Victor Morson, on 18 February 2014 - 12:44 AM, said:
I've said it before and I'll say it again, PGI's worst enemies are Paul and Russ, bar none. They are absolutely terrible at this as evident by, well, everything being posted here.
Paul is unwilling to admit when he's wrong and Russ pretends everything he says is right and presents these overly optimistic spins on everything that don't encourage confidence, but rather, come off like a parody from Robocop or Starship Troopers news feeds.
The main reason for posting these discussions and links isn't to get off-topic from the tier list.. but to encourage the followers here to become active in lobbying PGI to make positive and effective changes to the game now. Lobbying, as my post in that discussion thread, comes in many different flavours: moral, ethical, shaming, logical, $$$, etc.
When it comes to Paul and Russ.
We can only comment on their actions - I don't know them personally.
If I look at the videos and from what I've heard: they seem like genuinely nice guys.. they might be hard to convince of different points-of-view... they definitely care...
I don't agree with the direction MWO has taken over the past year so I'm trying to influence the direction now.
(Yay for pulse laser changes!)
But, I don't have the complete picture and the necessary information to understand why MWO has taken in the direction it has gone so I'll try to refrain from commenting on personalities and assuming the worse of people for now... I don't understand the technology needed to make clients, servers, mechs, etc. etc.. all work together properly..
BUT, bone-headed decisions are fair game for making fun of!!
(And likewise, I'm fair game for bone-headed decisions I make.. where's my Jiggggggieenova when I need him?

PS: New Tier List coming soon -- I wanted to test the Griffin but its release is being delayed again.
Edited by MavRCK, 18 February 2014 - 11:21 AM.