Taemien, on 29 November 2013 - 04:23 AM, said:
There's a hole in that argument. AC20s in TT and Lore were selected to have the tonnage, range, heat, and critical space that it does because it nailed a single location for 20 dmg.
There's a hole in
that argument. Lasers in TT did damage to a single location, but lasers in MWO are beam-duration weapons - which not only is more lore-friendly, but also works really well.
Why is it then so anathema to also follow the lore this time too and make ACs burst-fire (and the PPC a beam weapon while we're at it)?
I mean I understand people want their 20-damage-to-a-single-location; 20 damage to one location is simply superior to 20 damage potentially spread over several locations during a beam duration or by missile/projectile spread, but that's also the huge issue with it: It's a more efficient way to do damage, and at least to my eye it unbalances the ACs disproportionally.
ACs, PPCs, and Gauss Rifle are the only weapons in MWO that do all their damage in an instant to one location - do you think it's a coincidence that they are the overwhelmingly most common load-outs on the field? It is not, it's because it's so much more effective than beam-duration or missile/projectile spread.
If we could follow lore and make ACs burst-fire and the PPC a beam weapon, we'd just have a single weapon that always placed its damage into one location: The Gauss Rifle - and that's described in lore as a one-slug-per-shot weapon.
We would then have this:
* Lasers spread their damage over their beam duration
* PPCs spread their damage over their beam duration (which may well be shorter than lasers)
* Missiles spread their damage with missile spread
* MGs and LBX ACs spread their damage with their projectile spread
* ACs spread their damage over their burst
* The Gauss Rifle does all its damage in one shot.
I think that would go a long way towards making the game more tactical, more interesting, easier to balance, and more fun.