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Clan Collections - Feedback

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#381 Wales Grey

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Posted 13 December 2013 - 06:35 PM

We called it. We [redacted] called it.

"Minimum Viable Product" is the motto of PGI's development team after all.

edit: Oh yeah, I love how the Clan Omnis are actually just regular mechs with different chassis variations to force extra grind and cut down on any sort of work to revamp the skill trees.


Edited by Marvyn Dodgers, 13 December 2013 - 06:49 PM.

#382 Serapth


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Posted 13 December 2013 - 06:35 PM

View PostAirborne Thunder, on 13 December 2013 - 06:34 PM, said:

PGI, remove the Gold mech packages before this negative publicity gets out of hand. Is it really worth it to sell maybe a dozen or so of those Gold packages? The negative hype and loss of players will probably cost you even more money if not your reputation in the long run.


The pricing for the Clan pack is bad enough...

The gold mechs though... that's a punchline to a bad joke. Literally. Expect a Penny Arcade mocking for this level of greed

Oh and whoever coined the phrase "All press is good press", was incredibly wrong.

#383 CMDR Sunset Shimmer


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Posted 13 December 2013 - 06:35 PM

View PostAirborne Thunder, on 13 December 2013 - 06:34 PM, said:

PGI, remove the Gold mech packages before this negative publicity gets out of hand. Is it really worth it to sell maybe a dozen or so of those Gold packages? The negative hype and loss of players will probably cost you even more money if not your reputation in the long run.

Implying they have a decent rep at this point anyway...

How long has it been since we got a REAL feature in this game? Oh wait, like over a year.

#384 Devil Fox


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Posted 13 December 2013 - 06:35 PM

Look the white knights have come to the topic...

View PostProsperity Park, on 13 December 2013 - 06:17 PM, said:

They are selling every single Clan Mech for $10 each, and people are posting about "how it costs $150 for a Puma."
Get a clue - each package comes with all the lower ones included.

Some people have no right to complain.

Yea but some people only want certain machines, a series of packages of single mechs would sell just as well as overall packages. The single mechs like the Uller or Puma for people who only want the lights, then packages with bonuses to entice people to buy it for extra bonuses?! It ain't hard.

Some people have no right to question other people's expectations... everyone has a right to complain for a paid product...

View PostCattra Kell, on 13 December 2013 - 06:18 PM, said:

Lets not light the fire - lets examine everything first:

At $240 the Masakari Collection is a bit high, but then I consider what it includes: 8 different Mechs with 3 variants each (totaling 24 Mechs) and each Prime Variant offering a 30% c-bill bonus, plus the 4 bonus modules, 8 badges, 4 hanging cockpit items, 8 custom titles, 1 signed digital art-piece, 8 warhorns (not sure what those are going to be), and 90 days Premium time.

Lets break it down:
$240 for 24 mechs @ (255 + 225 + 165 + 105 + 300 + 210 + 150 + 90) 1500 TONS

$10/Mech OR $0.16/Ton

This does not take into account the mech bays and premium time.
Mechbays are another 7200MC value. If you get the $100 package, $1 is 250 MC, as such the Mechbays are an estimated $28.8.

Premium Time @ 90 days is 2500 * 3 = 7500MC, so $30

So far we have:
Mechs @ hero mech prices per ton = 1500tons * 75MC = 112500 MC OR $450 (112500/25,000 * 100)
Mechbays are another 28.8 and premium is 30

Mechs: $450
Bays: $28.8
Premium: $30
Total cost: $508.8

Wow the price is worth it, but not everyone wants every mech, or can afford the package they want... if they had released a series of individual mech packages for people to choice, or even split them up into a choice of a 4 mechs per package etc then fine. But they have intentionally locked the most wanted mechs into the more expensive tiers, then they reward only those more expensive tiers for their purchases which means that if you don't have the money, well here have some mechs as a consolation and go get more money...

If I had a choice of mechs, I could drop $60 no worries for the light's, but I can't drop $150 because I have to buy up to that point for the 2 mechs I want on release (or wait over 5 months, so this time next year for the puma).

View PostCattra Kell, on 13 December 2013 - 06:22 PM, said:

How about that $40+ ships in Star Citizen?

At least I get continuous update on how SC is being developed, and I could slowly dribble money into it to upgrade packages, or remelt for other packages. Star Citizen gave plenty of time, and the ability to change your mind... PGI just locks mechs into packages with no option to even buy a single chassis I would want without putting a sum of set money into it.

Through in the fact SC is crowd-funding, PGI is 'officially released' still without the core functionality and content that was sold to founders, open beta, then new players. SC whilst is giving me weekly updates, content, and continuous development/alpha content to make the game the best it will be. PGI's QA... let's not hit that wall...

#385 Crimson Angel


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Posted 13 December 2013 - 06:36 PM

#386 Jason1138


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Posted 13 December 2013 - 06:36 PM

View PostMaverick01, on 13 December 2013 - 06:34 PM, said:

I don't mind spending money on this game, but the prices are out of control. Why on earth would I spend $500 on a gold 'Mech when I can purchase a brand new Playstation 4 at that price? I could see spending $100 on a gold 'Mech, but $500.... are you !@#$ kidding me! Does PGI understand that we are still recovering from a recession?

more people should be asking this. Honestly, what would you rather have? a PS4 or additional gold mechs? a new PC or gold mechs? a used car or gold mechs?

this game will never get another dime from me

#387 Davers


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Posted 13 December 2013 - 06:36 PM

View PostDarkCain, on 13 December 2013 - 06:27 PM, said:


BTW if IGP/PGI are paying attention to Star Citizen, then you will note that those devs frequently and regularly engage the player base with web casts, Q&A sessions, etc.

PGI did this too, early on. Lots of talk from the devs during CB and even into OB.

View PostLeesin, on 13 December 2013 - 06:28 PM, said:

Yes we get it, this is Mechwarrior, we do like new mechs, but we also like proper content, a proper game, not just team deathmatch to show off how many hundreds of dollars we spent on broken promises. This new package can go **** itself until I see some new noteworthy content.

I mean what the **** have you invested the Phoenix package money into? more modelers, animators, skinners etc to make all these mechs? rather than putting more resources into actual content the game needs so badly, nice.

Don't even have TDM yet. But Soon... ;)

#388 StonedDead


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Posted 13 December 2013 - 06:36 PM

They look great, but that's it. Where is all the content? Mechs are not content. We need more things to do, not just more mechs to drive. Still sitting on two not-too-dissimilar game modes and running out of things to do with this game. If you want to even have a prayer of the game surviving the next year, CW better be bad***, and soon. Otherwise, no one will play unless a new map or mech comes out. A weeks worth of players, then three weeks of fighting the same people all over again in the same maps, for nothing.

I won't be buying these. I have already spent more on this game than I have spent on any other game ever. And more than I have spent on all my games combined in three years. I'm tapped out here. I spend no more until there is something worth fighting for.

Edited by Zekester81, 13 December 2013 - 06:38 PM.

#389 Wu Jen


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Posted 13 December 2013 - 06:36 PM

View PostCattra Kell, on 13 December 2013 - 06:34 PM, said:

They are charging for items in Star Citizen too, did you miss the Voyager Direct?

Cattra I get that you and all the No Guts No Galaxy Guys are paid employees, that being said you really should moderate your White Knighting of PGI/IGP.

#390 Tetatae Squawkins


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Posted 13 December 2013 - 06:37 PM

No amount of post deleting is going to save you from this.

#391 Jason1138


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Posted 13 December 2013 - 06:37 PM

I mean I *literally* just said out loud "wow i didn't think anyone could F up worse than Eve did" when i saw this. PGI has shown their true colors, again, to anyone who is watching

i'm sure they'll sell tons of these packs and that's great, but this game is dead

#392 JDH4mm3r


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Posted 13 December 2013 - 06:37 PM

View PostCYBRN4CR, on 13 December 2013 - 06:20 PM, said:

I don't care about the rest of you (except those planning on staying). I frankly think you can go play other games now. You have your evidence. Now leave.

I'm going to be getting that 240 clan pack of 24 mechs (8 of them with 30% bonuses) + mechbays + extra content, and will not regret its purchase, nor will I complain about delivery of the extra content so long as it is developed. Why? Because I support the game's continued development, I am willing to wait and forgive, and because sexy clan mechs.

You will regret when PGI fails and goes the way of the dodo.

#393 Dodger79


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Posted 13 December 2013 - 06:38 PM

Offering something as expensive as these packs 8 months before you can actually use it without saying how the content is working is.. not _that_ smart in my opinion. How do Omnis work? For sure not like the Omnis we know from the lore, because the Mechs we have now are working like this and you sell different variants as where it should only have one variant which should be customizable just as you like. Then, how do Clan-weapons work, how are their stats? Are they even worth the money or are they just more of the same we already have? Will we be able to strip the weapons and equipment and put it in IS-Mechs or are we stuck to Clan-Mechs? Can IS-pilots (House and Mercs as well) drive Omnis at all or can we only use these more then expensive items if we associate with a Clan? The FAQs say nothing about these urgent questions, but still you are asking for thousands of dollars? Are you f*cking serious?!?

#394 L Y N X


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Posted 13 December 2013 - 06:38 PM

Being a Legendary Founder, I feel like I already bought MWO.

Given PGI's track record at delivering game content, and in light of the recently announced pre-sales for the clan collection and the gold mechs, (which I think are really cool,btw) I cannot justify to myself spending another dime on this game until CW content is released. I'm sure you will collect proceeds from others, but if still others feel as I do and do as I do, then you can help yourselves by stop sidetracking your focus on features that get in the way of core content. When was UI2.0 supposed to be delivered originally? Yeah, I think you understand my point.

Hit me up for the awesome sales once CW is delivered.

Edited by 7ynx, 13 December 2013 - 06:38 PM.

#395 MechWarrior Black Knight


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Posted 13 December 2013 - 06:38 PM


#396 Eddrick


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Posted 13 December 2013 - 06:38 PM

No Thank-you. Price is way to high. The only Clan Mech I really like the Timber Wolf, anyway.

#397 Cattra Kell


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Posted 13 December 2013 - 06:38 PM

View PostWu Jen, on 13 December 2013 - 06:36 PM, said:

Cattra I get that you and all the No Guts No Galaxy Guys are paid employees, that being said you really should moderate your White Knighting of PGI/IGP.

HAHAHAHAHA. I am not paid at all, enjoy that assumption though.

#398 Big Bad Werewolf


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Posted 13 December 2013 - 06:38 PM

April fools already? Oh no wait we've just hit the point where there is zero shame left. Things must be dire if you're charging 500 dollars for a mech. Oh look the Timber Wolf is the SECOND most expensive pack instead of the most, that's the only thing that has surprised me out of all of this I mean with a marketing department like this you would have thought they would know that would be the most in demand one and made it top tier. Guesses for what will be in the inevitable $100 reinforcement pack next month?

#399 Nicholas87


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Posted 13 December 2013 - 06:39 PM

Can't help but wanted to post this:

1. Joined Mechwarrior Online around mid of 2013.
2. Enjoyed the game for a couple of months + some $ invested here and there but not excessively.
3. Things start to get dull.
4. Some hope seems to arrived? Still play mwo a little but not as much.
5. Phoenix package arrived, etc. Did not purchase phoenix package. Waiting for further game improvements (significant ones), not sales after sales and minor bugs after minor bugs fixes. TLDR: In need of new contents.
6. Stopped playing mwo for a couple of months again. Opened game launcher just to do the patches.
7. Today: opened up mwo launcher, haven't clicked the patch button yet
a. Go to MWO site, saw an array of sales, mc sales, and now this. $500 for a mech. Might as well get myself a brand new
desktop or ps4.
b. Closed the game launcher. Uninstalling soon. Will miss my Ilya Muromets that I bought few months ago.

#400 James Montana


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Posted 13 December 2013 - 06:40 PM

View Postdivinedisclaimer, on 13 December 2013 - 06:23 PM, said:

Lol this game is going to die now, bye!

bye *****! Go stick that sword up your ***

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