Private Matches - Feedback
Posted 02 December 2013 - 03:00 PM
Posted 02 December 2013 - 03:01 PM
Rizzelbizzeg, on 02 December 2013 - 02:55 PM, said:
This is directly from the CC post:
[color=#959595]If the match creator has a premium booster (premium time or some other new booster), they will have access to the premium ready screen options.[/color]
It's pretty clear that only the person creating the room needs premium, not everyone in there.
Have fun waiting for twenty minutes in a fake, padded queue before you can play a game then.
Premium users get into a match first but who gets hold of the server depends on how many suckers in their group shelled out for the premium booster. Basic users get to nibble at the private server occasionally when the premium users are done.
Edited by Silent, 02 December 2013 - 03:03 PM.
Posted 02 December 2013 - 03:04 PM
Silent, on 02 December 2013 - 03:01 PM, said:
Have fun waiting for twenty minutes in a fake, padded queue before you can play a game then.
It says right there that basic users with no premium get into a match last, and premium users get into a match first but who gets ahold of the server depends on how many suckers in their group shelled out for the premium booster.
LOL why would I do private matches were you don't get cbills? I pug, mang.
edited to remove my incorrect jibber jabber
Edited by Rizzelbizzeg, 02 December 2013 - 03:06 PM.
Posted 02 December 2013 - 03:08 PM
Length of Match (Not that important imo, since player planned matches don't usually run that long)
Map (honestly not that important imo, shouldn't get -that- much control)
Even teams or not (biggest one imo)
Hard coded tonnage (so you can't accidentally launch 5 tons over and lose on a technicality)
view mode is a **** in the wind addition and almost feel like it was thrown in as an insult.
But the simple fact is, that everyone who started playing this game and funding from closed beta, open beta, phoenix packages... mc sales ... champion mechs... And even the people who've donated to the ngng TS3 servers ... Has been wanting these modes and waiting for the 'clan warfare' carrot on the end of the stick ... And now that you are starting to show signs after what... two years... of what the player base is actually interested in, you (devs) are deciding to charge for -that- as well.
As an aside, I hope there's no c-bill or xp/gxp earned through the private matchings(both versions). I can already imagine two teams on ts loading into the same map and just taking turns cutting off arms and legs and armor to 'farm' cbills and get their xp for their chassis elite skills out of the way with no actual effort.
Posted 02 December 2013 - 03:11 PM
Deathlike, on 02 December 2013 - 02:40 PM, said:
Yeah, having your own TS-3 server is a valid investment, I use mine for many other things..
I have been part of renting 8 servers over the years, dedicated severs are by far one of the best investments for organizations that want to create custom matches, custom rules, custom this and that..
Just the mere fact that you can Admin your own server is priceless..
After submitting many screenies and video of suspicious individuals, I managed to get a few dozen people globally banned through PunkBuster, and that in itself was worth it..
However I don't think that would work, or be a very good investment with the current state of MWO, and also it would eat into the profits for MWO, since server hosting companies make the Lion's share of revenue from renting dedicated servers.
Perhaps in the future if things change dramatically..
Posted 02 December 2013 - 03:14 PM
As long as the price is reasonable I see no real difference between a rented server and rented options.
I could also point out that the wording goes "there may be a limited number of dedicated servers available for use", but I'm not going to challenge your lost faith.
Posted 02 December 2013 - 03:15 PM
Really the private matches seem fine maybe some tweaks here and there but there isn't really anything to whine about.
Posted 02 December 2013 - 03:21 PM
Thorn Hallis, on 02 December 2013 - 02:51 PM, said:
Wrong, with a Dedicated/Rented server, the renter of said server has a lot more control over what happens on said server in all areas, from admins to setting up custom rules, map rotation, content, you name it..
The Admin tools for some of the servers I ran allowed for stopping anyone from nations with poor internet infrastructure (like Brazil or China, or New Zealand, etc, etc, etc) from even showing up in the server to LAG out, or create an undesirable gaming experience.
Also the server hosting companies that rent servers out make the Lion's share of the profit from renting the dedicated servers.
That in itself is probably enough to prevent MWO from ever having dedicated server rental...
Posted 02 December 2013 - 03:21 PM
Odins Fist, on 02 December 2013 - 03:11 PM, said:
When, current MWO causes me to crash needlessly at times, so you may be correct there.
What I meant wasn't necessarily having 3rd parties get involved (but it would be ideal), but PGI themselves was have to provide their own solution for that is what I meant. They have to build the mechanism (and dev time) to allow their servers to be rented (and ideally other 3rd party providers in whatever location who'd like to participate) at a time. At least initially, it has to be whatever IGP is paying for (so it feeds back into the product/service).
It's not a complicated system, but it simply involves work (and for a 3rd party solution, lots of cooperation).
Posted 02 December 2013 - 03:25 PM
Haha, good one! You make it sound as if that actually took some intellectual effort.
I love it how companies can make the whole community raging "give us our private matches!" sound like they actually did research on something and have found a way to improve our gaming experience

Posted 02 December 2013 - 03:29 PM
Posted 02 December 2013 - 03:30 PM
Deathlike, on 02 December 2013 - 03:21 PM, said:
Roger that... I just don't see PGI having the ability (infrastructure) to do that... Nevermind the fact that it would slow development down even further.. All of the titles I have dealt with as far as renting had the 3rd party server rental companies hosting all of those functions for dedicated servers.. In fact I have seen a few titles that were exclusive to a certain server rental company.
Also, a 3rd party company already handles MWO servers right now, if my information is correct PGI doesn't own the infrastructure that handles MWO..
I just don't think the current state of MWO would make it a good investment to rent a dedicated server.
Perhaps in the future if things change dramatically..
Posted 02 December 2013 - 03:39 PM
Odins Fist, on 02 December 2013 - 03:30 PM, said:
Roger that... I just don't see PGI having the ability (infrastructure) to do that... Nevermind the fact that it would slow development down even further.. All of the titles I have dealt with as far as renting had the 3rd party server rental companies hosting all of those functions for dedicated servers.. In fact I have seen a few titles that were exclusive to a certain server rental company.
Check out Tribes: Ascend.
They are a F2P game in the same general vein as MWO. They also hold the keys to all servers themselves, but have created the ability for players / teams to purchase their own private server. It works well.
Posted 02 December 2013 - 03:40 PM
Posted 02 December 2013 - 03:41 PM
Posted 02 December 2013 - 04:42 PM
Banditman, on 02 December 2013 - 03:39 PM, said:
They are a F2P game in the same general vein as MWO. They also hold the keys to all servers themselves, but have created the ability for players / teams to purchase their own private server. It works well.
not so well. isnt tribes dead because the community fractured across servers as everyone made servers with their own rules?
premium time only thing seems fine, since we are only talking about private matches. someones gotta pay for the servers, and giving us "bonus" options for premium time sounds fine to me - heck even without it you CAN do private matches as I read it, so seriously this whine comes down to nothing but "Give me more free stuff"
VanillaG, on 02 December 2013 - 03:41 PM, said:
iirc the only way to earn money is public/CW based combat actions from which private matches will be excluded...at least I hope so

Posted 02 December 2013 - 04:45 PM

Posted 02 December 2013 - 04:51 PM
Colonel Pada Vinson, on 02 December 2013 - 04:42 PM, said:
Actually I heard Tribes Ascend described like this..
"this game feels so dated, like a prettied-up game from 1998 or something. the FPS genre has moved on since then and being able to aim down your sights is one of the essential things an FPS should have in this day and age"
Also: "A great fun game, but you will soon realise that overpowered weapons are released every month, meaning that if you do not get them straight away you will be at a severe disadvantage. Then one month later, a nerf to the old and overpower the new. Really is a shame as they had a great product at the start. So a month has passed since I wrote the paragraph above, guess what, nerfed the old OP weapons, released an attempt at a balanced OP weapon. Automatics dominate the game to the point that it is just another shooter, no point in going fast because you will be gunned down, no point in using any other weapon other than the smgs because if you are not using them, you will constantly die to them, this really drags the gameplay down, from a fast paced shooter to another spray and pray title."
The weapons balancing issues seem eerily similar to something else..

I have never seen dedicated rental servers fracture/ kill a game EVER..
Posted 02 December 2013 - 05:09 PM
DeathofSelf, on 02 December 2013 - 01:46 PM, said:
As you can see I have paid money, I understand that they need to make money, but charging for options in private matches is a pretty crappy way to do it
It makes sense, really.
When you play PUG games, you're providing content for other random players. They WANT people playing as many PUG matches as possible to keep the PUG pool well filled.
Once you start playing Private Matches, you're not providing content for those random players anymore.
I get that you personally have contributed, but they want to avoid Random Free Players from playing without contributing - and simply playing in the PUB pool is a means of contributing.
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