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Patch Day - December 3Rd - LIVE!

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#321 Shade4x


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Posted 03 December 2013 - 10:35 PM

View PostMadMaxMKII, on 03 December 2013 - 04:56 PM, said:

name me a game that is balanced around the nooby core that is playing here and than.

I'm assuming you are asking to name games that are balanced around new and casual players (I.E. PUG players in this game)

World of warcraft
Dark ages of camelot
Modern Warfare
Modern Warfare 2
Modern warfare 3
Quake 2
Champions Online
Planetside 2
World of Tanks
... I can go on.

The whole reason why WoW was as sucessfull as it was, was because it was accessable to the middle aged house wife mom and the 15 year old kid. Balancing your game based on elite players only works if it doesn't make the game worse for the casual players. This is common sense. Believe it or not there are ways to balance the game for both. This debate gets brought up in every game that wants to pretend it will be the next E-Sport. What people have a hard time remembering is that Halo and Starcraft had their balance done before the game was launched, and it was soley with the intention to make the game as fun to as many people possible. Their are a slew of games that tried to appeal to the elite player and disregard the casual player. None of those games have servers up.

#322 Shade4x


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Posted 03 December 2013 - 10:48 PM

View PostPraehotec8, on 03 December 2013 - 04:00 PM, said:

As for setting dates....I take it you're so perfect that, unlike the rest of us you've never missed a deadline, or made mistakes, or taken on more than you could conveniently handle? It's obvious that, for whatever reason, PGI is having trouble getting the project done quickly. Why? I doubt we'll ever know. So you either continue to wait, or you leave. However, please stop dramatizing on the forums every time a new patch comes out. Complaints and suggestions are good, but crying about the delay has passed the point of being useless and annoying.

The sad thing in your avocation to sit here and take it, is that you fail to realize that your expecting less and less with each patch, effectively rewarding incompetence. Do you know what happens in the real world when you miss a deadline? Your stock drops, you **** people off, you lose your job, etc. Now i get it, missing a deadline or two is completely forgivable. We are not talking about a single deadline, and we are not talking about missing it by a week or two. We are talking a year. How is that acceptable? We should complain. Otherwise why would this company do anything besides release a new hero mech every month and count the cash? Seriously dude, i don't know where you work, but i can't think of a real world example (outside the goverment) that you can miss a deadline for more then a month and have no consequences to show for it.

#323 Krasnopesky


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Posted 03 December 2013 - 11:21 PM

Nice patch, I like the new spawn points. They make the game feel more tactical.

#324 MechFrog1


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Posted 03 December 2013 - 11:30 PM

If you haven't already, I would suggest everyone go watch the GDC 2011 speech by one of the Devs for Age of Empires Online. He outlines how the game ran into some major pitfalls, how they sought to repair them, and what they learned from the whole fiasco. It should be required viewing for anyone who works in f2p game development and anyone who thinks they know what is or isn't wrong with MWO.

#325 Texas Merc


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Posted 03 December 2013 - 11:39 PM


#326 Texas Merc


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Posted 03 December 2013 - 11:50 PM

OK I came back and those are kinda bitter posts.

Delete them at will please but the truth still stands and I will make an xmas - new years effort post at some point.

Edited by Texas Merc, 03 December 2013 - 11:54 PM.

#327 Rose Scented Love Puff


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Posted 03 December 2013 - 11:53 PM

Wicked ! Can't wait to see what the new spawn points are like. I'm a little curious about the hero Jenner though. I thought that the hero mechs introduced into this game are based on actual mechs piloted by heroes within the Battletech universe. For instance Yen Lo Wang, piloted by Kai Allard Liao.
I've pretty much read all of the novels as a nerdy teenager but I don't remember a hero Jenner called Oxide. At the end of the day it doesn't even really matter if there was one or not. I'm just curious if there was in fact one from out of BT lore that I simply overlooked, or if random hero mechs are being created to help generate profit ?

Edited by Obsidian_Knight, 03 December 2013 - 11:59 PM.

#328 aniviron


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Posted 04 December 2013 - 12:13 AM

View PostDeathlike, on 03 December 2013 - 09:54 AM, said:

I'm already wondering if the new hero Jenner is DOA, considering it has considerably slower acceleration (besides the lack of JJs in the first place). Looks like a future PB or something.

Given that the meta for light mechs is "Which one has more streaks?" I'm guessing that the new Jenner will be pretty popular, to the point where there's no effective defense against it in a light-v-light fight. Against heavier targets though, I expect it to be worthless, since non-streak SRMs are worthless with the netcode as bad as it is.

#329 Praehotec8


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Posted 04 December 2013 - 12:23 AM

View PostShade4x, on 03 December 2013 - 10:48 PM, said:

How is that acceptable? We should complain. Otherwise why would this company do anything besides release a new hero mech every month and count the cash? Seriously dude, i don't know where you work, but i can't think of a real world example (outside the goverment) that you can miss a deadline for more then a month and have no consequences to show for it.

I can think of a real world example where you can miss a deadline by months: Research (I am not a researcher). You still are missing my point though.

If you're sick of the delay, and are angry: leave, write a letter to the customer service department, don't spend any more money, and go. Posting on the forums doesn't make a difference, as evidenced by the past year. You speak of discontent, yet you have the Overlord badge, and must have felt the game was worth spending that much money on. THAT is what companies hear. I'm not saying you should be content, but protest in a useful way at least...

This patch actually is pretty nice...some balance changes with the hitboxes, interesting new spawn locations, some new vanity items, and even some new graphic effects...not huge, but pretty good. Complaining that you aren't getting anything is not true, and at this point is tiresome. Not to mention that CW will undoubtedly not be the second coming of video game paradise.

#330 ROJ


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Posted 04 December 2013 - 03:45 AM

As much as I hate how PGI is developing this game; I am really sick of some of the cynical comments being posted on every single thread on these forums..
Seriously feel like many of the people here are over reactive cry babies. No matter what gets done in this game, no matter what! It will always be followed by people who will complain about it as if it is a conditioned habit among many of the player here.. Dont 'fix it this way', 'they should have done it that way', 'they ruined it', 'OMG! MW will die soon' etc.

If you think PGI is messing up the MW or BT franchise then there is nothing that can be done about it, I think you already know that.. Just stop playing the game, stop spending money on it and find some other developer to create your dream MW game.

On the other hand, I personally cannot find anything worth complaining about in this patch, there have been some minor but significant tweaks on this one. I have seen some noteworthy progress for the past couple of months.

Edited by ROJ, 04 December 2013 - 03:47 AM.

#331 CarpetShark


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Posted 04 December 2013 - 04:02 AM

View PostROJ, on 03 December 2013 - 01:52 PM, said:

Changes to spawn locations! That's interesting.

I hope this could mean starting each team at a random spawn point during drops.. This will make every drop interesting, unpredictable and will make people even less bored of the game.

"Interesting"? Not in the slightest.

I do not find it interesting at all that my team (this is a team game, after all) is further away than the enemy is at the start of the game. I do not find it interesting that there is now literally no way to have any sort of plan. I do not find it interesting at all that I can be completely and utterly destroyed within seconds of starting a match in a ****ing Battlemaster.

It will definitely make me "less bored." I'll be playing some other game.

#332 Ari Dian


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Posted 04 December 2013 - 04:10 AM

View PostEd Steele, on 03 December 2013 - 03:24 PM, said:

Russ leaked on Twitter that HPG is coming next patch unless something goes very wrong. I also believe that it was stated that HPG requires DX11, so put 2 and 2 together and draw whatever conclusion you will from that.

Easy. No new map and no DX11 this year. And because it was not able to add this, the UI2.0 will as well not come out. And without UI2.0 there will be no warfare.

#333 MetalMagpie


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Posted 04 December 2013 - 04:35 AM

View PostShade4x, on 03 December 2013 - 10:48 PM, said:

The sad thing in your avocation to sit here and take it, is that you fail to realize that your expecting less and less with each patch, effectively rewarding incompetence. Do you know what happens in the real world when you miss a deadline? Your stock drops, you **** people off, you lose your job, etc. Now i get it, missing a deadline or two is completely forgivable. We are not talking about a single deadline, and we are not talking about missing it by a week or two. We are talking a year. How is that acceptable? We should complain. Otherwise why would this company do anything besides release a new hero mech every month and count the cash? Seriously dude, i don't know where you work, but i can't think of a real world example (outside the goverment) that you can miss a deadline for more then a month and have no consequences to show for it.

In the real world, stated release dates for films, video games, etc. get pushed back all the time. There are usually consequences in the form of disappointed fans (and potentially wasted money on marketing), which is why large companies are generally cagey about offering release dates for their products until they can be very confident they'll meet them.

Stating a date you're going to release a new product (or feature) and then pushing it back later isn't good for consumer confidence, but it's hardly a crime. And the alternative can be a lot worse. EA has a very good record for meeting its release dates, but that can come at a cost both to the final quality of the game and to the well-being of their staff.

PGI have stated a lot of release dates for features that have turned out to be far too optimistic. That's bad for people's confidence in them. But if PGI are still "counting the cash", it demonstrates that a substantial number of players are still happy enough with the game to spend money on it. If PGI were to never release another new feature (aside from hero mechs and other paid content) then the game will only continue to make money for as long as the current feature-set is good enough to convince people to spend money on it.

Where people would have reason to complain is if PGI pushed back features that people have already paid for (such as the Phoenix and Sabre packs). In which case, people would have a reasonable expectation to request their money back. Promising that a paid-for product will be delivered on a particular date is different to promising that a free product will be available on a particular date. You only have traditional consumer rights in the first instance.

#334 Belorion


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Posted 04 December 2013 - 05:06 AM

View PostArtifice, on 03 December 2013 - 10:33 PM, said:

With the Developer's Update saying the new map is finished and ready for release, I naturally thought that we would have a new map today. I'm pouting very sternly.

Also, thanks for the patch.

They also said it would be mid December.

#335 Cromwill


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Posted 04 December 2013 - 05:15 AM

Forget about the Jenner.

The real issue is the total lack of CW, in fact, its not even close to being done. They are now over a year behind the original schedule.

#336 M4NTiC0R3X


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Posted 04 December 2013 - 05:24 AM

The gap between now and then
<< >>
.. is closing

#337 Caswallon


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Posted 04 December 2013 - 05:25 AM

Has anyone found out if the (execrable) ability to move mechs around by the team "leader" means you mystically jump to the now possibly far distant spawn point of your "new " lance?

I suspect not as you have already "dropped" by the time the option to shuffle the deck becomes live. So now the idiocy of splitting pre mades has added Troll value as you can send all the assaults as far away as possible from the front lines. I have not yet "tested" this out as thankfully very few folks in the games I play in bother with the lance reassignment as it causes so much trouble, but in more Puggy games I can see a world of player alienating hurt in this..

Great work PGI have you added a feature that invalidates further a feature from a recent previous patch?!

#338 Ryoken


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Posted 04 December 2013 - 05:48 AM

View PostGeek Verve, on 03 December 2013 - 11:44 AM, said:

I like the new racks. They look way cooler. Plus, there should be *some* kind of downside to sitting back in relative safety and raining down Hellfire on the enemy. Look at the bright side - every hit that over-sized missile box takes is one less that's landing on that vulnerable XL engine-housing side torso.

That's a very narrow minded view. It's not like sitting in the back and taking a nap. If you fail to deliver you are just as dead as the rest of the team, just one minute later. To put LRM into use one must choose and change position according to the course of the battle.

#339 Kunae


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Posted 04 December 2013 - 05:52 AM

View Postdesan476, on 03 December 2013 - 03:24 PM, said:

lore maybe?

There is no lore. "Oxide" is a "made-up-by-PGI" variant.

#340 SpiralFace


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Posted 04 December 2013 - 05:57 AM

That being said, It has been pointed out that this is very much like an IS "Jenner IIC" config. With almost entirely a missile load out.

If it didn't have that quirk, I would say its decent. Sure it doesn't play to the current metta, but I can see that changing when SRM's finally get fixed, and they do another general weapons balance pass.

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