I fear the day tonnage limit will be mandatory. Only option worse would be mandatory and predefined tonnage limit from PGI.
- Who wants to be the tonnage-filler and just pick a Mech she/he isn’t used to / doesn’t like just to fulfill tonnage limits?
- Why should someone be forced to play a Locust (just for example) to ensure someone else can play her/his desired heavy/assault Mech?
- Why should a premade (all lights or all assaults) be allowed to force the rest of the drop to pick a Mech they do not want just to fulfil tonnage limits?
- How long will it take to level-up Mechs if “your” needed tonnage slot isn’t available or always taken be others?
I have already seen posts in the forum suggesting that “the others” should “L2P” with lighter/heavier mechs to not delay pre-game team building when tonnage limits are live … Really ?
Because Role Warfare is dead (thanks PGI) - all Mechs should (must?) be balanced and be a viable combat choice. Currently we only have one role needed in each tonnage section – combat (plus maybe ECM/JJ).
Role Warfare could have been the system to ensure a mixed team is the best choice (simplified example: Scouts to track the enemy, fast Counter-Attack & Flanker to catch objectives and rear attacks, Light & Heavy combat for tank and hold options, and so on …) and not forcing it by a hard tonnage cap. I become a Founder after I read the original concept of the Scout Role and Information warfare …. long ago.
But this was never implemented and finally killed by the combination of the current map size/design, same skill tree for each Mech and imho way too flexible hardpoint design. I enjoy the Mechlab and the customization options too, but I still believe it is bad for the long-term experience of the game and is part of the current problem.
Modules were a good step in the direction of Mech individualization, but not enough to make a real difference or even Role. Each Mech can use any Module and only a few modules are worth using. More Module, Mech-specific quirks (5% faster target lock for weapon type x, 10% more radar range, 10% better AMS efficiency, reinforced ammo bins, …), Mech-specific skill trees and Player-specific skill trees would have been a way to enable “Roles” and promote different Mechs with different weight. The skipped options are almost endless …
In theory the current game system gives everybody the option to choose any Mech and have the same options and chances. In the reality of the current game this leads directly to the current state: only-one-or-two-valid-Mechs in each tonnage section.
The one with the best (current meta) weapon loadout possible plus options (like JJ/ ECM). Look at the Mech/weapon payload taken in high-ELO game or watch the last event finals on youtube to see what I mean. This leads to having the same Mech/builds over and over again. But at least everybody could take the “best” option.
Tonnage limit does not solve this in any way. It just enforces that only a few can take the best build. All others have to see what’s left and act as a tonnage-filler.
I do not want a system where people get flamed or called “noob” just for picking the Mech they like and enjoy and not the current state-of-the-meta Mech/build. But forcing people to take Mechs just to match some weight restrictions is not better in any way. Personally I do enjoy picking the Mech I like and just play with it, regardless of its weight
Please try not to see tonnage limit only from the pov of a I’m-here-since-CB-player or 12-man team with max-builds, finished skill trees and dozen of Mechs. Not every player is an organized team-hardcore gamer and MWO is a F2P based game. The huge majority of players will be casual f2p people. In no other way MWO/PGI will be able to survive …
- It constrains new players to buy many different tonnage Mechs to be able to play at all. This is bad or even impossible for new f2p people without spending real money and the need to have 3 variants of each Mech. Bye MWO, Hello Other-F2P-game …
- It believe it will result in lower sale rates for Heavy and Assault Mechs (Standard, Champion or Hero likewise) with MC because it will be a gamble if you can play it at all. Maybe you are not “allowed” to ride it because of weight restrictions or you only get a few chances to play with it. Heavy and Assault have the highest MC pice. Why should I pay real money for my Hero Atlas it if I can’t use it ingame? PGI would be stupid if the promote this step.
- All the casual players that already bought a Champion or Hero Mech and now can’t use it anymore and have to buy a new lighter / heavier non-Champion / -Hero just to play?
- You suggest PUG teams to think about the team compilation in a pre-match lobby? Tactical discussion with people that insult you ingame because you cap to win a match or they just don’t like your call sign? Trying to promote that they do not use their beloved macro-AC Jaeger and try something lighter? Really?
Tonnage limits looks imho only like a workaround to generate (or more precisely: to force) Mech diversity ingame when in real there is none.
Because of this I believe that tonnage limits will not solve any problem and has the potential to lead to even more problems, hostility and insults.
Any real serious team out there will ruin a PUG anytime. The hardcore-ueber-elite team with TS will spend hours checking every single option and adjust any build to get the most out of every Mech in any weight drop constellation. Result: Perfectly harmonised team builds. Something a PUG can never do.
Like others already suggested: a proper Mech-BV plus player ELO value would be much better. Something like: my-Mech-BV for my-Hunchie-build of 2.389 plus my-ELO of 475 = 2.864. It has proven its value in TT (I know TT … boooh!) and is anytime better than any only tonnage based balancing. BV matching is not perfect, but tonnage matching is broken beyond comparison. If we need any balancing method I would prefer BV anytime over tonnage limits.
A trial Hunchback with no skills is the same tonnage as a full skilled, upgraded (Endo, DHS, AMS, …), optimal weapon payload one. Same weight = Balanced?
At the moment we have only DeathMatch-like Win/Lose and if we win or lose isn’t really of any concern without CW. You can take any Mech you like and get a match fast. Tonnage limits with or with-out CW will change this entirely. If you have to wait for a free tonnage slot for your Mech or still have to level same variants or you are plain not good with the Mech you are forced to pick … I’m not sure if many people will like this.
Sorry for the wall of text ...