Joseph Mallan, on 03 January 2014 - 05:18 AM, said:
Being in a faction SHOULD mean that you can only drop on planets contested in your Realm. As a Lyran I should only be able to fight against Free Worlds, Kurita and Clans... Maybe Liao as we are FedCom right now. So only Lyran PUGs should be dropping together against Kurita PUGs and so on.
Lone Wolves are there to fill in the gaps of a drop that may not have enough Lyrans, DCMS, FWL etc to fill a drop.
Also a Lone Wolf that does not have Clan Mechs should not be able to drop WITH clanners UNLESS they own and have equipped a Omni.
As far as those folks who started "canon" units. My take is they should have known better. Now that we know that the DEVs want to make us earn a seat in Canon units, they should be willing to grind their way in, just as I am. It's a new game, we don't have a means to Upload what we achieved in the past (like Dragon Age to Dragon Age 2) So we have to be willing to start over and earn our accolades here, now.
Sure, a faction player MUST be limited. A Marik can only drop against Liao, and Steiner (maybe also FedSuns because FedCom?).
Remember, "who created a Canon unit" includes all the various Clans in MWO. We should have known better? Neg. It is not my case but here many, like you after all, have played for decades and many have been sticking with an unit or faction for a very long time. This is especially true for Clan units.
Why should they not have the possibility to recreate their group in-game in MWO? Last time i checked this is the heir to the franchise heritage. Every MW in the past saw many player units created and living for years and years. MW is a perfect game in multiplayer for player units. Why should MWO be different?
In MW4 the single player campaign was focused on being mercs but in multy tons of Clans and House Units fought for years.
I might not get your point because here the problem is that in CW only the Mercs are going to have the good stuff and being priviliged.
every House or Clan unit become a merc unit then? They cannot even do that, because canon names are banned. I never liked this.. But the whole idea of CW seems to be "NO LORE HERE" , since Mercs are the best guys and they cannot be "Wolf's Dragoons Zeta Battalion".
Do you really want to see a MechWarrior game in which the only player units allowed are the classic "gaming clans" with no history at all? I do not. I am being honest here: when i drop in CW, i want to drop with the 4th Wolf Guards (both in-game and as my player unit), with my unique Cluster camo and decals, against, say, the Free Rasalhague Republic
[color=#000000]1st Drakøns with their unique skin fighting for a planet in the FRR during Operation Revival. A Smoke Jaguar player will play instead may play in a special "Battle for Luthien" event in which they will fight against the various DCMS and Wolf's Dragoons faction units (some Kell Hound player units may be invited! ) This is what i want. This is the Community Warfare i want. [/color]