Fut, on 27 November 2013 - 10:29 AM, said:
What do you do if you're going to play checkers with somebody and they take the colour that you want to play? Do you cry like a baby or play with the other colour for that round?
Doesn't matter in checkers since both sides play the same way it is just who starts first. In MW:O the mechs all play differently and handle differently as such people don't always enjoy playing certain mechs or certain types of mechs. So my question is do you always resort to petty insults when you don't have an argument?
Fut, on 27 November 2013 - 10:29 AM, said:
Games have been limiting people since the beginning of gaming - it's just a part of the package. The problem is that people have been spoiled with MWO because things weren't implemented when they should have been (ie. Tonnage Limits should have been in the game from the beginning) and now they whine and cry because things are changing. Besides, this isn't a hard "no" for your desired Mech at all. It'll all come down to the luck of the draw and your negotiating skills with your team...
Yes, games do give limitations, but it usually isn't a situation where they don't allow you to play whatever class of character/vehicle that you want. Call it crying if you want, but the crying is no worse than all the people that have complained about not having weight limits.
Fut, on 27 November 2013 - 10:29 AM, said:
Seriously though, if not being able to play the exact thing you want every single time is bothering you, I think you need some lessons in sharing.
I guess this answers my question just more personal attacks instead of an actual argument.