Mr 144, on 18 December 2013 - 07:10 AM, said:
Turning Speed: Not viable to accomplish this goal. It simply isn't no matter how simple it sounds. Physics dictates that turning speed would have to be nerfed much farther than people realize to have any desired effect.
Turning Radius: Mass vs. Inertia, etc...make this a difficult balancing act to have any semblance of, PGI it's currently a fixed value, not a variable.
Torso Twist/Arm Articulation: Already nerfed to oblivion to the point having arms is actually a downside to a chassis...really? we want less than 10 degree arm'd assaults?
Torso Twist/ Arm Reflex Speed: Currently tied to engine size. I would guess any re-work of this metric would require coding on PGI's god, we don't want that. Plus, given the ability to simply turn-track coupled with gimpy arms anyhow, this would do nothing in the grand scheme of things other than to reduce enjoyabilty of "good" assault/heavy piloting. (my opinion is they've already killed this as now, only positioning matters)
That leaves my original go-to metric....Acceleration/Decceleration:
#1: PGI already has the coding in place to tweak this via "quirks" for not only chassis', but variants within.
#2: It is an "agility" based, pilot appreciable skill.
#3: The ability to quickly deccelerate while in a blind spot, change attack angle, and re-accelerate to top speed makes any torso-twist, arm reflex, turn-radius, or turn-speed, completely irrelevant. THIS is what gives agility....the ability to outmaneuver the fatty's.
Notice this does not make any targeting "uncontrollabe" like buffing any other metric. This promotes skill. This rightly keeps circling stupid for lights.
Like I originally said...I don't disagree with the math, I disagree with the entire premise the math shows. You all are focusing on the wrong thing.
Quirks are all listed on Smurfy's.
Click the Torso/Arm entries to see Graphs, with and without Skills, based on base Engine ratings.

Edited by Almond Brown, 18 December 2013 - 09:55 AM.