The Hammer Hands and the Battle Axe were both old, old designs (despite appearing in a recent book) from the Age of War, pre-dating the Star League. They're both cited as prototypes for the popular Warhammer. Interestingly, both can also jump.
Well, maybe we should have those in the game?
Personally I prefer to get the Battle Axe. It is a Warhammer with missiles instead of medium lasers for backup weapons. Twin PPC arms, Twin LRM-5's, and a shoulder SRM-6 and jump jets. Although it isn't shown here those little pods on the arms would probably be a clear locations for 2 more energy hardpoints.
It is by far the closest we could probably get.
The other one is the Hammer Hands. Instead of PPC cannons in the arms this one has AC-10's and medium lasers, and an SRM-6 in the right spot. It is slow, but again, like it's cousin this one can jump.

Edited by Hans Von Lohman, 10 December 2013 - 06:42 PM.