Caswallon, on 27 November 2013 - 06:20 AM, said:
Ah hah appeals to the "Lore" I Like it!!
"Warning Blatant Reference to "Lore" incoming, Warning probably irrelevant point incoming!"
(That was fair wasn't it? - been warned)
So the problem in my opinion with the AC20 is the same problem as ALL the AC's in MWO. Reading the source material and especially the Books we see things like "storm or metal" over and over again giving the impression that multiple slugs fire with every AC shot.
MWO has NEVER done this so in effect the MWO Ac's are totally different weapons to the ones in the Lore/Books etc. We all need to remember that. Now they work perfectly acceptably to me don't get me wrong but I have often felt SO MANY problems would have just gone away had the PGI followed the weapons descriptions in the "Lore" rather than porting them from earlier versions of Mechwarrior.
One example then I'm done and will clear the thread.
AC 20's If they fired a burst of 3 X 7 point shells the problem goes away. You get 20 (OK 21! I can count) points of damage at their effective range ONLY IF you get all three directly and exactly on target. Allowing for those with fast reflexes and or luck to evade one or two thirds of the damage. at 2X range drop one shell for a 14 point hit IF both shells connect. At 3X range drop two shells
Other Ac's would scale similarly.
Ac10 = 3X 4pt shells or 3X 3.3pt shells if you want to be pedantic
AC5 = 3X 2pt/ 1.7pt shells
AC2 = 3X .7Pt shells or there abouts.
So simple, gets rid of the huge concentrated damage, still feels even MORE like dakka I would guess. Oh and Ultra ACS just fire a 6X burst of the above Theoretically doubling stuff but only if you keep the shell stream exactly and precisely on target. They would also lose more than one shell per range step to provide balance.
My hopes and dreams, it'd never get considered by our glorious leaders now so rant over apologies for the time waste

Not everyone wants all weapons to be DpS I for one want my Front Loaded damage weapons to augment my DpS weapons. the faster the opposition dies, the quicker I can drink my next beer!