Victor Morson, on 11 December 2013 - 07:38 PM, said:
Except 600+ damage is the average on a proper LRM skirmisher, without the downsides.
I am saying there's no other way to run LRMs effectively not because it's my personal preference, but because there really isn't an effective way to run LRMs outside of this.
For the "hyper competitive" groups, for the record, many would call me crazy for even trying to shoehorn LRMs into a niche at all. Most have just abandon them entirely.
Really? Prove it. May I see a screenshot of all your mech stats? I don't believe that you can maintain an average damage of 600+ on your LRM mechs, constantly...
Prove it again. I see talk, but no proving. I don't see any prof that says that no other build will work in the game.
It is a niche weapon, with many different and vast features and options. It has so many different ways to play them that it's hard to master. As I've described before, it's a weapon that can be easy to use, lock and pull the trigger. But to use well takes skill, experience and knowledge. Right now, you are advising only one small facet of the weapon system, to the exclusion of any and all other options or advise.
Victor Morson, on 11 December 2013 - 08:19 PM, said:
Because I haven't given up on LRMs since closed beta and am not blind to their downsides and weaknesses, I'm not qualified to talk LRMs? What?
Quick facts:
- Not running TAG makes your LRM mech bad.
- Not running BAP makes your LRM mech bad.
- Not running Artemis makes your LRM mech bad.
Again, facts. LRMs are horrendous weapons without every single buff you can stack onto them, bringing them up to "useful niche" at best.
Again, my mission statement is to give newbies uncensored knowledge for how to absolutely maximize their damage done and usefulness to their team.
If you are looking for running sub-par equipment or builds because they're "more fun," this guide isn't for you. That's all.
I've been playing LRMs since I started playing the game back last December. I may have only a years worth of experience, but I continue to use them. I think I also have experience to say some advise and have it be considered. Not just thrown to the side because "I was here longer". We are all qualified to talk about LRMs here. We each have a different style of using them. They are all effective in their own rights.
And, your quick facts, prove it. Prove that no mech can ever run LRMs without those pieces of gear. You can't prove it. You can make an opinionated case in it's favor, but you can't prove that a mech without TAG is ineffective or useless, nor with the other gear either.
Fact: Default LRMs can still be VERY useful in many different roles. They are a unique weapon with lots of different abilities over other weapon types. There are many ways to play them, and I'd say we each play them in a different style.
If you want uncensored information, you would be disagreeing with us (which is fine), without saying we are completely wrong (which is not fine). You want Uncensored information? Include all aspects of LRM use, besides what you feel is "most effective".
Victor Morson, on 11 December 2013 - 08:57 PM, said:
Catapults are bad at LRM boating. Both 'mechs can effectively infight with SRMs about the same. Really we're talking the difference between "lackluster" and "meh" here. I won't argue they both can do SRMs as well.
The only Catapult that is worth getting is the K2.
Point: Both win the "Mediocre chassis" award.
You make the huge mistake of thinking anyone would run the arms on a Battlemaster, when running with a Stalker design. They'd strip them and slap all the guns in the torso.
Ghost Heat keeps the BattleMaster from being better than OK, but it's a decent pugging mech. There's definitely worse options out there. Same with the Stalker, really. I've seen arguments for or against both with most people leaning stalker.
Point: And the runners up to the Mediocre Chassis Award goes to...
I need to start adding a disclaimer to every sentence. When I say "Never run X" I mean "Never run X if you are trying your best to win." If you don't care about winning then sure, you can do whatever.
So, you say the premire LRM mech, that people had problems with for months of this game, is a bad LRM mech? Well, that just threw your credibility out the window...
And the Stalker, which was one shooting people with not just PPC versions but also 70-100 LRM versions, before ghost heat and LRM nerfs came in? Before TAG buffs (no tag on them normally back then)? They still make for good LRM mechs, but you can't leave them defenseless anymore, unlike what people use to do. Not unless you really know what you are doing, or have a good team around you.
So, now you are saying that anyone who disagrees with you are not playing to win?
Victor Morson, on 11 December 2013 - 08:57 PM, said:
Oh my Go-- hahahahahhahahahahaha.
The Locust is better than anything because of the model with an AC/10??
You do realize even if you only carry 2 tons of ammo, you can't even max the armor on something that doesn't have enough armor to survive a single heavy hit?
You seem to have misread this. He was saying, in theory, that an AC10 locust is better than a commando. Some people I'm sure can use a Urbanmech like mech very well. People have been doing it with the Spider for a while now. And, as you said, a Locust tends to not even be able to survive a direct hit anyway with full armor, so why need all that armor then? Just... a possible concept...
Victor Morson, on 11 December 2013 - 08:57 PM, said:
This right here is why I say you should stop giving advice as serious. As a gimmick joke, sure, but "more powerful?" A Commando sucks even and I'm not putting the "Paper cannon that will explode when brushed with a gentle breeze of small lasers" in the "more powerful" category than anything.
My God man. if you really think that's viable, there is no debate to be had.
No argument from me. You think AC/10 Locusts are viable.
Everyone has free will to ignore this advice. If they want access to the best information, they won't.
Here is a man who does not understand the hitboxes at all.
And Awesomes with 4 SRM6s were great in closed beta too.
As a side note, what you just described didn't ever really work anyway. The Raven 4X has been {Scrap} since day 1.
And all of this I do believe is not mentioned in this thread, and so is not related to this conversation in the least. It is a troll move at best.
Victor Morson, on 11 December 2013 - 09:00 PM, said:
Honestly my advice is that new players - brand new players - don't touch LRMs at all. Stick with simple, direct fire weaponry until you've gotten the hang of the game.
If you want to branch out to LRMs, you do so in a package that makes them effective, at which point this guide is here for new users to LRMs exclusively.
I cannot state objective fact as opinion. I've posted the advantages of a TAG and why, for example, you should never be without one. If someone doesn't listen to that, they are making a mistake, but it's theirs to make.
I am here to offer information, not force you to drive my builds.
I am only censoring disagreeing with incorrect information. Such as claims that one can drive an effective LRM boat without TAG. Because you can't.
No matter how good you are or how much you think your build is great, bottom line is a non-Artemis, non-TAG assault will be a waste of a player on your team. It's just how it works out.
So... as far as "New Player Help", this isn't for "New Players"? Doesn't that defeat the purpose of placing it into the new player forums to start with? Or, maybe that should be one of the first sentences of the first post? "If you are new to the game, I recommend one not to use LRMs. However, if you are going to, here are some suggestions for you." Wait. Those "suggestions" are "commands". My bad. This is a Guide, and still belongs in the "Guides and Strategies" forum.
You say one thing, then contradict yourself with your next sentence. "Can not state objective fact as Opinion" when it is an Opinion you are mentioning, then you say "They are making a mistake (if they don't take Tag like how I say)". So, you are right, we are wrong, and you are right. We should not question your athuroity on this subject, nor should we present alternative uses or strategies/tactics to alienate or disrupt you "opinions"... I mean "objective" facts.
You are here to offer information, which forces us to drive your builds or be deemed as incompetent fools.
You are censoring, I mean disagreeing (harshly), with any "information" (opinion/suggestion) other than your own. I drive LRM "mechs", not boats, without TAG all the time. To confuse my LRM designs with those "foolish" boats is a sore mistake one can make on the field of combat. It normally costs the pilot who confuses my mech for a boat with their lives...
Tell that to many of my mechs, such as my Stalker and Battlemaster. I guess it's a good thing I'm not much of an Assault pilot, and far more of a med/light pilot who occasionally ventures into the heavy range...