Doctor Proctor, on 13 December 2013 - 10:57 AM, said:
That doesn't really matter all that much here actually due to just the sheer disparity between the numbers. You telling me that if I cut out all the Light mechs that suddenly my average damage per shot on a ML is going to jump to almost double what it is now? Because unless it does, then it's actual damage values will still fall short of it's optimal values, which gives it a comparative disadvantage to ballistics because they perform very close to, or even exceed their optimal values. It's like saying you can't be sure if the sports car really is faster than the go kart unless they're on the same street, since there could be different bumps or pavement conditions.
from personal experience i can keep lasers on target far easier for large slow targets then small fast. so yes damage interacts with target size and speed. The only way to determine who is faster is to have both vehicles run each track. then you can see the effect track conditions have on speed.
i understand the desire and premise to equate skill with damage delivered and then compare the two but target type affects damage done. so the answer is yes you could make a fit function but you need hit rate and damage done by target. then you can say for small fast target this is my skill/ efficiency with theses weapons and this is it for large slow. you'd wind up with a curve that has mech size along the bottom and damage done on the left with multiple lines for each weapon.
I expect that you will see very different results depending on target. the larger the target the closer to max damage delivered.
conversely the smaller the target damage levels should diverge with harder to use weapons delivering less damage.
using the tabulated data is problematic. since you cant extract out target size. you might be because of ELO facing more heavy mechs then lights and bias the curves. but each curve is really jsut a fit of individual skill for each weapon. not ac-s are better then lasers.
I personally think ac's are harder to use and you can see that in the accuracy values, but are harder to deliver max damage due to the beam nature of lasers and the all or nothings ac round. i'll take lasers for partial damage all the time.