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#1001 dervishx5


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Posted 13 December 2013 - 09:49 PM

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My face upon viewing the main page today.

#1002 Felicitatem Parco

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Posted 13 December 2013 - 09:49 PM

View Postdymlos2003, on 13 December 2013 - 09:43 PM, said:

You forgot about people spreading misinformation EVERYWHERE. Do people even read? There are people who actually think that the 240 package only comes with the Masakari. Dammit people if you want to whine atleast whine about things that are actually true.

The initial storm will settle down a little once everyone realizes the Mechs cost $10 each and they'll also be available for C-Bills. The only thing the "Package Deal" gets you is some 30% earning boosts and extraneous items.

Seeing how they did the Phoenix Mech releases, you can soundly expect the same, usual P2W/Money Grab arguments being thrown about: "Having early access to it makes it P2W;" and "Selling content we can't get yet/before CW is just a money grab for a sinking ship." In reality, though, it just meant a staggered release of publicly available content after the PREorder customers got their content.

The top-tier uber Clan Package is just a way for people to spend $40 a month

on MW:O for 6 months in exchange for the entire Clan arsenal + extras.

#1003 Dymlos2003


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Posted 13 December 2013 - 09:49 PM

View PostGihzmo, on 13 December 2013 - 09:47 PM, said:

I would say lets go to MW:LL and support them but.. oh wait, PGI worked to get them shut down.

Why do people call MW:LL their savior? It was laggy, you couldn't hit power armor or aerotech, and once a team got a couple of assaults the game became spawn camp city.

#1004 Fenris Krinkovich


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Posted 13 December 2013 - 09:50 PM

PGI, if you review my comment and post history you'll see that I've very rarely (if ever) been critical of your decisions. I've put $110 into this game this past year, which is by far the most I've EVER spent on a single non-subscription video game (and I've been playing video games SINCE THEY WERE INVENTED.) I've been a good customer to you.

I will never buy anything you offer for this kind of money. And honestly, I don't think I'm buying anything else until CW comes out and works properly. And maybe not until we get all the other stuff that was promised "at launch".

(And let me clarify by "this kind of money": I want the Thor. I get that you're basically spending $10 per mech with the packages, but I DON'T want an Uller or whatever the medium is. Maybe they're great mechs, whatever, I don't care and they're just dead weight basically. Effectively, I'd have to spend thirty bucks EACH for the three Thor models. NO. I'll buy them with C-bills when that's available in August/September. I'd be willing to pay $45 for the Thors themselves, 50% more than they cost as part of the package, but you somehow refuse to consider this option. So, instead of 100% of $45, you got ZERO percent of $90. YOU GET NOTHING SIR)

I'm not going to insult you or rage at you. I'm mostly just disappointed. And I feel a little bit like you're trying to take advantage of the same people who have carried you this far. Sales metrics will tell the tale over time, but from where I'm standing this is just too much. I've lost a lot of faith here.

Edited by Fenris Krinkovich, 13 December 2013 - 10:07 PM.

#1005 JDH4mm3r


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Posted 13 December 2013 - 09:50 PM

View PostRyvucz, on 13 December 2013 - 09:45 PM, said:

I was content with assault, albeit I would like it changed a bit, but hey!

it does get boring over time.

MW4 had:
Mission play
Team Destruction
Team Attrition
Team Battle
Capture The Flag
King Of the Hill
Team Aggression

I'm sure theres a bit more, but thats what kept it fun.

#1006 Y2kHippy


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Posted 13 December 2013 - 09:50 PM

If the dev's wanted to Hype the Clan invasion this is what a good PR move would have been.

- Form Dev 12 man drops into public games with the Dev's only fielding Clan Mechs that are over powered to what they will be balanced to.
- Over the course of a month, starting with 1 or 2 drops a day to then move 20 to 30 games.
- Each time a player kills a Dev in a Clan Mech that person will be given a unique redeem code to then get the Mech they killed for free in their Mech bay.
- The Dev's have the ability to do this with the Scalp a Dev competition they have ran previously. It will start a ground swelling rumor in the community witch will work far batter than this. And will also use the BattleTech lore by having strange Mechs on the battlefield with no one knowing what the ..... is going on and clearly being out gunned. After a month of this you then reduce the Clan Mechs back to the pseudo balanced state that you will be aiming for.

#1007 Ryvucz


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Posted 13 December 2013 - 09:50 PM

View PostSug, on 13 December 2013 - 09:44 PM, said:


Am I?




  • 1.

    a declaration or assurance that one will do a particular thing or that a particular thing will happen.

And has development stopped?

#1008 Brew E


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Posted 13 December 2013 - 09:51 PM

View PostRyvucz, on 13 December 2013 - 09:34 PM, said:

From the looks of it, they're not paying. :)

So no. :D

Hey I have an Overlord Icon next to my name too "W H I T E K N I G H T" So yes I have bought the right to complain Dezgra paid for lackey.

#1009 Dihm


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Posted 13 December 2013 - 09:51 PM

View Postdymlos2003, on 13 December 2013 - 09:48 PM, said:

Why does that matter? If you are willing to spend 500 for a gold mech then more power to you. Nah I'll just whine for the 240 for 24 mechs still.

24 mechs... 24 OMNI mechs. Wait, Omni mechs don't have variants, why are there separate chassis? There should just be EIGHT! amirite?

Posted Image

#1010 AceTimberwolf


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Posted 13 December 2013 - 09:51 PM

I do like the Design. Very Reminiscent of MechWarrior 3 Designs which for me I'm Sold. I can already hear the echos on Strana Mechty

#1011 Lord de Seis


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Posted 13 December 2013 - 09:51 PM

View PostRyvucz, on 13 December 2013 - 09:24 PM, said:

Show me exactly what they promised you.

Okay sure:

How about this little gem from December 9th, 2011:


There will be three types of world in MechWarrior Online. Core Worlds will belong to the devs. Major story events will happen on these worlds, and they can't be claimed by players. Faction Worlds can be taken, though. "Rewards for controlling these planets are directly linked to global bonuses and abilities associated with a player’s Faction," write Piranha. They've also posted a huge map of the Inner Sphere. Here it is:

This hasn't even BEGUN TO BE CODED YET!

And then there is this little interview with Bryan Erkman from October 2011:


A key part of this interview:
So the minute this game goes live, every day that passes in our world, it passes live in the Inner Sphere world. So August 1st 2012 is August 1st, 3049. And so we had a live content stream with a live, evolving universe going on as time progresses. We wanted to set it during that period of time because there's a lot of change. The Clans come down, they invade, there's the introduction of new technology. There's lots of story pieces that are happening, and lots of territory change.

Please explain to me where this "evolving universe" is exactly?

And thirdly the Offical Developer Update before the game went into OPEN BETA:


The one exception is the Community Warfare pillar which is a complex system but extremely important. In not wanting to delay the game, logic dictates it be added post-launch. Once fans are completely familiar with creating their 'Mech and pilot trees, the depth of Community Warfare will be added, with the core of the community experience projected to be in-game within 90 days of open beta.

The open beta commenced on October 29, 2012 and here we are now 410 days since the open beta commenced and 87 days past the game "release" I think it is again worth reiterating COMMUNITY WARFARE STILL HASN'T EVEN STARTED DEVELOPMENT.

If you need some more examples I will be happy to provide them.

Edited by Lord de Seis, 13 December 2013 - 10:19 PM.

#1012 Arkmaus


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Posted 13 December 2013 - 09:51 PM

Quick, somebody start a meme thread. LOL

#1013 MechWarrior Black Knight


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Posted 13 December 2013 - 09:52 PM

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1). TO SOON we should see that package AFTER CW and UI 2.0 when this will be launched for good , we should see that like 2 montchs before clan invasion

2). TO SOON we just spended money on phoenix package ! its to soon big pack after big pack

3). TO EXpensive phoenix package gived us 4 hero, 12 total mechs with 4 medalions with 3 montchs (+1extra if u bought early) premium time package for 90$ give us 3 hero , 9 total with 1 badge with 1 montch of premium , and best value package is 150$ u get 5hero ,15total mechs with 5 badge , 3 montchs premium and 5 horns whatewer they are , so its compared to phoenix for almost 2x more cost in money!

and ofc evryone wants mad cat / timber wolf for 210$

i dont even mention that 500$ mechs because this si crazy idea and guy on that mech is number 1 target even for friendly team

#1014 Skwisgaar Skwigelf


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Posted 13 December 2013 - 09:52 PM

The cost really isn't an issue. It's not a bad deal for what you're getting.

The problem is what you're getting is the EXACT SAME THING as it was 1.5 years ago.

#1015 ScrewCityChris


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Posted 13 December 2013 - 09:52 PM

View PostDihm, on 13 December 2013 - 09:51 PM, said:

24 mechs... 24 OMNI mechs. Wait, Omni mechs don't have variants, why are there separate chassis? There should just be EIGHT! amirite?

Posted Image

Yeah, I really dont get the variant thing. Whats up with that anyway?

#1016 Zeus X


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Posted 13 December 2013 - 09:53 PM

View PostLord de Seis, on 13 December 2013 - 09:51 PM, said:

Okay sure:

How about this little gem from December 9th, 2011:


There will be three types of world in MechWarrior Online. Core Worlds will belong to the devs. Major story events will happen on these worlds, and they can't be claimed by players. Faction Worlds can be taken, though. "Rewards for controlling these planets are directly linked to global bonuses and abilities associated with a player’s Faction," write Piranha. They've also posted a huge map of the Inner Sphere. Here it is:"

This hasn't even BEGUN TO BE CODED YET!

And then there is this little interview with Bryan Erkman from October 2011:


A key part of this interview:
"[color=#000000]So the minute this game goes live, every day that passes in our world, it passes live in the Inner Sphere world. So August 1st 2012 is August 1st, 3049. And so we had a live content stream with a live, evolving universe going on as time progresses. We wanted to set it during that period of time because there's a lot of change. The Clans come down, they invade, there's the introduction of new technology. There's lots of story pieces that are happening, and lots of territory change."[/color]

Please explain to me where this "evolving universe" is exactly?

And thirdly the Offical Developer Update before the game went into OPEN BETA:


"The one exception is the Community Warfare pillar which is a complex system but extremely important. In not wanting to delay the game, logic dictates it be added post-launch. Once fans are completely familiar with creating their 'Mech and pilot trees, the depth of Community Warfare will be added, with the core of the community experience projected to be in-game within 90 days of open beta."

The open beta commenced on October 29, 2012 and here we are now 410 days past and I think it is again worth reiterating COMMUNITY WARFARE STILL HASN'T EVEN STARTED DEVELOPMENT

If you need some more examples I will be happy to provide them.

So much truth!

#1017 Jeff Knight


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Posted 13 December 2013 - 09:53 PM

This sale had better go on for a very long time. There are many things that I want in the game before I make a commitment on this level. I avoided buying the Phoenix packs for this reason too. The game feels like a beta still. We need CW and UI2.0 before I will even THINK about doing this.

#1018 Sug


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Posted 13 December 2013 - 09:53 PM

View PostRyvucz, on 13 December 2013 - 09:50 PM, said:

And has development stopped?

Hard to say. Art department earns it's keep for sure.

Edited by Sug, 13 December 2013 - 09:54 PM.

#1019 Wu Jen


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Posted 13 December 2013 - 09:53 PM

View PostProsperity Park, on 13 December 2013 - 09:49 PM, said:

The initial storm will settle down a little once everyone realizes the Mechs cost $10 each and they'll also be available for C-Bills. The only thing the "Package Deal" gets you is some 30% earning boosts and extraneous items.

Seeing how they did the Phoenix Mech releases, you can soundly expect the same, usual P2W/Money Grab arguments being thrown about: "Having early access to it makes it P2W;" and "Selling content we can't get yet/before CW is just a money grab for a sinking ship." In reality, though, it just meant a staggered release of publicly available content after the PREorder customers got their content.

The top-tier uber Clan Package is just a way for people to spend $40 a month

on MW:O for 6 months in exchange for the entire Clan arsenal + extras.

Why then on the Founders pack and the Project Phoenix package did they put them by weight class? On these packs they put them in order of popularity = cash grab. If not then the Dashi would be at the top and not the Masakari.

#1020 Nunspa


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Posted 13 December 2013 - 09:53 PM

View PostLord de Seis, on 13 December 2013 - 09:51 PM, said:

Okay sure:

How about this little gem from December 9th, 2011:


There will be three types of world in MechWarrior Online. Core Worlds will belong to the devs. Major story events will happen on these worlds, and they can't be claimed by players. Faction Worlds can be taken, though. "Rewards for controlling these planets are directly linked to global bonuses and abilities associated with a player’s Faction," write Piranha. They've also posted a huge map of the Inner Sphere. Here it is:"

This hasn't even BEGUN TO BE CODED YET!

And then there is this little interview with Bryan Erkman from October 2011:


A key part of this interview:
"[color=#000000]So the minute this game goes live, every day that passes in our world, it passes live in the Inner Sphere world. So August 1st 2012 is August 1st, 3049. And so we had a live content stream with a live, evolving universe going on as time progresses. We wanted to set it during that period of time because there's a lot of change. The Clans come down, they invade, there's the introduction of new technology. There's lots of story pieces that are happening, and lots of territory change."[/color]

Please explain to me where this "evolving universe" is exactly?

And thirdly the Offical Developer Update before the game went into OPEN BETA:


"The one exception is the Community Warfare pillar which is a complex system but extremely important. In not wanting to delay the game, logic dictates it be added post-launch. Once fans are completely familiar with creating their 'Mech and pilot trees, the depth of Community Warfare will be added, with the core of the community experience projected to be in-game within 90 days of open beta."

The open beta commenced on October 29, 2012 and here we are now 410 days past and I think it is again worth reiterating COMMUNITY WARFARE STILL HASN'T EVEN STARTED DEVELOPMENT

If you need some more examples I will be happy to provide them.

Quick answer

there is no CW..... its a carrot being dangled before our eyes.

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