I can't believe the major draw for this game.. THE MAJOR ELEMENT THAT MADE PEOPLE BACK THIS GAME... community warfare... is only in the first stages of engineering.
Absolutely flabbergasted.
Stop making new mechs, we've got enough of the damn things now. The core game is good, requiring balance tweaks but otherwise in a good place. The one thing that would make this game special is community warfare, and that is barely out of the design stage?
I can't articulate how disappointed I am right now. It's going to be 2 years until community warfare is ready.and released to a point where it might mean games matter beyond grinding c-bills. I've sunk a lot of money into this game on the belief that community warfare was the aim, I had no idea that "soonTM" meant multiple years. It's vaporware, and I would hazard a guess that it will go down in the history of games with the likes of Duke Nukem Forever.
By the time it's up and running another game will have gone through design, pre-production, production, alpha, beta release... you'll have lost the market advantage. Use it, or lose it and let someone else with a bigger production team have a go.
Edited by Laniarty, 10 December 2013 - 02:03 AM.