grand jaunt as part of Operation Final Truth. It could be a glorious last charge. It could be the last protest of a bunch of old has-beens who don't know when to quit. It could be just another mission. They only know they need to do it.

Physical Description: 2.7m tall, 220kg. Buzzcut hair that's a mix of grey and black. His nose has been broken multiple times and only approximates the centreline of his face now. Scar tissue and severed muscles in his right cheek speak of an old injury, which he tells anyone who'll listen is why you should never attempt to open a can of tomato soup with your teeth.

Open Background: The Blackcollars have a solid, if not sterling, record as mercenaries. They've alternated between military infantry ops and paramilitary security ops; the later might not pay as well, but it allows for healing and repair time that they'd otherwise need off. There was some controversy regarding 7 deaths during a riot on Lungdo in 3078, however a follow-up inquest placed all blame on another security corporation, Double G Security.

Deep Background: Daud has three illegitimate children from past flings, though he only knows of one. The oldest he learned about 15 years ago, shortly after the birth, which was also when he let the mother know he wouldn't be having anything to do with the child's upbringing. The other two, twins, were orphaned when their mother died in labour due to complications from carrying twin Elemental-sired children.

#14 kevin roshak


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Posted 26 November 2013 - 02:42 AM

updated my bio abit.

#15 dal10


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Posted 26 November 2013 - 06:43 AM

View PostSparks Murphey, on 25 November 2013 - 11:40 PM, said:

Are they going to be the child of Thom Frankfurt and Li-Hua Taishu? Will their skin be permanently green?

Edit: Also, dal, my inbox should be slightly less full now, try again.

actually it is no longer an issue. i was going to suggest you use the laser variant or you would encounter an point you really couldn't do anything later. (just for one section, it isn't like after a certain point you couldn't do anything for the rest of the RP. if it was that case i wouldn't allow elementals)

also i could easily make this really creepy and have melissa have a thing for old guys( i know gals IRL that are like that... it is weird). cause seriously, between thom and sparks we just added 6 of them.

though one may be a girl.

Edited by dal10, 26 November 2013 - 06:52 AM.

#16 dal10


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Posted 26 November 2013 - 07:22 AM

View PostThom Frankfurt, on 26 November 2013 - 12:02 AM, said:

Actually I was thinking of Old Man Thom. He lives at least till 3113, when he may or may no due to cannonry? cannonicy? (what's the right word?) defeat his oldest sworn enemy who'll remain unnamed at this time. Don't want to spoil any surprises.

Still wondering about what mech to bring. I was thinking of a BJ-0 'Super Swampthing,' the Marauder, 'Widow's Bounty' or something else. Men Shen, Ti Ts'ang, Or maybe an assault. Speaking of assault's is anyone interested in playing one?

But there's also all these neat toys that are available and Dal's willing to let us use.
CERPPC + PPC capacitor + targeting computer + Weapon affinity = Holy S**t that's just wrong Mister!

sorry to burst your bubble thom, but mixed tech falls under experimental rules.

#17 Thom Frankfurt


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Posted 26 November 2013 - 09:13 AM

*Pop!* Well on the Brightside that does simplify a lot of my choices. Should have a bio up sometime today, that's if I don't get stuck on WoT. I want that King Tiger.

#18 dal10


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Posted 26 November 2013 - 11:47 AM

yeah... an ac/20 with the range of a clan ERPPC for 20 heat? too op even for me.

#19 Thom Frankfurt


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Posted 26 November 2013 - 12:20 PM

Can only shoot it every other round...but even then that's still nasty.

#20 dal10


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Posted 26 November 2013 - 12:28 PM

on a side note, is your rival sun tzu or kai? both died in 3113.

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