I will preface this with the fact that I am a former game developer, worked at EA and Telltale. Shipped BF:BC2 and MoH reboot, and everything that TTG shipped from Sam and Max S3 through Walking Dead S1. Most where {Scrap} games. I wouldn't have bought them.
I will tell you that the games industry sucks, it is usually a refuge for !@$%ups from other industries, especially in management/production and marketing. For me, it was worse than the military by a damn sight by the end I was wishing I had some AQs to shoot at again. I actually almost went back in, ut got a sweet cushy job in real software.
Personally, I think they are doing a decent job of it from a Battletech fan PoV.
The game is fun, though the content is now overpriced, IGP has jumped the shark on the price of the content and are in a poor place as if they keep jacking up prices the fans are not going to have it, and if the back pedal they have set a precedent that fans throwing fits get things changed. I honestly think that IGP is at a crossroads as far as the game's future.
The things that Burn my *** are:
- Hit Detection.
- Hand actuators/No Physical combat. FFS, let me punch people in my atlas/highlander. Give me something for the crit slot, yes it is only one spot, but that often costs a DHS.
- Pricing - this keeps going up, at 240 for the complete clan pack I can buy a video card or 2/3 of a PS4. For some players, that is half a months rent or a car payment.
- More Game modes
- More Maps
As for what I see others complaining about:
Your Blame for the most part is miss-placed. The Developer rarely sets pricing or the actual meta-feature implementation or what gets priority when it comes to the big stuff. That is all the Publisher, IGP there. So if you are like me and blown away and put off by the prices of the Clan stuff, that is IGP. The marketing and production teams.
If you are blown away by the fact that Match making and Hit detection are still buggy at best and broken at worst you should be pissed at the Tech team and Production team.
The fact that match making is still broken is baffling to me. A systems engineer should have had this fixed by now.
The fact is, PGI can promise features, and even be given the OK to promise them, but the green light to actually work on them is all IGP, specifically, the marketing team and the production team.
To be fair or call out PGI/IGP, mechs are cheap to make, an animator, 2d artist, and a content programmer probably spent about 2 weeks on the clan pack once the design and concept art department finished up, plus QA time if they have a dedicated QA team for the mechs. This also means that mechs and variants specifically are the Cash Cow.
Hit detection may take more, as it probably needs someone to collect and review stats and then setup and run sims or just face-grind QA on it. Either way, there is no excuse that this is still twitchy.
UI 2.0 is cheap, that is a UI(2d) artist and content programmer, or one guy who can do scaleform/flash. Cheap and easy. Seriously, there are you-tube tutorials on how to make CryEngine UIs. Maybe a day or two of actual work once you have the Spec approved.
Community combat is much more complex as it is going to require a lot of design, back-end work, and QA. All of which are traditionally bottlenecks in the production pipe. I would not be surprised if this is still a wish list item and we dont see it until late 2014/early 2015.
3rd person, while the community like to hate on it, should have been about 1/2 a day of work, about 8-10 lines of scripting and creating a new Camera + a few days of QA. Low risk, low time.
As for Game Modes and Map modes, these are complex and require a lot of design(Balance), art, and programming time. And even more QA time. I am impressed they can get a new map out every 2-3 months, but diversity in both areas is crucial. The fact that they omitted basic modes like CTF and death-match is asinine.
Other stuff, I don't keep tabs on.
So if you want a person to be pissed at, give credit where it is due. They all have their names in the credits under the publisher or developer and are broken down into departments.